What am I doing wrong?!

  • I’ve been using every trick in the book; I’ve done everything everyone else has done!! But for whatever dumb reason I’m never able to successfully hide on people’s ships or able to sink them or anything.

    Like, I’ve tucked in the nest but that’s proving faulty. I tried behind the map table. Of course somehow that doesn’t work either even with lights off. I can’t sneak in a rowboat, I can’t swim to a ship without being suspected (trust me it’s hard to hear mermaids when doing a fort), and I am NEVER successful with just going in guns blazing!!

    I can defend my ship just fine but I do tend to still fail. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong!! I wanna try what experienced sea of thieves gamers do, but I always get caught or my plans are ruined. Every single time. I’ve never had success when trying to sneak or tuck or even just ambush on supposedly unsuspecting ships.

    This is genuinely frustrating, and I need help!

  • 22
  • It only works on inexperienced crews. You have to try and fail and server hop a lot until you find the good unexpecting inexperienced crew working on an interesting quest which means it needs a lot of patience.

  • @agent-samuraii
    @JetOrchidee97 is right. It takes a special kind of stupid allow someone to camp your boat. These ppl can be tough to find.

    It seems like im most successful if i can find a ship parked at an island and then park at the island next to it. Then swim all the way there and hope sharks dont eat you. I have even swam with a keg all the way to the next island.

  • @agent-samuraii strap in buddy and prep for a wall of text...

    Allow me to introduce myself. Im Zherron Vorse, self proclaimed stealth master within the Sea of Thieves. And i don't say that lightly.. I sneak at least once every play session and play at minimum for 20 hours every week. I have made 3 different guides for stealth but regrettably i am on lunch break at work and dont have it on my phone..

    Short tricks to know.

    • Dark/muted clothes
    • No pegleg
    • Lay with head/spine pressed against wall to hide nametag
    • underwater your nametag is hidden from above but you make a ton of noise by moving
    • everyone can be snuck up on if done right
    • ships are overrated.. Swim. No joke. Try it
    • predict the enemy's movements by learning their patterns
    • dont use items/weapons near the enemy, experienced players will hear you
    • no shoes makes your footsteps much quieter, but boots hide your feet

    People get sloppy when they are relaxed. If you can board a ship while it is sailing in the middle of the ocean they are more likely to not see/hear you. Silent board by lining up the ladder then letting them come to you. Get onboard when people jump over or are interacting with something.

    Mermaids are your worst enemy while sneaking. Get onboard a ship (tucked. Not on the kadder). Once the entire enemy crew is onboard your mermaid will go away if you are onboard too.

    Dont rely on 1 spot. Move with/around the enemy crew and avoid detection. Of you have no shoes on and can read people well.. You can walk circles around the enemy without being seen.

    There is much more but i gtg back in. Best of luck.

  • @zherron-vorse said in What am I doing wrong?!:

    @agent-samuraii strap in buddy and prep for a wall of text...

    Allow me to introduce myself. Im Zherron Vorse, self proclaimed stealth master within the Sea of Thieves. And i don't say that lightly.. I sneak at least once every play session and play at minimum for 20 hours every week. I have made 3 different guides for stealth but regrettably i am on lunch break at work and dont have it on my phone..

    Short tricks to know.

    • Dark/muted clothes
    • No pegleg
    • Lay with head/spine pressed against wall to hide nametag
    • underwater your nametag is hidden from above but you make a ton of noise by moving
    • everyone can be snuck up on if done right
    • ships are overrated.. Swim. No joke. Try it
    • predict the enemy's movements by learning their patterns
    • dont use items/weapons near the enemy, experienced players will hear you
    • no shoes makes your footsteps much quieter, but boots hide your feet

    People get sloppy when they are relaxed. If you can board a ship while it is sailing in the middle of the ocean they are more likely to not see/hear you. Silent board by lining up the ladder then letting them come to you. Get onboard when people jump over or are interacting with something.

    Mermaids are your worst enemy while sneaking. Get onboard a ship (tucked. Not on the kadder). Once the entire enemy crew is onboard your mermaid will go away if you are onboard too.

    Dont rely on 1 spot. Move with/around the enemy crew and avoid detection. Of you have no shoes on and can read people well.. You can walk circles around the enemy without being seen.

    There is much more but i gtg back in. Best of luck.

    Pretty much everything this person above me said ------^^^^

    Theres a thing me and my crew NEVER do, thats wear Athena gear or anything that glows. For the sole fact that it freaking glows. You are literally a beacon while trying to sneak on board.

    So wear neutral colors. Ever wonder why all the really good PvP players wear the all black stuff? Its all black, blends in when the sun is down and blends in really well in shadows.

