What does Sea of Thieves mean to me? #SOTAndMe

  • @KnifeLife
    I always liked what you write when you post and i like your pic because i'm convinced of the philosophy of Zhuangzi, Laozi and Liezi and so the Yin and Yang and WuWei principles.
    I always need to convince myself about the following saying and if i'm strong today i want to approach all and everyone with this in mind.

    "The world isnt full of a....holes, but they are strategically well placed so you meet at least one of them every day."

    Bet wishes and have fun playing!!!

  • @bugaboo-bill Thank you mate that’s very kind!

    And it was actually an old member of the forum who made it for me, I just picked the images and designs. But I have always found Taoism very interesting and have found life is all about balance, you can’t have happiness without sadness and vice versa. I suppose it’s just how you handle yourself in those situations is what defines you :)

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