Suggestion: Mermaid on demand?

  • Has anyone else felt annoyed by those mermaids that give away your position?
    I have.
    Or has anyone been annoyed by the mermaids that just won't show up when you need them to? Yes, I have.
    My suggestion is to have a seashell or something to call your mermaid to teleport you back to the ship. This way you can just call in your mermaid when you need it and won't let it give away your position when trying to sneak onto a ship.

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  • Rare has already answered this. It's not happening. Both from a lore and gameplay standpoint. Lore wise, we don't control the mermaids/men. They help us as a favor for having helped them in the past. Gameplay wise, Rare has stated that they don't plan on ever giving control of when/ where the mermaids spawn to the player. They may adjust the time to spawn/ distance to spawn but that's it

  • @tholzak

    The idea of summoning your merfolk has been discussed to death, and there are a few reasons why it never went anywhere. First, gameplay: mermaids can be very erratic, but you can learn their patterns (for the most part) and control what they do. Swimming out to sea on the other side of an island can make them swim over to you, not touching the water can make one not spawn when sneaking on an island, etc. As it stands, mermaids around islands are one of the only warnings an alert crew will get to an ambush, be it on a stronghold, an outpost, or any random island. Many crews don't even look at them anyways, and continue ignorantly about their duties. You'd be surprised how many crews will do that. The other reason is the lore: Merfolk cannot hear or speak surface languages, or even understand them should they be conveyed. They appear to lost sailors to prevent those sailors from being afflicted with the Curse of the Drowned, a curse they themselves suffer from and would not wish upon anyone, no matter the deeds committed by the pirate they rescue. Artifacts capable of communicating with them are rare, and giving one to every pirate on the Sea of Thieves would not be possible.

  • Alrighty!

    I didn’t know this was already addressed, explained and dismissed by Rare.

    Thanks for commenting all, I consider this thread answered and closed.

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