FAO: Joe Neate.

  • We're 3 months in after a premature launch of an improperly tested and bug ridden mess called Sea Of Thieves.

    Servers that didn't serve, download after download of so called patches that have at times been virtually impossible to download. 9 GB on day one, what did you bother selling the disc for? Oh, yes that would be to fool people that they had bought a quality game.

    You tell us you want to create an open world adventure game where players come together and have fun. ' Become the salty pirate they want to be' That, is a seriously bad joke when you have seriously little to do which as result leaves less than pleasant people to go into PvP so much so it becomes anything but a sociable fun game for Pegi 12 level and families to play.

    Why bother with Solo player modes [Mod edited]

    Most that seem to say they enjoy the game, don't use the game voice but go via some other mode of comms isolating them into some deliberately hostile and nasty mode of play.

    [Mod edited] for half hearted temporary events that introduce more bugs and are quickly exhausted, and become caping grounds for griefing other players for those that have completed them.

    Well, you and your team have had 3 months to address the issues and to speak to players who purchased the game and registered feedback on the balance and you have not said a word.

    The major update we get is a forums bodge up. Here the game disc has been a coffee mat whilst we have watched, waited and fedback to Rare. All in all a total waste of money, time and effort.

    I cannot wish you and MS well with SoT.

  • 60
  • @stratcat51

    sorry you had a bad time with the game. I know it's not for everyone, even tho that shouldn't be the reason to wish it bad luck, when others enjoy it. I won't comment on most of what you wrote, I'd just like to disagree with your balancing issue statement.

    Solo sloop is hard. It should be. How would you justify one single person having the same power as 4 people? That wouldn't be balance or equality, that would be favorism.

  • Sounds like you need to give up on the game and go play something else, while the rest of us who thoroughly enjoy the game will continue to support Rare with positive feedback and constructive criticism.

  • @Stratcat51 Please refrain from personal attacks and derogatory language, including directed at the developers of the game. It is a violation of our Forum rules, and your post has been edited accordingly.

    Derogatory Language
    Name calling, personal attacks and using derogatory language against Community Members, Rare Employees, Global Moderators or Deckhands is not acceptable. Using such language will result in a warning, then temporary ban from the Forums and a final warning. If the action is persistent or increasingly aggressive, a permanent ban from the Forums will be issued.

  • Solo sloop is hard. It should be. How would you justify one single person having the same power as 4 people? That wouldn't be balance or equality, that would be favorism.

    I really don't get it when people complain about the sloop being difficult. Personally, I find solo managing and operating a sloop a breeze and very relaxing. Galleons are easy to outmanuever and outrun, other sloops have no advantage, even with a two man crew. Heck, I consider galleons and their crews far more difficult. Failure to communicate, disorganized crew members, incompatible play styles, repeatedly crashing the galleon in silly ways, the list goes on.

    Sometimes I've been taken by surprise when I wasn't viligant enough and a sloop/galleon came across me, ready to do battle and take my loot. But that's part of the charm of the game and I really like the need to keep an eye on your ship/loot. Some of the best games I've played are when enemy pirates catch me by surprise and I have to pit my sea worthiness against them to escape/survive. Keeps the game exciting and fun as hell. xD

  • @walperr
    Same, those Galleons can't turn worth a darn.

  • @stratcat51 i plain and simply concur with @Sir-Lotus and @WalperR

    It seems like this game just isn’t for you, introducing bugs into software especially of this scale is surely unwanted but sometimes inevitable and surely no reason to call the dev team as a whole inept.

    I might sound like a fanboy and maybe i am, i do however try to provide Rare with constructive criticism and even though bugs occur that have affected me directly:

    • the great almondbeard attack of ‘18
    • skelly captains that where quicker then the printing presses on athena voyages last week
    • skeletons spawning in terrain or not spawning at all on forts/oos voyages

    Just to name a few, i still thoroughly enjoy the game on a galleon or a sloop.

    Solo slooping is not just called hard mode it just plain and simple is, you are always at a disadvantage when you are 1v2/1v3 or 1v4 there is no way to balance that stuff, other then the differences between ships.
    A solo sloop is able to outmanouvre a galleon easy but you just have to be aware of your surroundings especially when solo slooping.

  • @stratcat51 So your disappointed well that's life its full of disappointments. I for one am enjoying the game and I'm happy with the money I've spent as I feel I have got many hours of entertainment from this game. If you don't think any game has bugs then it suggests you don't understand how game development works.

