(Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes

  • @targasbr said in (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @x-crowheart-x After all this, I think you really did not understand the proposal of this topic.

    I understand completely. Unfortunately, I like almost everyone else knows what the original intent was and continued purpose still is.

  • @targasbr Well it is used in my country so I fail to see the problem of the terminology. If you buy a pack of franks or hot dogs, they still are a hot dog with out the bun. The bun does not make it a hot dog, much like a bun does make a hamburger a hamburger.

    You completely don't address any of the points made. I am done talking to you as you are quite hysterical and ridiculous and this thread has pretty much amounted to you telling everyone they are wrong and you are the only one that is right. You need to step back and breathe some.

    @MarsMayflower I think that is just semantics and terminology. I have always referred to franks as a hot dog. When I go to the store I go I have to pick up a pack of hot dogs not franks. Depends on where you live. But removing the bun still does not make the frank not a frank. Or for me a hot dog not a hot dog.

  • @shinten-rai Sorry if the way I said it seems hysterical and ridiculous, I did not mean to look like this. It's just my way of speaking (writing).

  • @shinten-rai a hamburger without a bun is just a patty, in my world.

  • I'll give my opinion again when the number of 300 contributions is exceeded... (Sweatheart, where is my popcorn?)

  • @marsmayflower disse em (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @shinten-rai a hamburger without a bun is just a patty, in my world.

    Here in Brazil, Patty is a name... A terrible name, but still a name...

  • @goedecke-michel disse em (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    I'll give my opinion again when the number of 300 contributions is exceeded... (Sweatheart, where is my popcorn?)

    There are only 48 left. Let's wait.

  • @targasbr
    What a load of condescending drivel your OP is.
    You should basically say " I'm a PC PVP player, the rest of you need to stop crying & git gud"

    Do you not understand that people have different ways of playing games & find different things rewarding. Yours is being a bloodthirsty murderer, we get it, but not everyone wants to play that way. But if you want to force that playstyle on the rest of your server you can & will.

    Your advise is next to useless & is just a trumpet blowing exercise. It's players like you that are hurting the game & who keep repeatedly shooting down anyone who's opinion on the forum differs from your personal ideals for this game.
    Have some consideration for other people's opinions & you won't come across as such a hole

  • @sort-out-xplay

    Welcome to the community! Hope the voyages ahead treat you well!

  • @sort-out-xplay Dude, I'm actually an Xbox player. I played on PC on Beta, but i prefer to play on Xbox.
    It is bad to judge people, you should know me before you judge my play style.
    Did you read all the comments in this post? Read.

  • @targasbr
    Nope i didn't. I can tell what sort of 'player' you are by the way you belittle all the major issues that us xbox players face. Also your xbox app profile shows you're a pc player!

  • @x-crowheart-x
    Many thanks m8y :)

  • @chronodusk
    Your version of a PvE server sounds horrible. LOL

    You could literally keep the current server as it is....create a PvP only server and the amount of PvP on the "PvE" server would diminish greatly.....thereby creating a "PvE" server. (note the quotation marks)

    Which is exactly what Rare is doing. Their upcoming Battle Royale server (obviously not what they're calling it..lol) is an attempt at distracting a large number of the PvP crowd so that the PvE crowd will get their long awaited breather.

    Will it remove PvP from the current server completely?
    Of course not. There will still be a possibility of PvP piracy. Just diminish it greatly!

    In the current server state, piracy (or, "look a ship let's crash into it for no reason....yaaarrrrr!") isn't just a threat, it's a near certainty.

    This splitting of the servers has been discussed ad nauseam on this forum and, now that it's being addressed/implemented, is a supreme example of how the OP's perspective is flawed.

  • @targasbr
    Of course it works.
    Many of the changes that have been made, are being made; are specifically due to the comments, suggestions, critiques on this forum, reddit, youtube, twitter, fakebook, and so many other platforms.
    I highly doubt that the developers scour the forum for ideas and say, "disregard the topics that have thousands of threads...only focus on the topics that have been posted a single, solitary time."

    Also, many of the threads that sound useless or unnecessary are accompanied by ideas, examples, descriptive stories and the like demonstrating that the OPs of those threads have put a fair amount of thought into their idea or suggestion.

