New Arena Mode Suggestion: Fleet Clash!

  • I suggest adding a new mode for Arena called "Fleet Clash." In this mode you'll have two teams of ships go head to head in a competition to secure a control zone that will periodically move positions. Points will also be earned for kills of either whole ships or individual pirates.

    Teams will consist of all three ship types, one type for each team. The crews will have the ability to either queue for the ship of their choice, or be fitted into whichever ship needs more crew. Crews without enough deck hands will have the option of opening their ship to other pirates for mid game joining.

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  • so a mode i cant play with a pre set crew

  • @XxCaptMichaelxX You can't get points for sinking ships, since it's water that technically sinks ships. Instead, as is now, you can only lose points for being sunk.

  • As much of a great idea this is in concept the reality would be horrible. AFK ships on your team while an active team just sinks you over and over. U til the current arena is perfected we can’t move on to something else

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx said in New Arena Mode Suggestion: Fleet Clash!:

    I suggest adding a new mode for Arena called "Fleet Clash." In this mode you'll have two teams of ships go head to head in a competition to secure a control zone that will periodically move positions. Points will also be earned for kills of either whole ships or individual pirates.

    Teams will consist of all three ship types, one type for each team. The crews will have the ability to either queue for the ship of their choice, or be fitted into whichever ship needs more crew. Crews without enough deck hands will have the option of opening their ship to other pirates for mid game joining.

    fortnite ,fortnite alert pirate game not fortnite but it's still a good idea

  • @galactic-geek said in New Arena Mode Suggestion: Fleet Clash!:

    @XxCaptMichaelxX You can't get points for sinking ships, since it's water that technically sinks ships. Instead, as is now, you can only lose points for being sunk.

    As it is only two teams it doesn't matter that much if one team loses points or the other one gains.

  • @jollyolsteamed said in New Arena Mode Suggestion: Fleet Clash!:

    so a mode i cant play with a pre set crew

    No, I'm suggesting that a preset crew can queue up to either fit the ship of their choice, or join a pre-existing ship that needs positions filled. Example: You and one friend want to join "Fleet Clash", but you don't want to use a sloop and would rather fill positions on a galleon.

  • @galactic-geek

    Seeing as how there'd be team situations I feel the game could recognise a player caused kill if an enemy ship sank after being hit. One already collects points from hits, why not kills?

  • @cleanfoal722263 said in New Arena Mode Suggestion: Fleet Clash!:

    As much of a great idea this is in concept the reality would be horrible. AFK ships on your team while an active team just sinks you over and over. U til the current arena is perfected we can’t move on to something else

    Well AFK is a possibility with a lot of multiplayer games including this one already, the point seems moot.

    However let's say that a whole ship on a team leave or it's whole crew is timed out. There should be the option to rejoin the same ship, and there needs to be the availability for that same ship to be re-crewed from new matchmaking mid game.

    If fact this form of matchmaking should be present in the current arena setting to keep matches fun and interesting. Whole crews leave often, reducing the amount of ships in any given game and I personally find it infuriating.

  • @closinghare208 said in New Arena Mode Suggestion: Fleet Clash!:

    @xxcaptmichaelxx said in New Arena Mode Suggestion: Fleet Clash!:
    fortnite ,fortnite alert pirate game not fortnite but it's still a good idea

    I fail to see the equivalency, haven't really played fortnite much. Is it really a similar idea?

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx Nice suggestion it is a real good idea, all other games have different modes in the arena

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx ... which is exactly why I said they need to perfect the current arena so your rely is moot :) so you are asking for a total rework of not only arena, but match making and the game itself. I see what you are saying and it is a good thing, but is not realistic at all with the current state of the game. They are releasing however a way to start arena with “ghost crews” so you don’t not have to wait for such a long que. by ghost crew they mean ships with no people onboard.

  • @cleanfoal722263
    Ok they're going to implement that soon? Hopefully they'll get it out soon, finding a match right now is a bit taxing.

  • @xxcaptmichaelxx yes and im saying if i want to go galleon i'll either be put in an empty lobby or my crew will be split

  • @jollyolsteamed

    What? No, not suggesting that you'd be split from your own pre-made group.

  • King of the Hill team-based mode would be well welcomed in Arena mode. I would also like to see a capture the flag team based type game with maybe capturing a ritual skull from the other teams area.

  • @pe0plesrepublic said in New Arena Mode Suggestion: Fleet Clash!:

    King of the Hill team-based mode would be well welcomed in Arena mode. I would also like to see a capture the flag team based type game with maybe capturing a ritual skull from the other teams area.

    Those would be perfect modes to implement. Boggles my Mind why there isn't something close already.

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