  • Still don't understand these posts existing on the game's forum. If you don't like it, play something else! How much time do you have on your hands? Do you also write yelp reviews for different Target locations, call the customer service line on cereal boxes, let the truck driver know how his driving is?

  • @stratcat51 True story. If this game delivered half of its hype it would be truly amazing.

  • You spend money on game you dont like Good Job m8.

  • There's so much that can be said about how off the mark this post is in light of upcoming changes... I will for once actually.. leave it alone.

    I will do my best to reply in short to some of the most notable points:

    • Rare is listening and there is evidence to that in the recent video if you pay attention. *
    • Launch for the game was a joke... and the content we're getting should have been in the game at launch. But we are getting there and the game has been rededicated as a service platform not a single offering.
    • Spending $60 on the title assures you can play forever without cost. The alternative is $10/mo but at least that way you get other games. The weakness is if you stop paying for the subscription... you can't play anymore. Not such a big deal today.. but after the game is a year old that's $120 investment.
    • People actually do talk in game. But sadly, still we need better tools to facilitate that. Yes, even I use party chat first. But I do talk to anyone who tries or wants to talk to me.
    • There's more I could say. But honestly, I doubt you'd hear any of it.
  • Yes the game offers some bugs and Yes it still needs a lot of work because its early excess but hey u are the most salty piece offering nothing. the devs rly work visibly hard and also listen to the community. Sure there will be always this and that but your crying is horrible.
    be constructive and we can talk it out but not like that.

  • @skullmanbeard said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @itsporkchopfu newsflash! this game is amazing!(i do think cod, pubg, destiny, and all the other fanboy favorites are garbage.) . RARE never put out false hype. Yes fan made false hype ran rampant of course. But they delivered exactly what they advertised. And it will become more amazing. So sad people think so little of this amazing game,.. nay experience, that gives u the tools to have an amazing time. I blame schools and media. . Its so unlike any game. But then again, for some that is the problem ie. "What no level up rewards this game is bad." Bwuahahahah

    Unfortunately, no, they SoT is not ‘ambitious’ or hype-worthy in my opinion, but more concretely did not deliver on many features they specifically said the game would include. As posts outlining the undelivered features have already been shared, I will not elaborate further.

  • @skullmanbeard Please refrain from making posts that include suggestions of violence against others, as it is against our Forum rules. Your post has been removed accordingly.

  • OP Don't say 'we', you dont speak for all of us.

    A rant is not feedback nor a suggestion.

  • That was feedback. Rant or no. SoT is still failing to deliver on it’s hype. But Rare seem far more interested in selling cookies and comic books than fleshing out their game. This is a problem, whether the cheerleaders want to admit it or not.
    You like it? Good for you. I want to like it but it is still very barren and empty. Still focused on boring fetch grinds.
    An instant turnoff for millions that has hurt the future for this game immensely.
    Player retention continues to be a major concern.

  • @mrgrim67686 said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    You like it? Good for you. I want to like it but it is still very barren and empty. Still focused on boring fetch grinds.

    So perhaps go play something else in the meantime? If it's turning you off, find something that doesn't. Seems the most logical option IMHO.

    An instant turnoff for millions that has hurt the future for this game immensely.

    Unquantifiable without data, hyperbole based on your own opinion and the vocal minority on the forum who come here to moan.

    Player retention continues to be a major concern.

    See above.

    Perhaps I'm just a "cheerleader"... no wait... I'm a fairly intelligent adult who can make up his own mind about what he likes or dislikes... Oh well...

    fetches pom poms

  • @Stratcat51

    First, let me apologize for what might seem like a novel of a reply. I thought that since you had multiple issues that you felt strong enough to bring to light, I would be remiss if I didn't give a detailed response to each part. I know, I'm not employed by Rare but, I'm not what anyone should call a "fanboy" either. I'll try to stay as neutral as possible.

    I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to share your unedited opinion of the game (and the development team). That being said, I'm not going to attempt to dissuade you from that opinion because that wouldn't be fair to either of us, would it?

    Instead, I'd like to point out a few discrepancies from your original post and (hopefully) give "another side" to look at, if possible.

    We're 3 months in after a premature launch of an improperly tested and bug ridden mess called Sea Of Thieves.

