Order Of Souls Skulls!

  • SO, they may have taken me MONTHS longer than expected. But I've finally finished up the 1st couple of skulls.

    I know that others have already made some, but as a sculptor I had to make sure that these were as close to the actual game skulls as I could possibly make them.

    I'm now working on the other skulls, and also working on some that not only light up, but also whisper too.

    Simply had to paint one up as one of the GamesCon, Gold Hoarder skulls, cause those things are awesome.


  • 13
  • @sirbats Dude that is so cool! Well done, good sir!

  • @sirbats Saw this on reddit, awesome job!

  • Wow! Those look absolutely fantastic!

  • Kudos on some amazing work.

    I'd happily part with coin for one if not a few of these beauties.

  • @sirbats Wow! These are amazing, nice
    Work! 🙂

  • @sirbats
    Yep, these are the best I've seen so far
    Take my wallet ya filthy pirate, yarrr

  • @sirbats Wow it looks so good! Awesome work!!

  • How much? 😁

    Look very cool.

    I want one glowing and whispering.

  • @sirbats nice

  • @sirbats you are the best pirate I've ever seen

  • @sirbats those are really cool, Good job!

  • @sirbats so good. I want one.

11 out of 13