Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: February 20th 2019

  • @el-dth-taco How can you compare the other? Day 1 eye patch was for every one who were here from day 1, Mercenary set was only for xbox and limited to few countries so many players couldnt get it from the begining.
    How can you compare that to the Mercenary set?
    Use your head.

  • @tre-oni Dude Mercenary pack was a mess as i told to someone else it was limited to xbox and for few countries, its not about whining it was really unfair.
    Its not like the Pre order Black dog that you understand that that you are pre ordering the game but you get something from it and everyone can get it.

  • @biostructr But what about all the pc players who couldnt get it from the start and all the countries who couldnt get into that deal?
    It was a bad choice thats it.

  • @shakes-mcqueen From what ive heard the Mercenary pack is slightly diffrent the eyepatch and more tiny details so it is diffrent from the upcoming one.

  • @archangel-timmy You mean the spinal figurehead not bonecrusher, and it says on the card: Exclusivity limited to 60 days minimum. Anyway don't really care about it, I had similar problems with items from other games, not SoT, but how come they didn't released the spinal figurehead yet, its been months.

  • @biostructr said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: February 20th 2019:

    @archangel-timmy You mean the spinal figurehead not bonecrusher, and it says on the card: Exclusivity limited to 60 days minimum. Anyway don't really care about it, I had similar problems with items from other games, not SoT, but how come they didn't released the spinal figurehead yet, its been months.

    You are correct. I put the wrong name in there, I will fix it to avoid confusion :)

    It does say 60 days minimum, so their is no upper limit on when they will release it. I am surprised it hasn't made its way out yet though.

  • @biostructr sagte in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: February 20th 2019:

    @archangel-timmy You mean the spinal figurehead not bonecrusher, and it says on the card: Exclusivity limited to 60 days minimum. Anyway don't really care about it, I had similar problems with items from other games, not SoT, but how come they didn't released the spinal figurehead yet, its been months.

    Yeah I missed the chance to get the Spinal Figurehead! Because I got the Huntress Figurehead before via an SoT-Store Purchase and it was released a few weeks later at the Forsaken Shores Update! So I thought I’m waiting this time with the Spinal one, it’s arriving sure on the next Update(Shrouded Spoils) but still nothing :(

  • @faceyourdemon said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: February 20th 2019:

    @biostructr But what about all the pc players who couldnt get it from the start and all the countries who couldnt get into that deal?
    It was a bad choice thats it.

    Im canadian, with a full year xbox live subbed prior to that. I made it work.

    As did several PC players.

    It's excuses and regret. That's all.

  • @KING-DEKA @Archangel-Timmy yep I am waiting for it to come in the game shop because it looks nice but I don't know what plans Rare has for it. Yesterday they put some codes in WinWednesday giveaway that they make every week.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: February 20th 2019:

    @el-dth-taco How can you compare the other? Day 1 eye patch was for every one who were here from day 1, Mercenary set was only for xbox and limited to few countries so many players couldnt get it from the begining.
    How can you compare that to the Mercenary set?
    Use your head.

    1. I am a PC player.
    2. Its not only for xbox.... To get the xbox live achievements on PC you have to have xbox live. To have the game pass you have to have Xbox Live to play multi player.
    3. Yes it might be limited to countries but you can get it... I ordered mine from amazon Germany before I knew that it was going to be released in the US.

    So before you try to insult someone and tell them to "use your head" maybe you should use yours and get your facts straight.

  • @el-dth-taco Yep, same. Got mine through Germany.. and as we can see, not exactly close being in Canada, but not even close to impossible.

  • @faceyourdemon i bought a 3 month gold code at gamestop to get the code for the mercenary stuff...costs 20 Euro
    I just buy 1 year codes for 60 Euro, so I paid 5 Euro for this outfit...
    Got it now?

  • @schwammlgott I do yes but they said that it would be exclusive for a limited time.

  • Of all the things in this video that I thought would get the attention... The Mercenary set isn't what I thought would do it!

    Was hoping to see more feedback based on the new opt-in Pioneer news.

  • @musicmee Looking forward to the opportunity to be participant within the Pioneers program.

    The best piece of news from this dev update.

  • @friedwilly Aye, there are a few people I know that are super keen to help test Pioneer stuff so I can't wait to see how that one turns out!

  • @musicmee Only viable if NDA stops factoring into pioneer or they become very very very selective, and enforce heavily.

    Otherwise, pioneer becomes Waterworld, its capital... Leak City.

  • @tre-oni And that's what I am most worried about... the NDA, keeping the element of surprise and delight, while at the same time not being elitist or pulling the drawbridge up behind me.

