Do Any of You Remember Me from Last Year?

  • Just wanted to let any of you that remember me, to know that I’m a much better Pirate and not as scared to solo sloop. It probably has to do with me becoming Pirate Legend and treasure doesn’t mean that much to me. I still suck at sword to sword combat, but since having roaming skellie ships, I have become much better with the cannons and long range cannon shots.

    Thank you to all that helped me last year.

  • 14
  • I definitely remember your name, yes. Glad to hear you're doing much better!

  • I remember your name!

  • I remember you. Glad to hear your getting better and still enjoying it!

  • @purplemajic Ayeee I remember the name! Glad you have found a more comfortable place on the seas which suits your styles.
    Also congratulations on becoming PL!

    @New-World-Clogs Probably not the best idea to say you made a new account to circumvent a ban lol! Every person I know who has done that have been banned within a week, but kudos for going 4 months!

  • @new-world-clogs sagte in Do Any of You Remember Me from Last Year?:

    @knifelife Maybe not the best idea. On the other hand... does getting banned again really matter? More important to say hello to my old friend purplemajic.
    If I got banned once for speaking the truth and encouraging open discourse and get banned again for being friendly then I can hold my head up high.

    Arhahaha... so did I.

  • good ta hear !

  • @purplemajic Wellll, that name is a blast from the past!

    Welcome back matey, glad to see you sailing these waters again - and congrats on reaching Pirate Legend!

  • Will you give me a prize if a say yes?

  • @guepard4 sure! All I have is a red speckled chicken. You still want it?

  • Ahoy @new-world-clogs

    As talking about disciplinary action goes against the forum rules I have moderated your post. I have included a link below to the forum rules.

    Please read and abide by the forum rules going forward.


  • Of course i remember your name (...* What ? Did he dare to say " of course "...Dumb yokel, ya can't remember what you did 5 minutes ago - Come on, Sunshine , not today ,leave him alone * Huh, he's always alone...No serious , wait ,knock knock knock , yow mooooorooooon , did you find yer keys ,that you left on the kitchentable)...It felt a bit as a Forumloss as you suddenly stopped writing , too many people seem to dissappear but i'm glad you're back and....Oh ooooow, i lost my keys , oh no , i don't know where they are ...( * Hihihihiiiiii, look at the panic in his eyes , his routine is broken ...heheheeeee he is so lost - You're sick Sunshine * Maybe...But i'm happy now...)

  • @purplemajic dijo en Do Any of You Remember Me from Last Year?:

    @guepard4 sure! All I have is a red speckled chicken. You still want it?

    Obivously yes! I only hate the white ones.

  • Yeah its very liberating when you become Pirate Legend. Once the shackles are off, losing treasure isn't as much as a worry as before and you can enjoy the freedom to take more risk when it comes to PVP.

3 out of 14