    Next thing to mention is HOW to hide. Never do the crows nest. If they got Gun powders sprawled out I guess sure as long as they can't see you.

    The part behind the captains chair on galleons, you have to do it PERFECTLY or you'll be seen. When you are trying to sleep emote behind the chair you have to realize that the character will sleep at a SLIGHT angle. That angle has going to be PERFECT with the chair and wall straight across or again you'll be spotted.

    Sloops and Brigs are harder to hide on so its only a matter of time before you get found out but if they have treasure hopefully you can hide under it.

    Hope this helps and good lucks broski.

    SIDE NOTE slight story time. I was doing a Tall Tale with a friend on a sloop while a brig was doing a fort right next to us. Again rule of the ship is we ALWAYS have someone on ship. ALWAYS. Even on sloops.

    I was just scoping down towards the brig and I kid you not, this glowy feather pops out of the water and goes back under. This was at night and if he didn't have the glowy feather on he would have made it closer to the ship before I heard his swimming, but I saw him WAY ahead of time.

    I shot him in the water and he got on mic and on app and accused me of hacks and said he was going to report me, NO WAY i could have seen him yada yada yada.

    Its very important to dress for the occasion in this game.

  • @agent-samuraii the only thing left to add is mute your mic or enable push to talk.
    Anything that seems out of the ordinary triggers experienced crews to search the ship. A lamp is now off, fish is missing, a chest moved, or pulling a weapon out making a noticeable sound, etc...
    Leave their ships alone and be silent until you are ready. If you are caught, attack first to maintain the upperhand.

  • @d-jaguar

    I’ve always done that - I don’t touch anything and I always mute my mic when approaching ships

  • @agent-samuraii said in What am I doing wrong?!:

    I’ve been using every trick in the book; I’ve done everything everyone else has done!! But for whatever dumb reason I’m never able to successfully hide on people’s ships or able to sink them or anything.

    Like, I’ve tucked in the nest but that’s proving faulty. I tried behind the map table. Of course somehow that doesn’t work either even with lights off. I can’t sneak in a rowboat, I can’t swim to a ship without being suspected (trust me it’s hard to hear mermaids when doing a fort), and I am NEVER successful with just going in guns blazing!!

    I can defend my ship just fine but I do tend to still fail. I don’t understand what I’m doing wrong!! I wanna try what experienced sea of thieves gamers do, but I always get caught or my plans are ruined. Every single time. I’ve never had success when trying to sneak or tuck or even just ambush on supposedly unsuspecting ships.

    This is genuinely frustrating, and I need help!

    try it on noobs then you'll get it

  • @zherron-vorse

    I heard about the no-shoes thing. And I generally do wear dark clothes (my pirate is a gothic butch rebel type pirate, and she’s BUFF), but the top she wears is the red sleeveless one. I can change it tho!

    I already knew about the nametag thing but it’s hard to position my pirate swiftly enough to not be detected.

    Yeah people who aren’t even incompetent still have a hard time remembering about mermaids and I’ve boarded some people while having an advantage cuz they’re too busy sailing. People who do pay attention? I’ve sometimes survived being shot at cuz they don’t shoot usually until I’m on the deck (I jump IMMEDIATELY and it’s saved my hide more than once), or I slide down when I feel they’re gonna pull the trigger so they’re busy reloading (people rely too much on their blunderbusses) while I’m already on the deck.

    Stealth is a hard thing in this game when almost everything makes noise of some kind.

  • @agent-samuraii The only thing I would add to the others is play the long game.

    • The mermaid can mean death. Avoid triggering it near other boats if possible. Any competent group will spot it.
    • If you're hopping on a moving ship, chill on the ladder. Your name will be visible if you're too high but it's better to use that as your ride if nothing else is available.
    • Your character can move when the waves are strong. You can go from being tucked to your head sticking out and ruining the spot.
    • This goes back to the first one but any competent group will expect you. If I'm doing an athenas on a server where I've seen other ships, I'm going to have someone watching the ship at all times. My group will also search the entire ship before the last island going over all known hiding spots.

    Sometimes it is just dumb luck that people don't see you.

  • Everyone is wise to it now and most of us check our ships and the 'tuck spots', 90% of SoT PvP videos are now titled '(add your favourite twitch steamer here) Hides on a ship' so everyone knows the 'Tuck' spots, also using emotes so your avatar can half clip into inanimate objects to give you an unfair advantage is an exploit and would get you banned on any other online game so I wouldn't recommend it, if you really insist on imimertating twitch streamers Iwould just stick with white sails and PUGs as most are new to the game.

    When I first started playing PvP was about rolling up onto a rival ship in an epic ship to ship battles with cannons firing all over the place, with PvP boarding action on the decks, now pvp is in a sad state. PVP in sea of thieves =
    hide on a ship hope know one spots you, shoot the mega keg and clean up......rinse and repeat, PvP in this game is dead.

