Daily & Weekly Challenges

  • The title says it all! One thing I believe would keep people coming back regularly, ontop of all the great DLC we already have, would be the addition of Daily and Weekly challenges.

    These could operate somewhat like the Bilge Rat adventures but instead would focus on different tasks from around various parts of the game to give new and endgame players a sense of direction when sitting down to play.

    These challenges could be either given out specifically from each faction or maybe from a board hanging up in each tavern with a "To-Do" list stabbed to it.

    These could be relatively simple tasks to complete and could get done in 10 to 25 minutes each and grant gold for completing in addition to any XP earned for delivering/completing things. For example...

    • Kill 10 Grass Skellys: 1,000 Gold
    • Deliver 2 Snakes to Any Outpost: 1,200 Gold
    • Deliver 1 Splashtail to Any Seapost: 500 Gold
    • Get the Red Lenatern From the Well of Fates: 1,000 Gold

    These daily challenges could just be generic easily created or generated so that will just give players something to do each time they log in.

    These particular missions will be a little harder to complete and each could be completed in one long sitting or a few medium length sessions each week. They'll dish out greater rewards and XP as well...

    • Deliver 10 Pieces of Megaladon Meat to Any Seapost: 5,000 Gold
    • Completed a Fort: 8,000 Gold
    • Form an Alliance with Two Other Ships: 8,000 Gold
    • Kill 500 Skellys: 10,000
    • Complete a Tall Tale Without Dying: 15,000 Gold

    Obviously these are just some examples thrown together to showcase the concepts but I believe this framework could serve as a major addition to the game and would allow an endgame player like me a sense of direction when I sit down to play solo or just want to be apart of the world.

    What do you guys think?

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  • @stryker-osiris Maybe they could do weekly quests too? Like once a week you could buy (for free) a reaper's run (being able to select between like 5 islands) or you could buy a quest that is like halfway between a gilded and a normal voyage.

  • To then do what with the gold?

  • I am a fan of daily and weekly challenges, however I think there should be some geared toward PvP as well. Maybe 6 daily quests (3 PvE and 3 PvP, random or rotating), and 2 weekly challenges (1 PvE and 1 PvP, also random or rotating).

  • @bactatankbill No to the PvP daily/weekly challenges - having voyage-based daily/weekly challenges will naturally affect PvP - for example, a daily that requires catching 3 devilfish means you're more likely to find pirates in the DR.

  • @galactic-geek I do see your point, however I was under the assumption that there would be some kind of limited cosmetics (or commendations, achievements, and/or titles) associated with completing numerous daily and weekly quests. If that's not the intent, then I'm fine with dailies being only PvE oriented

  • dailies would be the worst thing ever. no doubt they would be used to 'incentivise' the least popular activities, and would go hand-in-hand with diminishing returns for grinding activities you may actually want to do. this will all be done in an effort to manipulate internal metrics to showcase just how popular the most boring content is.

    an example of how this would most likely play out in the real world:

    • your first oos/goldhoarder/athena quest today grants 100% rep, but each subsequent run will reward 50% rep.
    • but todays daily is 'merchant madness'! earn 50% more rep for your first merchant quest of the day, then half rep for each thereafter.

    the effect is that players learn that today you do a merch for a slight boost, with all other activities suffering a nerf. tomorrow you do an oos for a slight boost with all other activities suffering a nerf, and so on. somehow, the newest, most popular content will never have an associated daily.

    no thanks!

  • @tehstepford

    That's not how it would be laid out. It would be a small bonus for one thing, with no changes to anything else. Say it is something like 3 Gold Hoarder quest completions. Those 3 quests are nothing different, but you get a bonus gold and reputation reward for doing the three. After that, you don't get anymore bonuses, but you don't lose anything. You can completely ignore them and play the game as you normally would if you want to.

  • @tehstepford they would not do anything to make other things worse lol?? if they add dailies they would buff the reward to something and after you do it, it would go to normal. the exact same way every other game in existance does dailies lol.

    and anyways, dailies like earn more rep for doing this mission isnt a daily, thats an xp boost. dailies would be like, kill 100 skellies, and this might be rewarded with 1k gold. sure this might make people play OOS more that day, but it wouldnt deminish anything else, they wouldnt be like hey this is a daily mission, so we are gonna make it so gold hoarders gives half lol fudge you our players, lol hahahah haha get rekt our community, you have to do dailies haha ha ha. nah mate thats not how anyone does dailies, go look at fortnite and how they do dailies, sometimes its litterally just about going to a certain place.

    honestly i dont think you even read the OP because you seem to have a lack of understanding of what dailies would be.

    and if you did read the post and thats truely what you believe dailies would be, well then thats not what the OP is asking for and that is not what anyone is asking for, and people would not be happy if they did it the way you suggest it would be.

  • Guys guys guys, let's be civil here! :D I definitely see where the guy is coming from. He is worried that it'll throw off the natural progression systems, or the devs might use it to promote the least popular activities. But to everyone elses point, and my own OP, I think this would be a great way to just provide players an alternative daily and weekly grind. I kill 1,000 skellys a week on my own it seems, but if there was a weekly challenge that would reward me for something like that then I would be stoked.

    I know a lot of games already do this so I know it's a successful concept. I probably put and extra 200 or 300 hours into Destiny because of the daily and weekly challenges in that game. It just gave me a sense of direction and daily motivation to hop on and see what challenges are going on.

    One idea I had too, similar to Destiny, was a Weekly Mission which would be an alteration to a Tall Tale for an added layer of difficulty. For example there could be a weekly challenge to complete the Brigsy fight but the Skellys do double damage. Something like this could add replayability to the Tall Tale missions and add variety to the gameplay.

3 out of 10