    I am sooooooo conflicted on this, it's tearing me apart!

  • @tre-oni I don't think the pioneer program should have an NDA. They should want to test this stuff and get feedback to filter out bad ideas and bugs. If you make it ridiculously hard to talk about the changes by limiting it to only a small group of people then it kinda defeats the point.

  • @musicmee Thats the thing with pioneer too, bitter sweet with trying to be surprised.

    What I get hyped most about with pioneer is thinking about how pleased or happy people might be with things, and surprised.

    Leaks don't really do us any favours in the surprise department, they dont do any favours for maintaining trust, and they don't really do people any favours on how to temper expectations, or hype.

    Idk if opening the floodgates does any favours in the long run.

  • @betsill said in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: February 20th 2019:

    @tre-oni I don't think the pioneer program should have an NDA. They should want to test this stuff and get feedback to filter out bad ideas and bugs. If you make it ridiculously hard to talk about the changes by limiting it to only a small group of people then it kinda defeats the point.

    All you do when you open a PTS is make an area where people congregate simply to mess around with new stuff, you don't get the same feedback, you pull attention away from the actual live game, and split people between "servers"

    There's no real reason to make it large scale and free reign. Open it up to more people sure, but NDA should still apply, and it shouldn't just become an alternate game type to live game.

  • @tre-oni Sorry I didn't mean it should be open to everyone. There should be a limit still or it would just get out of control. I think everyone should be able to see what's going on and talk about it though. I've seen plenty of games that do this and it works pretty well. Having a pioneer only forum should still be a thing so that you will have a place where only people who have actually experienced the content can discuss, but opening up to everyone else on normal forums as well would be a good thing IMO to get different perspectives.

  • @tre-oni sagte in Official Sea of Thieves Developer Update: February 20th 2019:

    @musicmee Thats the thing with pioneer too, bitter sweet with trying to be surprised.

    What I get hyped most about with pioneer is thinking about how pleased or happy people might be with things, and surprised.

    Leaks don't really do us any favours in the surprise department, they dont do any favours for maintaining trust, and they don't really do people any favours on how to temper expectations, or hype.

    Idk if opening the floodgates does any favours in the long run.

    Yeah and that’s the reason why I never would join the Pioneer Program! I’m loving the hype, I’m loving the surprises and new things added at an Content Update Release Day! I hate spoilers! And that’s why I’m afraid of the reddit forum, there were some leaks in recent times :(

  • @Musicmee
    I am very excited about the changes for the programme, as I have always been super keen to get involved.

    However the NDA does throw a curveball into the mix. I am hoping that Rare let you opt in, then they run a check on your profiles. Almost like security clearance veting.

    I hope for them not to lift the NDA. As this for me is one of the attractions of pioneers, being that you are trusted with the information you see.

  • @rich223820 Aye, I am hoping there will be some sort of clearance thing going on. There are several members that I am sure Rare will have listed that have broken the NDA in the past and will not just want them taking part again.

    (All my own guess work of course)

    But people like your good self (and a few other names I can list) deserve a chance at being a Pioneer, to see and test the good stuff coming down the line.

  • I've always said the Mercenary set was the one clear case of a previously exclusive set that could be sold in the game, or released in other ways. Glad to see I'm still on the same page as the team at Rare. :D (Honestly, the only exclusive set I don't think she be opened up is the pre-order Black Dog set. I can understand arguments against Ferryman and Midnight Blunderbuss, but, again, the payment was really for the items that included those in-game items - so, I could -albeit begrudgingly - agree with them putting such things into the game in other ways).
    Wait... I can't recall if I said this already (besides before they put out this dev update), lol.

  • RE: Pioneers...

    Yeah, I'm happy that more, qualified people will get the chance to help the pioneers (as the mysterious selection process seems to not include plenty of fine would-be testers). That being said, it'll require more work from someone at Rare to grant, deny, and/or remove access according to the player's behavior, especially in relation to the NDA.

    As for myself, while I've felt I'd be a fine pioneer (I've done plenty of testing for previous titles I loved), I didn't want to know ANYTHING about the Hungering Deep, Cursed Sails, and Forsaken Shores before they were launched!
    However, I'd definitely love to help with the Arena and other things they have going on right now, including combat balancing.
    I feel like the nature of the updates have changed, for the immediate future, plus my mentality with the game and its progression/development has grown into something I'm okay with testing (and learning of things before they're released) now.

    As always - just my thoughts... standard 5 gold charge for reading the above, thanks!

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