Athena Missions..

  • My crew mate and I have sailed together almost since day one. We are both PL, and Athena lvl 5.
    The last three days we have ran Athena. Two different missions gave us a Disgraced skull from one of the skeleton missions, and the merchant wanted a white and red Chicken (umm crazy right). Not that we care about the disgraced skull as we only take the villainous skulls and leave everything else.
    My understanding of the game has been as you lvl up so do your missions. So why the disgraced and low chickens?
    Athena skeleton missions are more challenging as they are. Then factor in a two man crew, and the random white skellies that spawn with gunpowder barrels every 5 seconds it seems (on some islands). Only to beat a captain and a disgraced skull drops.
    It’s like rare saying haha the jokes on you. When this happened the first time my crewmate killed the captain so it popped up on my screen. I was like ummm did that just say disgraced? No way that said disgraced. I even ran to it to pick it up to see if it was really a disgraced.
    Has this happened to any of you? If so how often? Just wondering if it was a crazy roll on mission or if it’s something that happens frequently.

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  • @w4r34gl3-4-l1f3, One of the reasons they do this is because of the commendations. It's very hard to get lower items if you only do the highest level voyages. The only other way to get those is by helping lower level players. They can't always give out the best items or it would be impossible to get those skulls.

  • @semperletalis But those lower lvls chests and skulls we still can get from bottles. And we had a lot of them some months ago ;)

    We only use the white chicken for checking the compass...

  • @xxmrvincexx said

    We only use the white chicken for checking the compass...

    Dang. Why didn't I think of putting those freeloaders to work?
    Ms Piggy, you're on sails. Cluckles, what's our bearing?
    I'm gonna have a little nap now and when I wake we had better be at Golden Sands.

    Yeah, that'll work. :o)

  • @w4r34gl3-4-l1f3 Yeah we've got some woeful loot from Athena voyages too.
    Unfortunately it's not a one-of occurrence.

  • I have maybe gotten a disgraced skull, but never a red or white chicken quest. Sounds to me like bad luck.

  • YUP! i have been getting disgraced (and mostly hatefuls) , even the occasional seafarers, annd yeah these drops need a boost! Those barrel skellies are EVERYWHERE when you don't want them and NOWHERE when you do. :p

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