Accuracy of skeletons

  • The accuracy of skeletons mostly flintlocks, I feel is too high. They practically hit every shot no matter the distance you are from them. It is becoming more frustrating to clear oos missions or skull forts when being one tapped by skeletons. I can understand just not being nimble enough to escape the shot, but when your behind a boulder or a wall and you get shot by a skeleton that physically cannot hit you is frustrating. I don't know what can be done the damage decrease or the accuracy. The problem is increased in an Athena mission because they are so powerful one shot from a flintlock skeleton and you are taking a trip to the ferryman.

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  • @oi-newbl00d

    Skeleton flintlocks do 25 damage regardless of level. This means four of them can kill you in a single volley, however one may miss. The skeletons currently have a randomizer which decides if they hit or miss, which is why they can hit you as you dodge and miss you while you stand still. If it was more based on movement, lowering the chance of a hit while you move, then that'd fix a lot of the problems. If you can time a cutlass dodge or a good jump, you can move after the bullet is fired and get out of the way of it.

  • IMO skeleton cannon accuracy needs more nerfing than regular guns. Mean aim miles away.

  • @ultmateragnarok

    That would be nice lol the whole movement based aiming lol

    I was doing a fort solo. Kraken watchtower. And every single wave had at least 4 or 5 handguns. I was getting one shotted across the fort lol I couldn't even see them and they were killing me on my boat when I'd respawn lol typically I can solo the fort but this time was driving me crazy since they never miss, they can shoot me through things etc

    I tell this story not to complain but make you laugh lol...because at the end of the fort a sloop rolled up on me and sunk me..I forgot I was in game chat and i was spewing mad venom at the fort for being such a pain lol the sloop heard me...killed me...and I messaged them and was like "omg I was so ticked at the fort and skelle I didnt even notice you! Well played!" And they responded "Yea we could tell lol the door is open..the fort is yours go get it lol" and they gave it back to me ha ha

    Minor tweaks would be fine.
    -skelle only shoot at close range with handgun (same distance with blunderbuss)
    -higher random miss generator
    -lower gun spawn rate

    They just shouldnt be nailing shots with the handgun like they are using an eye of reach lol hitting shots from a full fort distance away lol

    To be fair there are ways around it, using cannons..taking cover and making them come to you etc so if change happens cool if it doesnt it's still fine lol but I do consider their aim rather obnoxious lol

  • Skeletons are already an easy encounter, I see no need to make them extra mediocre in dealing with. One simple tactic is to use their fellow boney boys as shields to block the others shots.

    If people want to rework skeletons, sure. However, nerfs are the last thing these guys need. They are currently no challenge to a large portion of us.

  • @tubiansayne

    The original skeletons with EoRs were much worse, they did 50 damage a shot at longer ranges than even the flintlocks. Now they do 35 damage and only spawn on skeleton ships, but they were really difficult to approach sometimes back then. I think the current ones just need to miss when dodging, but if you want to you can outrange them with an EoR and snipe them from behind the walls of your ship.

  • @speckledonion said in Accuracy of skeletons:

    IMO skeleton cannon accuracy needs more nerfing than regular guns. Mean aim miles away.

    Cursed ships and skeletons on island cannons are NOT accurate - it just shows how easy your sailing makes it for them. Raise your sails a bit to slow down, manuever better to avoid shots, and get behind them where you can blast them to your heart's content while they struggle to re-aim.

  • @nabberwar

    I'm in agreement with making them more challenging lol

    In a different post I suggested letting them spew venom, have the ability to curse you, coral one that take more hits to kill, ashen ones that set you on fire etc.

    The more if a challenge the better lol it's all about strategizing! But skelle ships shooting literally OVER plunder outpost (from south to north side) and hitting me multiple times and sniping with flintlock is a pain lol I'm not pushing for nerfing, I'm just agreeing that it can be obnoxious lol

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