Hey SoT community, have you noticed increasing lag spikes?

  • I've been sailing off and on during peak and non peak hours these past few days since the update came out and I'm noticing increasingly worse lag spikes. I typically have about 80ms for my region and it will sometimes spike up to 200ms which causes teleporting or stuttering.

    My crew mates were reporting the same similar behavior.

    I was wondering if anyone else is getting this as well.

  • 28
  • @personalc0ffee Slight lag a few days ago, bit of rubber banding. Haven't really noticed any since then though.

  • @personalc0ffee
    Had some more noticeable rubberbanding during my sessions yesterday, most noticeable while jumping on and off the ship or when climbing the Monkey Tower.

  • @personalc0ffee hey there,

    Yes we also have noticed this mainly just before some sort of ingame event happens:

    Fog loads in
    Meggy spawns
    Kraken spawns etc

    We notice a ping spike double that of the regular ping

  • @thor-von-blitz said in Hey SoT community, have you noticed increasing lag spikes?:

    Had some more noticeable rubberbanding during my sessions yesterday, most noticeable while jumping on and off the ship or when climbing the Monkey Tower.

    Right, yes that's it rubberbanding. Thank you Mr. Thor. I couldn't remember the term.

    Rubberbanding and teleporting with ping spiking. That's what I'm getting.

  • @mr-dragon-raaar said in Hey SoT community, have you noticed increasing lag spikes?:

    @personalc0ffee this happens to me as well. huge jumps up to 200-300. ive noticed it mainly going on and off the ferry but that is most likely because ive got that little bit of downtime so look at the ping display.

    I've noticed it pretty much all over the place. Ferry, events, fog, regular island exploration. The frame rates been getting worse too, especially around outposts and islands close to the roar.

  • Aye, First time experiencing rubber banding in this game. Better than getting disconnected I suppose.

  • @personalc0ffee I’m getting significant rubber-banding; mostly when sailing solo since last update?

    Trivia: Crewing with friends is almost lag-free

  • @thetwistedtaste said in Hey SoT community, have you noticed increasing lag spikes?:

    @personalc0ffee I’m getting significant rubber-banding; mostly when sailing solo since last update?

    Trivia: Crewing with friends is almost lag-free

    So it is not consistent. Some are not getting it at all, some got it for a little bit, and some are getting it consistently such as myself.

    My guess is, it has to do with all the new stuff being active a lot of the time and it will improve over the next few patch updates. They really need to work on improving the fps around ancient spire and plunder outpost areas as well. I can look one way below deck and I got 80 and I look another way and I get 40. It is crazy..

  • It might be due to the rising volume of concurrent players if the Black Friday deals & Game Pass deals attracted any new players.

    And the generally positive coverage since the Shrouded Spoils update wrapped up all of the new content updates in a neat little bow. All of which has attracted new players and the return of players (I fall into the latter category).

    Equally it could be more to do with the newest update which has brought a lot of new features in. But since they’re using Pioneer testing more I figured the newest updates would be a bit more polished, hence why my guess was the concurrent players which they may have been less prepared for.

  • @ell635 said in Hey SoT community, have you noticed increasing lag spikes?:

    It might be due to the rising volume of concurrent players if the Black Friday deals, Game Pass deals attracted any new players.

    And the generally positive coverage since the Shrouded Spoils update wrapped up all of the new content updates in a neat little bow. All of which has attracted new players and the return of players (I fall into the latter category).

    Probably a bit of both, tbh. To say that neither of these would cause performance impact in an online game would be a folly.

  • @personalc0ffee No idea what my ping is, but since SS dropped I've noticed stuttering and rubber banding is pretty common now - even when I'm in the middle of no where with no other players around me.

    I've also noticed many islands, especially outposts, take a long time to render now. Often not fully rendering until I'm practically jumping ashore.

    Last point, my load times, I'm certain it takes longer to load back in to the game from either a mermaid or the ferry than it ever did before.

    My guess is they still need to find the right balance after introducing all the new features.

  • @personalc0ffee Indeed. Also the reduction of targets to earn achievements will certainly have brought a few gamerscore hunters back into the fold too.

  • @luciansanchez82 said in Hey SoT community, have you noticed increasing lag spikes?:

    @personalc0ffee No idea what my ping is, but since SS dropped I've noticed stuttering and rubber banding is pretty common now - even when I'm in the middle of no where with no other players around me.

    I've also noticed many islands, especially outposts, take a long time to render now. Often not fully rendering until I'm practically jumping ashore.

    Last point, my load times, I'm certain it takes longer to load back in to the game from either a mermaid or the ferry than it ever did before.