    I don't mind people hiding on ships to steal
    my stuff it's kind of cool, but it has got to the point were almost all of my PvP encounters involve someone trying to hide on my ship and it's becoming a bit tedious.

    Anyway good luck in your sneaky endeavours :)

  • @agent-samuraii

    Tucking, oooef now a days requires not just the ability to get there and hide. After that it is luck on how paranoid and experienced the target is. Keep in mind streamers and youtubers spend hours playing and it are their successes or funny ones we get to see. It has become quite difficult, though there are some tricks you can try like tucking mid mast at the back or a galleon, or be lucky and jump down while they climb up to avoid detection. It just is true that people run a sweep of their ship more often to counter play this happening to them.

    Ambushes on the other hand is just not giving away that you are there. Forts is cool and can provide some cover, but if I am at a fort or island and I hear even just one cannon shot go off, be sure that I will check my ship and horizon in some shape or form. For these to succeed, hit hard when you do. Even if they detect you, you should be close enough to cause chaos which your crew should be able to use, timing and opportunity is everthing. If you are solo, well it just is a lot harder... become a God I guess in the eyes of your opponents and out skill them hard to keep pulling that off.

  • sail with us, add me on xbox and send a message. vapor1080 - we wreck almost everyone out there. once and a while a crew gives us a run for our money but we can show you all the mechanics

  • You could do like Summit does and fill your server with puppets!😂 I've seen that guy hide in ridiculous places like next to the map table on a brig and not be noticed with guys passing him 10 times! In other words don't believe everything you see.
    Remember that your mermaid disappears when you are in a rowboat. Stay on your rowboat if ships are approaching an island you're on. Try to position your rowboat opposite of the ships approach. Don't move towards the ship until you see activity on the island. That way any mermaid popping could possibly be theirs.

    Outposts are by far the easiest place to board a ship. The crews are usually about their bussiness which gives you plenty of opportunities to tuck.

    How long you can tuck is dependent upon how diligent the opposing crew is concerning ship safety (My crews check tucks prior to exiting islands).
    Have fun!

  • @agent-samuraii You do realize "tucking" was never meant to be a thing. Its honestly very easy to find players hiding if you are paying attention. With so many popular streamers doing it, it brought attention to it and its becoming increasingly harder to do. Doing it against players who know about it and care enough to be aware, it can be near impossible.

  • @slay76 ye what black clothes i seen players sleeping on islands and their gamertags was seeable,im not sure is that everytime the case,and on the boat u can hear or even see the mermaid(except he boards you with a rowboat) ....black clothes...

  • @vapor1080

    I’m not THE BEST at PvP and I don’t exactly know how to run larger ships though... I just don’t want you getting frustrated

  • It's almost impossible against any crew that knows what they are doing. A good crew will spot you and just leave you there thinking that you are safe. Then kill you when the time is best for them. At least, that's what we do.

    Against inexperienced crews (or crews that just don't care) wear neutral coloured clothing (or none) and sleep emote in quiet place facing away from a wall or object. If you are lucky this will mask your gamertag.

    It's easy to do. But it all comes down to the experience of the other crew. Our Bilge Rat runs a check of all the hiding places on board out of habit (and boredom). We know them all.

  • @agent-samuraii said in What am I doing wrong?!:

    (she’s BUFF)

    This might be causing a lot of your problems, actually. Nearly every streamer who 'tucks' uses the smallest, skinniest character model for their pirate. The bigger body types are exponentially easier to spot while sleeping on a ship. It's all about dem wide shoulders.

  • Have you tried the yardarm? If you are careful enough, you can conceal yourself pretty well with the mast while resting on the yardarm.

    Another perk of the yardarm is that it isnt nearly as subject to pitch and sway when scoping through the glass.

  • Ive usually adopted a torpedo rowboat approach.

    Instead of trying to sneak on, now i just load a rowboat with a keg and just thrash the oars towards the parked boat.

    They spot me and take shots and a lot of times miss.
    They’ll either hit the boat when im too close or never hit me and i just run on a keg them...and my main ship will be parked away and safe.

    Sometimes they shoot the keg when im a safe distance away and just i die but my boat is still safe and i can respawn in time to sail away

    But sneaking on the ship can be tricky i must admit.

  • You can tuck inside treasure with the new hide emote. Only inexperienced players dont check for people tucking. Sometimes more experiences players will not notice as well, but its rare. You cant tuck if people know you're on their ship. If they see your rowboat or your mermaid they're going to look for you. I've tucked on a boat for 10 mins before they inevitably came to my tuck spot and found me.

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