    Perhaps your hot dog shop could ALSO serve burgers....see what I did there?! I just doubled your customer base and retained what made your shop popular in the first place.
    Its juicy hot dogs!!
    You are welcome! :)

  • But @shinten-rai , you're thinking about this too rationally.
    You're actually involving logic, evidence and history into your comments.
    Please, please, please....incorporate more hyperbolic grandiose irrationality into your next response.....or......I just might unsub upon you.
    ;) L0L

  • @sort-out-xplay disse em (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    Nope i didn't. I can tell what sort of 'player' you are by the way you belittle all the major issues that us xbox players face. Also your xbox app profile shows you're a pc player!

    This is a video I recorded recently, it was just a blast, I did it for fun. If you watch the controls that show on the screen, you will see the platform I play;)

  • @targasbr
    & if i search for you on xbox you come up as no games played yet!!
    How is that possible? Oh yeah, that's because you're a pc player who tells fibs.

  • @sort-out-xplay disse em (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    & if i search for you on xbox you come up as no games played yet!!
    How is that possible? Oh yeah, that's because you're a pc player who tells fibs.

    Maybe a bug. I play SoT almost everyday, and i stream sometimes on mixer. Just go and check.

  • @targasbr
    Give it up m8, it's easy to spot pc players on xbox app.
    No games or only play anywhere titles in their history & very low gamerscore is a complete give away!!

  • @Sort-Out-Xplay I think you are searching in the wrong place...

    Need more?

  • @targasbr said in (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @wolftopia You can easily avoid the Meg, just go to an Island and she will leave you alone.

    It's not about avoiding the Meg. It's about the Meg being special as opposed to being something you see all the time.

  • @wolftopia I particularly find it strange a giant shark dropping tea boxes when he dies... But ok...

  • Allow me to be your 50th upvote m8 ;)

    This post is really well put together. Well done.

    But I will say...

    If they don’t give me the option to order Rum at a tavern for an extra 10 Gold pieces,

    I’m gonna lose it on ALL OF YOU.

  • @targasbr said in (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @Sort-Out-Xplay I think you are searching in the wrong place...

    Need more?

    Don’t want to be the guy but that’s not the Xbox dashboard? That’s the Windows 10 for PC lol.

  • @targasbr said in (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @wolftopia I particularly find it strange a giant shark dropping tea boxes when he dies... But ok...

    I just picture her regurgitating all the loot, before slipping off to the depths to nom on more that has sunk

  • @knifelife Wrong. These screens were taken on a Mac, when I took out I was at work (as I am now), I just entered here and printed. Follow a full screen print.

    If it bothers you so much, I'd like to post a picture of my Xbox. Not only that, a photo of my 7 years old daughter playing SoT on the Xbox at christmas. She does not complain about crossplay, does not complain about safezones, does not complain about double gun. Able to even play better than most players here.

    Already good or do I need to film my Xbox working?

  • @targasbr Doesn’t bother me at all mate lol. I just said that isn’t the Xbox Dashboard. xD

  • @targasbr Dude, cable management bro, that is all I will say... LOL

  • @targasbr Ok, that is not all I will say. You are very brave having a 7 year old with your xbox balancing like that. In my house, it would end up knocked over and on the floor, probably broken, if I did that. She must be very well behaved for you to trust that it will be ok like that.

  • Fortunately I was only there because my wife and her friends were in our bedroom watching a movie. I usually play in the bedroom, and I would not put it there if it was not without my supervision. The Xbox was for free, but it does not mean that I'll treat him badly just because it did not cost me anything.

  • @OMOFO-1 Please refrain from using derogatory language directed at others on the forum, as it is a violation of our forum rules. Your post has been removed accordingly.

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • @targasbr said in (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    The only advantage of those who play on the PC is the use of macros.

    That's an ill informed opinion.

    Better Lady Aiiou?

  • @omofo-1 read the whole post and your comments, you will see that we have much more information than just mentioned in the first post.

  • @targasbr said in (Please) Stop begging unnecessary game changes:

    @omofo-1 read the whole post and your comments, you will see that we have much more information than just mentioned in the first post.

    I'm just addressing this incorrect statement, I agree w/ most of your post, but anybody who has played on both platforms knows the huge advantage KB&M have in terms of sight acquisition and movement.

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