New arena modes!!

  • Hello everyone I am a "grinder". I log in, sail hunting commendations, and get off. I am a nightmare for the pvp community because I dont fight back, I'll run just to try and save my supplies. I feel bad for the pvp community because they want to have epic pirate fights, full on server wars, and fun stories to tell at the end of the day and a lot of times they log off saying "why does everyone run? This isnt sea of friends"

    I have done my share of arena and pvp and I also have friends who log in.."want to kill stuff" and will log off before I even make it across the map because they are bored.

    I dont want to remove pvp from the sea, I dont want to separate anyone. What I want is for my pvp friends and others to get that head to head epic battle they are looking for.

    Suggestion 1) Picture this. Arena map. Very center of the map is a fort. On the fort, instead of waves of skelle is one hard to kill boss. When the boss dies, he drops s key..first to open the vault door wins. Each ship..all gally, all sloop etc start out at the 4 corners of the map. The battle starts and its ALL OUT WAR at the fort! Cannons firing, gun powder barrels going off, sword fighting and gun shooting on the island. Everyone scrambles to kill the boss and get the key for themselves! It's a high paced arena where points are scored by how many you kill, who sinks, and who opens the door!

    Suggestion 2) Free for all. In the sea of theives it's not always about a crew. Your stranded on an island guarding your treasure when other blood thirsty pirates show up to steal it! The battle will take place on larger islands..plunder valley, old faithful, wanderers refuge, golden shores etc and will be an all of fight where the last man standing wins! Limited by a certain amount of respawn you will have to slash, snipe, or sneak your way to victory! Reward for this is based on kills, time alive, how many deaths etc.

    Suggestion 3) Skelle man-o-war!? Its a pvp fight skelle style! Same as the fort suggestion. 4 ships spawn in the 4 corners of the map and in the center..instead of a fleet of skelle ship is one..HUGE man-o-war! It's a floating treasure trove and you want it for yourself! Fight off the other ships, do the most damage and be one victorious! When the man-o-war sinks the fight is over! Reward is based on damage done, kills, sinks etc!

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  • @tubiansayne said in New arena modes!!:

    Hello everyone I am a "grinder". I log in, sail hunting commendations, and get off. I am a nightmare for the pvp community because I dont fight back, I'll run just to try and save my supplies. I feel bad for the pvp community because they want to have epic pirate fights, full on server wars, and fun stories to tell at the end of the day and a lot of times they log off saying "why does everyone run? This isnt sea of friends"

    I have done my share of arena and pvp and I also have friends who log in.."want to kill stuff" and will log off before I even make it across the map because they are bored.

    I dont want to remove pvp from the sea, I dont want to separate anyone. What I want is for my pvp friends and others to get that head to head epic battle they are looking for.

    Suggestion 1) Picture this. Arena map. Very center of the map is a fort. On the fort, instead of waves of skelle is one hard to kill boss. When the boss dies, he drops s key..first to open the vault door wins. Each ship..all gally, all sloop etc start out at the 4 corners of the map. The battle starts and its ALL OUT WAR at the fort! Cannons firing, gun powder barrels going off, sword fighting and gun shooting on the island. Everyone scrambles to kill the boss and get the key for themselves! It's a high paced arena where points are scored by how many you kill, who sinks, and who opens the door!

    Suggestion 2) Free for all. In the sea of theives it's not always about a crew. Your stranded on an island guarding your treasure when other blood thirsty pirates show up to steal it! The battle will take place on larger islands..plunder valley, old faithful, wanderers refuge, golden shores etc and will be an all of fight where the last man standing wins! Limited by a certain amount of respawn you will have to slash, snipe, or sneak your way to victory! Reward for this is based on kills, time alive, how many deaths etc.

    Suggestion 3) Skelle man-o-war!? Its a pvp fight skelle style! Same as the fort suggestion. 4 ships spawn in the 4 corners of the map and in the center..instead of a fleet of skelle ship is one..HUGE man-o-war! It's a floating treasure trove and you want it for yourself! Fight off the other ships, do the most damage and be one victorious! When the man-o-war sinks the fight is over! Reward is based on damage done, kills, sinks etc!

    well if there's going to be a skelly man o war then there has to be a man o war to take it down

  • @closinghare208

    That one was more catering to all the chatter I've seen about it lately. Like all my posts, it's an idea, not a perfect one..but a start. If rare likes it and uses it great but if not that's fine too lol the point is to add more hectic battles into the mix and less chest digging races lol people wanna fight head to head and sink each other I'm just suggesting modes to allow them to get the best battles possible!

  • @tubiansayne said in New arena modes!!:


    That one was more catering to all the chatter I've seen about it lately. Like all my posts, it's an idea, not a perfect one..but a start. If rare likes it and uses it great but if not that's fine too lol the point is to add more hectic battles into the mix and less chest digging races lol people wanna fight head to head and sink each other I'm just suggesting modes to allow them to get the best battles possible!

    yeah but the man o war should come first though

  • @closinghare208

    A new arena battle with a MAN-O-WAR would be a great introduction to them being in the game wouldnt it?? Lol

  • Lots of sweet ideas here! Endless possibilities! 👌 I fully support extra modes in the future for Arena!

  • @tubiansayne said in New arena modes!!:


    A new arena battle with a MAN-O-WAR would be a great introduction to them being in the game wouldnt it?? Lol


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