Methods for fast rep solo?

  • Im at 35/35/35 rep now, and have been playing off and on since release. But I think its time to really go all in and grind to pirate legend. At release it seemed like the best way was to do a skull fort with a full crew and then server hop until you find another active skull fort. First question, is that still the best method for a group? I play mostly solo but sometimes friends play too. When I'm not in a group, should I just do normal voyages?

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  • I think the best think you can do is play voyages in the devils roar. When you play order of souls, try to get the contracts with lots of small islands. When you do gold hoarder contracts, do the islands with the most chests or again, small islands! Play it with some musik in the background or with tv, if it gets to boring. That`s what I did!

  • So I decided to try it out, and I feel like it takes much longer to do anything. You need to spend more time gathering resources to prepare, you need to wait if the volcano is erupting near you (which happened twice to me in one voyage), and if you die, it's probably from a volcano and you're pretty much screwed since you're alone.

    This is what just happened to me. First I spent 20 min gathering nearly every resource on the outpost I spawned at to prepare for the worst, then some galleon came out of nowhere and sunk me. So then I spent another 20 min gathering resources, then finally set sail for the outpost in Devil's Roar. I arrived and bought my merchant voyages and grabbed a couple more resources and before heading. I went to Ruby's Fall to collect the cargo, except halfway through collecting the volcano started erupting. I sailed away and fished to kill time. 5 minutes later I sailed back and collected the rest of my cargo. I headed to the little seaport southwest and as I arrived the nearest volcano starteds erupting and hit me directly. When I respawned my entire ship was on fire, it was taking water, and the mast was down. In other words, everything that can happen to your ship besides actually sinking, happened. At this point I'm already sick of Devil's Roar and decided selling the cargo was the priority and managed to sell a crate of broken bottles for 1,400. Then I got killed again and I respawned in time to watch the boat sink. "At least I can still get something for the cargo," I thought to myself. But then I'm struck AGAIN by flaming rocks, the third time in like 2 min.

    I was watching a movie since I started playing and I spent about an hour and a half for 1,400 gold. This doesn't seem worth it at all for a solo player. The rewards are great, but idk if the time required is worth it. You have to constantly stop what you're doing and wait for eruptions and if you sink, you'll have a ship with no resources. But maybe I shouldn't worry about having resources because it seems like if the ship gets hit I'm probably dead, the mast is probably gone, and the ship is probably still in the volcano's range anyways making the ship a lost cause.

  • @eazy-elof join one of the many fleets in the looking for crew forums. Sailing with sailors who have higher voyages and more strategies will help you go up in rep the fastest.

    For solo, similar strategy as in the Roar. Only goto islands with many skeleton captains and chests. Avoid riddles, they are a time suck. Merchant is easiest as you turn in whenever you pass by a seaport. Just collect and sail.
    Loot is everywhere now making it easier to rep up.

  • Forts and crews are still the fastest way to level up. But let me give you some insights from a solo Pirate Legend.

    While some may suggest the Devil's Roar, I'd avoid it for the most part as a solo player. Like you discovered the time invested trying to get something done between eruptions and geysers outweighs the increased profit. The other tips he gave though were helpful and equally apply to other regions.

    Gold Hoarders will be the easiest to obtain, so I'd focus on it last as it will likely come naturally along the way. I did it first as it was the easiest and wanted to get some achievement at the time and there were a lot of events that help speed it along back then like the Mercenary quests. Order of the Souls will likely be the hardest/longest one to obtain - it was for me and those last few levels were a grind. Merchant isn't bad, cargo runs will get you there relatively painlessly. In addition, look out for special events which may boost a certain faction as they have in the past.

    Be a scrounger, check floating treasure and that which has washed ashore. Check shipwrecks, even the Reaper Chest ones as the competition for them has dropped off significantly so they are typically not contested as much anymore.

    You can pick and choose your voyages in order to get one's more favorable to advance, but at the same time you would be putting some limit on achievements that can be earned by not completing them all. Just something to be aware of if you are also working on completing all the achievements as well as becoming Pirate Legend. Still you will reach Legend before unlocking the complete 250 voyages for each faction or the 1000 miles sailed on faction voyages, even if you completed every voyage dropped on the table.

    Finally, if you find a good group of other players while in a session form an alliance with them to share the wealth. Be wary though, not everyone offering an alliance is trustworthy. My rule of thumb is to actually speak with them before entering an alliance and ignoring those that spam the pirate chat with "WE'RE FRIENDLY", "LET'S FORM AN ALLIANCE" as the majority of the time it is a trap.

  • To increase Merchant rep pretty quickly (make sure you have a few hours to play, this is most effective the longer you sail in a single session)

    Fill up your voyage screen with animal fetch quests (buy what's available, relog to refresh quest giver, continue until you get 3).

    Activate the first quest. If there are any chickens, grab the coops. You're going to focus on chickens, actually golden chickens.

    If there is a request for a golden chicken, set sail for a nearby island where chickens can be found and fill up all your coops with golden chickens.

    If there isn't a request for a golden chicken, grab all the coops and cancel the voyage. Start a new voyage and grab all the coops, if golden chicken: set sail. if not: cancel and start the third voyage.

    Basically stock up on coops and go out and collect only golden chickens. Then go turn in and cancel the voyage as soon as all golden chickens are turned in. Sail from outpost to outpost, buying animal quests and turning in any golden chickens.

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