    The game was released four months ago (23 March - 20 July). Its various features were tested for over a year, in multiple combinations to make sure there would be the least amount of issues at launch. However, when new features (no matter how small) are implemented, there are going to be bugs; especially when players are constantly demanding new content and features and the teams have a limited timeframe to concept - design - art - render - test - bugfix - repeat as needed.

    After all that, then they can then finally present to live players which gives them even more testers who find bugs that weren't noticed in the initial in-house testing. This part isn't new. Nowadays, it happens with every game released. I could ask about other studios and their bug fixing (Bethesda's Skyrim, for example) but, we're discussing Rare, aren't we?

    Servers that didn't serve

    Ok, not many can disagree with you on this point. There were (and continue to be) server issues. Hopefully, these can be fixed sooner rather than later.

    download after download of so called patches that have at times been virtually impossible to download. 9 GB on day one, what did you bother selling the disc for? Oh, yes that would be to fool people that they had bought a quality game.

    Each patch has not only been for fixing in-game issues but, most has included new content, as well. I mean, if players keep asking for new content, how should they get them in a timely manner if they can't download them often?

    As for the initial download of 9GB, that's actually rather small considering most games now run 40+GB fully stocked. If it helps, consider it like games where you install the base game on your console (if that's what you play on) and use the disk for booting up the game. Similar concept, really.

    You tell us you want to create an open world adventure game where players come together and have fun. ' Become the salty pirate they want to be' That, is a seriously bad joke when you have seriously little to do which as result leaves less than pleasant people to go into PvP so much so it becomes anything but a sociable fun game for Pegi 12 level and families to play.

    There are plenty of people who have mentioned they truly enjoy the game. There are several more who want a lot more to be added, myself included. The game isn't perfect. That point has been made abundantly clear by many players but, this was marketed as a "game as a service" which means content coming out regularly based on the feedback of the players.

    Not everyone will like every new feature or change, though. Some won't even like the base game for their own various reasons. It seems Rare has been listening to players enough to even recant their stance on at least one of the original game's major points; NPC ships. They are doing that to give the community what it wants, even if Rare originally chose (and fought so hard) to design the game differently.

    As for the PvP aspect, with the cheap monthly "GamePass" and the game being "new" (released 4 months ago), the game's player base will be in flux for awhile as players come and go. The whole time, Rare will have to see where the game's telemetry seems to be pointing and how player's seem to be evolving in order to continue designing the game's features to help shape its future.

    Why bother with Solo player modes and simply do half a job, and fob it off as 'hard mode' because you and the dev team are so inept that you can't balance play.

    I play solo pretty much all the time. The exceptions are during events and I'm forced to play with others for completing tasks or I want to hang with friends and be social. Solo vs group play is more than balanced in my opinion. Going solo is "supposed to be hard" for similar reasons as being a lone wolf in real life isn't as easy as having others to share the work.

    Most that seem to say they enjoy the game, don't use the game voice but go via some other mode of comms isolating them into some deliberately hostile and nasty mode of play.

    I can't speak for anyone else but, I stay strictly in game (aka: proximity) chat. Others can choose for themselves which is the preferred chat method but, I know I hear a lot of chatter on the digital seas so I know I'm not alone in the use of game chat.

    Well, you and your team have had 3 months to address the issues and to speak to players who purchased the game and registered feedback on the balance and you have not said a word.

    It seems Rare has been making, at the very least, a half-hearted attempt to keep players in the loop through their "Developer videos" on YouTube and other social media sites. Would you prefer the various teams take time away from working on the game to chat with players or would you rather they work on fixing the issues players have given feedback about? Personally, getting snippets of info about upcoming changes and more updates would be my choice.

    The major update we get is a forums bodge up.

    Again, quite a few players have been rather vocal about their dislike of the newest forum UI / design changes. Not sure how much of a waste of time and money it was since there's a dedicated team (who doesn't work on the game) to handle forum layout and design... basically doing what they're already getting paid to do; which is try to make the forums as useful as possible.

    Can they make a mistake? Of course. Only time will tell if it was a complete "oops" or if parts of it actually work better in the long run.

  • What's a FAO? Is it like those stupid PSA?

  • @sshteeve said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @mrgrim67686 said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    You like it? Good for you. I want to like it but it is still very barren and empty. Still focused on boring fetch grinds.

    So perhaps go play something else in the meantime? If it's turning you off, find something that doesn't. Seems the most logical option IMHO.

    An instant turnoff for millions that has hurt the future for this game immensely.

