can we have letters of rep for athnea? come on rare

  • where are the rep letters for Athena every one else has them why not Athena we need them for Athena and we need them soon at least in the next month I'm not going to wait another year for them because I waste my gold on Athena's now so I want to use my doubloons on them

  • 44
  • No thanks, sorry to disagree.

    But as soon as they were introduced for the other factions we've seen loads of people rocket up the ranks.

    Don't rush to get to PL 10. There's nothing more to do once you get there.

    Sit back and enjoy the ride. :)

  • @closinghare208

    Oh absolutely not. There are only 10 Levels to Athena, I completely disagree to any sort of shortcuts to this progression.

  • @closinghare208


    There are more ways than ever to get Athena rep, from commendations to a chest being available in a vault. One does not even need to meet or find a legend anymore to progress.

    There are more and more people speeding their way to the highest level to then complain they have nothing left to progress on. There is no need to add a shortcut that adds nothing for those that already achieved it. Want more ways to progress, make sure it adds gameplay so I can also enjoy it.

  • @closinghare208 almost got me with this one.

    Sarcasm accepted!

  • I disagree but if they were, they should cost 500 doubloons

  • @closinghare208 said in can we have letters of rep for athnea? come on rare:

    where are the rep letters for Athena every one else has them why not Athena we need them for Athena and we need them soon at least in the next month I'm not going to wait another year for them because I waste my gold on Athena's now so I want to use my doubloons on them


    As somebody who's not even close to becoming PL myself, I say never. You have to earn your PL to even see Athena content(or crew with a friend who is PL) or tough luck. #BeMorePirate

  • Why would Duke have any influence over Athena's Fortune? He doesn't have much of a connection with them.

  • @closinghare208 Just do the voyages or do FOTD and stop being lazy its just that simple.

  • @closinghare208 i doubt they would do that, and if they did it would have to cost like 100 dabloons each lvl

  • @dreadpirate9200 Indeed, that is how the game should be played. :)

  • @closinghare208 no i want new PL content

  • Buy once per year during a full moon.

  • @marsupiosam-qc buy 0.00000000000000000000000000001% every 100 years

  • This is a horrible idea. Why are so many looking to take the easy way out? This is why those who were legend in the first six months and athena 10 by forst year are so quick to look down on new legends. Buying levels should have never been introduced to the game. It was bad enough when alliances allowed for quicker progression.

  • Absolutey NOT, that would completely break the game.

  • Blocked.

  • @closinghare208 sure good idea but they will have to cost 10k doubloons per level

  • @d4m0r3d way more than 100 definitely 5000 or 10000

  • @dreadpirate9200 ok

  • @fast-bike94 I mean ok

  • @closinghare208 so no your going to have to do athenas if you want to level up athenas and im glad thats the only thing they haven't ruined progression with those stupid letters just play the game instead you buy your levels you lose your bragging rights

  • @jollyolsteamed I mean I waste my gold because I don't like to solo them and no one wants to do them anymore

  • @closinghare208 Not a fan of this idea. With other factions there are 50. This means if you do one a month thats around 5 years, if you didnt turn in any loot etc. Athena goes up to ten, its a grind, its meant to be. Enjoy it. Steal some athenas, do some voyages. Itll be worth it once you reach it. Took me maybe a month to get from 0 - PL 10.

  • @mferr11 said in can we have letters of rep for athnea? come on rare:

    Why would Duke have any influence over Athena's Fortune? He doesn't have much of a connection with them.

    Never actually considered this angle but its a hell of a good point.

  • No

    Work for it like all us PL10s had to do. It's now more easier than ever with Ashen Athena's, commendations and the FOTD.

    Stop asking for shortcuts to the end game, plenty have been added already.

  • Nope.
    If its one thing, Ive seen more Non-PL wearing the Athena titles than anything. Not a huge bunch but enough for those who grinded them.

    I dont wanna see more of them just because they bought them.

  • in before triggered Day 1 LVL 10 Pirate Legends

    But dude, just NO. That would be a load of bologna and a LOT of people would not be happy. There’s only 10 levels so get over it.

  • @closinghare208 well I mean I still have to grind, I'm still only just about to be PL7 but, I'm having fun with the game and tend to good off a lot lol but I'm still doing stuff when needed and being serious when needed too but more than that, those letters only take the fun and shorten it.

    Athenas is meant to be the way it is bcuz it's what us legends need to do to challenge ourselves with how difficult the skellys can be and stuff.

    How can you call yourself a legend, if you cant even grind out the work worthy of the title itself?

  • @fast-bike94 lol 5000 is abit crazy, i dont think i have even ever earned 5000 dabloons, that is a whole lot of dabloons, like i dont even know if you can earn that many dabloons. you are talking about dabloons right, the bilge rat coin, blue. not gold. idk im not sure anymore lol

  • @jollyolsteamed you dont really, no one knows if you bought letters or rec anyways

  • @d4m0r3d I mean I'm at almost 8k from just stealing people's reapers when they came out and yeah blue coins

  • @xix-zeno-xix said in can we have letters of rep for athnea? come on rare:

    @closinghare208 well I mean I still have to grind, I'm still only just about to be PL7 but, I'm having fun with the game and tend to good off a lot lol but I'm still doing stuff when needed and being serious when needed too but more than that, those letters only take the fun and shorten it.

    Athenas is meant to be the way it is bcuz it's what us legends need to do to challenge ourselves with how difficult the skellys can be and stuff.

    How can you call yourself a legend, if you cant even grind out the work worthy of the title itself?

    I mean I can but no one wants to help me do it so I have fun

  • These rep letters should not even be in the game. A true legend takes no shortcuts. And being an A10 is much faster than it really should be.

  • @closinghare208 bro just turn in a bunch of ritual skulls to the stranger then, otherwise I have no idea what to tell ya. Getting to A10 isn't as great as is it sounds, there is like nothing to do afterwards for legends.

11 out of 44