    My guess is they still need to find the right balance after introducing all the new features.

    If on PC so you can see Ping display. You turn it on under fps display options and then say FPS and Ping.

    I don't believe Xbox has this ability. I think it should but I digress.

    Yes, noticed all these things you've brought up Lucian.

  • @personalc0ffee hopefully there’ll be a fix soon.

  • I've been noticing them yesterday. I'm glad I was just doing some random commendation hunting for the festival of the damned so dying was part of the plan, but it was slightly annoying.

  • @hynieth said in Hey SoT community, have you noticed increasing lag spikes?:

    I've been noticing them yesterday. I'm glad I was just doing some random commendation hunting for the festival of the damned so dying was part of the plan, but it was slightly annoying.

    Could you imagine it in a PvP battle?

  • there are definitely some lag spikes happening lately. I also notice some major hit detection problems too. I'll get hit marker after hit marker and the person does not die in close combat. no bananas. So the hits just aren't registering it appears server side.

  • i'm getting this issue aswel since the last patch.

    Sometimes i dont lag at all an at other game sessions my ping goes up to 300 and i start teleporting all over the place.

    My friends have been saying the same thing. Internet works fine, but as soon as they launch Sea Of Thieves they lag pretty hard.

  • I've always noticed a bit of lag with my connection - it happens whenever my brother does an upload or otherwise hogs the network. This usually results in skipping/teleporting/falling off ladders and the ship. However, just the other day, I noticed something I had never noticed before; the entire ship momentarily sailed backwards, like a rubber-band - this kind of thing might be normal in other games, but I had never seen it in SoT... The kicker? Everyone else in my crew noticed it too; so it wasn't just me.

  • 90 - 120ms here on my local server, felt like I was playing on 300ms.

  • @PersonalC0ffee

    You are correct. Rubberbanding, teleporting, and other lag issues have become more persistent since the last two updates, more so since the gilded voyage update. There can be an associated lag spike, but not always.

    My ping unusually averages 45-49 ms. Sometimes these issues pop up with no ping increase at all. FPS does not always take a hit either. Game just hiccups. Happening everywhere, mostly when approaching things as mentioned. However, it can occur sailing, swimming, and just walking around.

    It is interesting as I read a post by Katt from the person who cleaned things up so they could bring the mermaids back and allow the game run better. Something is going on. These issues were bad at launch so yes more players playing could be an impact. Was way more playing back then though.

    However, the ship and crew limit should compensate. Plus, as mentioned with all the merging lately we are sailing mostly alone. Would mean a taxing issue distributed across the entire system if it is player based. Was not happening like this prior to the Black Friday pickup. Sad to think adding a few thousand more is causing the issues.

    It is more than likely the result of so much more added to the game now. Content load has always been a problem. We all wanted and still want more content. It could bring more issues than having less things to do.

  • @personalc0ffee I am on Xbox One X, so I don't know the stats. But I will say, even just first loading into the game is slower. At least it is to the point of getting to the first menu where you select ship/crew type. I get stuck on "Enlisting Pirate" all the time, and the time it takes to load past that changes each time I log in. Yesterday it took well over 20 seconds from the time I actually started counting before it loaded. And I didn't start counting right away.

    Re-spawning on ship is horrible. Especially if you are in the middle of anything, PvP, skelly ships, meg, kraken, anything. This seems to be true whether it is from the ferry or from a mermaid.

    As for rubber banding. I do notice that it seems to happen more often, though I would say only slightly more than before.

    Generally, when I see the rubber banding, it is usually when there is a lot going on in close proximity to where I am at that time.

    I know the issues are not on my internet connection. And I can't believe that the Xbox One X is the problem. Though I have read that upgrading the SSD will help with load times, I am not sure that the load times I am experiencing are solely because of that.

    On another note, they have drastically improved loading to Athena Fortune, but when you first load into the area, your character jumps around for a quick second before stabilizing. Even with that jumping around added in, the time is still much faster to load.

  • When loading back onto a galleon's lower deck after death or by mermaid, I often hear the sound of rushing water or waves, which is always very disconcerting because it makes me think that the ship might have sunk.

  • ye .

  • Going to hop on for a bit. I'll let you know how it goes now that it has been a few days later.

  • OK, it's only been a couple of hours and I've seen 300-700ms and rubberbanding all over.

    So it was not just a one day thing.

  • I'm on PC and I also have some many Issues like yours. Not only me, but my Crew and even "interviewing" some Server-Crews, not only closing in to Outpost but also on PvP, and even on blank-see, with Ping-Spikes up to 1000 ? O.o I was shocked, until We realized..that they came over and over again : ( Game Killer

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