    Unquantifiable without data, hyperbole based on your own opinion and the vocal minority on the forum who come here to moan.

    Player retention continues to be a major concern.

    See above.

    Perhaps I'm just a "cheerleader"... no wait... I'm a fairly intelligent adult who can make up his own mind about what he likes or dislikes... Oh well...

    fetches pom poms

    The data is there in their 4 million players claim juxtaposed against their achievement percentages. ...and the 8 people who still play out of the 90+ on my friends list who own the game. Several of who I advised to preorder the game. Two of the eight only play because I twist their arm. Four are forum regulars. Two of those four I only added BECAUSE they are forum regulars. Haven’t played with them yet in any meaningful sense, but me and @PersonalC0ffee duo galleoned and sunk some whacked noob galleon while BSing.

    Anecdotal, I know but that’s not a small number of people.

    I like aspects of the game. Stratcat was a very vocal early supporter too. Just saying.

    Telling people to quit playing (not you in particular, but several responses in this thread) is not going to help player retention. Which is my main concern.

    Being a popular niche will not keep the servers online.

    Rare is coming off a period of being relegated to Kinect Sports Hell and it shows. They need to get some talent onboard, STAT. There is no excuse for this broad but extremely flat and shallow world or the shoddy optimization.

  • Is there a particular incident or something that happened that got you this salty? I'm curious...

  • @mrgrim67686 said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @sshteeve said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @mrgrim67686 said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    You like it? Good for you. I want to like it but it is still very barren and empty. Still focused on boring fetch grinds.

    So perhaps go play something else in the meantime? If it's turning you off, find something that doesn't. Seems the most logical option IMHO.

    An instant turnoff for millions that has hurt the future for this game immensely.

    Unquantifiable without data, hyperbole based on your own opinion and the vocal minority on the forum who come here to moan.

    Player retention continues to be a major concern.

    See above.

    Perhaps I'm just a "cheerleader"... no wait... I'm a fairly intelligent adult who can make up his own mind about what he likes or dislikes... Oh well...

    fetches pom poms

    The data is there in their 4 million players claim juxtaposed against their achievement percentages. ...and the 8 people who still play out of the 90+ on my friends list who own the game. Several of who I advised to preorder the game. Two of the eight only play because I twist their arm. Four are forum regulars. Two of those four I only added BECAUSE they are forum regulars. Haven’t played with them yet in any meaningful sense, but me and @PersonalC0ffee duo galleoned and sunk some whacked noob galleon while BSing.

    Anecdotal, I know but that’s not a small number of people.

    I like aspects of the game. Stratcat was a very vocal early supporter too. Just saying.

    Telling people to quit playing (not you in particular, but several responses in this thread) is not going to help player retention. Which is my main concern.

    Being a popular niche will not keep the servers online.

    Rare is coming off a period of being relegated to Kinect Sports Hell and it shows. They need to get some talent onboard, STAT. There is no excuse for this broad but extremely flat and shallow world or the shoddy optimization.

    Achievement statistics are well known to be inaccurate given that achievements were switched off for 2 weeks!.

  • Get a refund if you are unhappy with the product you bought.

  • @sshteeve how well known? I never heard of this??? Also rare even said achievements are up to date after they turned em off...

  • @ant-heuser-kush sagte in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @x1-two said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    What's a FAO? Is it like those stupid PSA?

    For the attention of...

    LOL, these millennials.

  • @stubbierbell598 said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @sshteeve how well known? I never heard of this??? Also rare even said achievements are up to date after they turned em off...

    They're up to date if you played the game again after they were turned back on. Otherwise if you stopped playing before the first fortnight (gamepass trial members) you never received those achievements. This is also well known.

    How do you think achievements like Bring me that horizon aka set sail for the first time are sat below 65%??!
    You'd have to be REALLY unhappy with those first 5 minutes of the game to give up so soon and never raise anchor for the first time!

    Ergo - achievements are as unreliable a source of player activity as the Northern Rail Network is for timetables...

  • @sshteeve

    I agree!

    Moreover, we only know there were 4M of players early June, today this number has probably increased. You can guess small things with the achievements as I did the other day which are nice to know but it's impossible to know (exactly or not) how many active players there are.

  • @sshteeve said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @stubbierbell598 said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @sshteeve how well known? I never heard of this??? Also rare even said achievements are up to date after they turned em off...

    They're up to date if you played the game again after they were turned back on. Otherwise if you stopped playing before the first fortnight (gamepass trial members) you never received those achievements. This is also well known.

