How to start Seapost Voyages?

  • Hi!
    I’ve had some time to play SoT again after a break, and my crew randomly found a Seapost and noticed we had a “level 1” on the Seapost.
    Then I googled it and found out that you can do Seapost to Seapost voyages which are solo-tailored. This sounds cool, but I couldn’t figure out how to actually start them?

    Another unrelated question: How to I get back the Mercenary Voyages, would love to play through from the start.

  • 13
  • @nordemoniac seapost to seapost voyages aren't available anymore, also mercenary voyages aren't there this month...
    The lvl 1 you have seen, was from "The Hunters Call", there are no voyages, you have to sell meat and fish to them to get the reputation
    Also cargo runs from the merchant faction leads you from time to time to the seaposts

  • Thanks!
    That kinda sucks, I thought the point of SoT was that all new content was there to stay?

  • @nordemoniac monthly limited updates have been occurring for nearly a year. They introduce new items or mechanics to the world, but the event itself will end and the world and its story will continue.

  • Friendly tip. Save ALL mermaid gems to sell to the seaposts as well as fish and meat. Really helps boost that rep.

  • @captain-coel That sucks. I rarely have time to play that often. I thought the only thing you’d miss on was the commendations etc. I remember doing the skeleton thrones and mermaids, but I mean - the mermaids are still there, just harder to beat.

  • @nordemoniac mermaids are actually easier to beat because of better food. and they ha even doing this since the very first update. you could only do the hungering deep for the first 3 weeks.

  • I tried the old Seapost to Seapost voyage a couple of months ago, because I just had one in my inventory, and they don't work any longer. When you get to the collection point, the NPC doesn't give you anything.

    Surprisingly though, a lot of the older voyages do still work. The rag'n'bone crate ones at shipwreck bay should still work, we did one last month. You won't get doubloons as they're out of date but the crates themselves are still worth 250 gold each and, IIRC, still count towards the commendations.

    I did an original Mercenary Voyage in the roar last night with my crew just for the laugh and we made a good bit of gold from it (around 45K).

    I've been trying to make my way through my old voyages recently as I have more than 20 still clogging up my inventory.

  • @realstyli that voyage stack is real though. I had 7 tabs the other day.

    If you remember the skull seaker voyages, they are busted and dont work anymore.

  • @captain-coel said in How to start Seapost Voyages?:

    @realstyli that voyage stack is real though. I had 7 tabs the other day.

    If you remember the skull seaker voyages, they are busted and dont work anymore.

    Good to know, I have a few of those. How are they busted? No skulls to dig up or no maps? Either way, I'll disgard those so.

    I know the Dark Relics were working a few months ago, I did a couple during a 2X weekend, but can't say for sure they still work now.

  • @realstyli when they removed skulls from the emergent captain maps they removed them from those quests. you kill a captaina and dknt even get a map.

  • @captain-coel said in How to start Seapost Voyages?:

    @realstyli when they removed skulls from the emergent captain maps they removed them from those quests. you kill a captaina and dknt even get a map.

    Thanks for the info!

  • Update for anyone who cares:

    I did a Dark Relic Voyage and Black Powder Stash Voyage, both in the Ancient Isles, yesterday and they both work fine and are quite lucrative.

    Each Dark Relic is worth around 4K at the OOS, and Black Powder Stash Voyages give a lot of crates (some of which are likely to be Fine Silks) plus you get a mega keg at the end.

    Going to try to get through as many of my back log of voyages as I can this month.

10 out of 13