    How do you think achievements like Bring me that horizon aka set sail for the first time are sat below 65%??!
    You'd have to be REALLY unhappy with those first 5 minutes of the game to give up so soon and never raise anchor for the first time!

    Ergo - achievements are as unreliable a source of player activity as the Northern Rail Network is for timetables...

    The first ten minutes of a game make or break it. So it is absolutely possible that 1.3 million players (game pass users most likely) tested the game, didn't like the graphics or the characters or the camera and deleted it straight away. It's just that with Game Pass you have these players in the game, where normally they simply wouldn't buy the game and that's it. So I'd say the actual number of players is somewhere approaching 3 million right now. Mind you, that's not daily unique players. That's everyone that played the game at some point for a while. Daily players are more likely in the 50k range, with spikes to 300k when a new update releases.

  • @sshteeve said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @mrgrim67686 said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @sshteeve said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @mrgrim67686 said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    You like it? Good for you. I want to like it but it is still very barren and empty. Still focused on boring fetch grinds.

    So perhaps go play something else in the meantime? If it's turning you off, find something that doesn't. Seems the most logical option IMHO.

    An instant turnoff for millions that has hurt the future for this game immensely.

    Unquantifiable without data, hyperbole based on your own opinion and the vocal minority on the forum who come here to moan.

    Player retention continues to be a major concern.

    See above.

    Perhaps I'm just a "cheerleader"... no wait... I'm a fairly intelligent adult who can make up his own mind about what he likes or dislikes... Oh well...

    fetches pom poms

    The data is there in their 4 million players claim juxtaposed against their achievement percentages. ...and the 8 people who still play out of the 90+ on my friends list who own the game. Several of who I advised to preorder the game. Two of the eight only play because I twist their arm. Four are forum regulars. Two of those four I only added BECAUSE they are forum regulars. Haven’t played with them yet in any meaningful sense, but me and @PersonalC0ffee duo galleoned and sunk some whacked noob galleon while BSing.

    Anecdotal, I know but that’s not a small number of people.

    I like aspects of the game. Stratcat was a very vocal early supporter too. Just saying.

    Telling people to quit playing (not you in particular, but several responses in this thread) is not going to help player retention. Which is my main concern.

    Being a popular niche will not keep the servers online.

    Rare is coming off a period of being relegated to Kinect Sports Hell and it shows. They need to get some talent onboard, STAT. There is no excuse for this broad but extremely flat and shallow world or the shoddy optimization.

    Achievement statistics are well known to be inaccurate given that achievements were switched off for 2 weeks!.

    I finally got Be More Pirate... After 3 months...

  • @sshteeve said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @stubbierbell598 said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    @sshteeve how well known? I never heard of this??? Also rare even said achievements are up to date after they turned em off...

    They're up to date if you played the game again after they were turned back on. Otherwise if you stopped playing before the first fortnight (gamepass trial members) you never received those achievements. This is also well known.

    Which brings us right back to my point:

    Player retention.
    It’s not just gamepass people who gave up.

  • @skullmanbeard said in FAO: Joe Neate.:

    "in my opinion" yours

    Which features exactly?. Sorry id like to know what we/i didnt get. Heard some cosmetics were in alphas but that all i heard. Its still a spectacle of game if you cant at least admit that then im not surprised

    I know you aren't arguing or complaining about missing cosmetics, this isn't directly to you. This is more because I almost constantly see people whining about "withheld content" or "missing cosmetics".

    Cosmetics being in a pre-release build does not mean that they will be in the full release. Even items in games have to go through a testing and quality control period. Rare has fixed display issues with clothing several times since release on items that were in the game.

    They also do indeed WANT TO HOLD some of their content for the future. The wailing barnacle set was in before release... it has been recolored since I saw a screenshot of it (was on Reddit a few days ago). That was held because it became part of a live campaign. Same with the bear figurehead. It was held for the anniversary of Banjo Kazooie.

  • @x1-two true, but it's all still speculation which is the point I'm repeatedly trying to make here.
    Talking about numbers we have no idea of is crazy!

  • @stratcat51

    Nobody really cares what you think. GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE!!!

  • @markglow said in FAO: Joe Neate.:


    Nobody really cares what you think. GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE!!!

    Maybe you should go haunt a different thread. You know, since you don’t care.

    This is feedback. Show some respect for others’ opinions.

10 out of 60