Solo squabble

  • solo gameplay isn't good and something has to be done with it solo players are screwed the sloop can be out ran by the bigger ship but can be mowed down with a semi good crew i feel like the sloop and solo play needs to be looked at please alot of people like sailing out on the seas by your self but it just gets ruined by a gali that wants to hunt you down any chance they get

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  • @unusual-scout My only tip here is... sail into the wind with a sloop and you will get away from the galleon before they get to you :)

    The sails physics all make sense when you look at them... more sails is more pull/drag depending on which way into the wind the galleon is facing.

  • There should be a single man ship(skiff(?)) with a faster anchor raise and a single front cannon that has a wide range of motion. It would have one small sail with no Crow’s nest and have one barrel for each resource all right next to eachother. Operating a sloop alone is pretty easy but I think that design might offer some advantages to single players in certain situations.

  • As a player who does a lot of solo slooping I think it’s fine the way it is.

    If you hear someone in the water drop sails and watch your ladders.

    Getting chased by a galleon or 2 Man sloop use your turning speed to evade and fire as you are moving.

    Try to lead the chaser to thieves haven and sail through full speed. Learn where it’s too shallow for a galleon but a sloop can make it there are many places.

    Set your ship off on a safe course then barrel and board the enemy then drop the anchor and try to kill the repairs.

  • @holezinya You have created the most succinct ultimate guide to success as a sloop player. I applaud you good sir!

  • @bogusmeatinc

    Thank you.

  • I often go out on a solo sloop looking for a hostile galleon, eventually they change course and give up, but I don’t let them.

    They started it, and it’s not over until I finish it. 🧜‍♂️

  • @holezinya No, thank YOU! I play sloop exclusively, both solo and with randoms and I try to stress these lessons, but I feel like they fall on deaf ears. You can succeed as a sloop. It is not harder, it is just a differently play style and unorthodox strategies!

    If I ever see you on the seas, I owe you a grog for your diligent stratagems!

  • Honestly, solo slooping is quite easy. I don’t want to say get better, but... Literally no one is going to sink me on my sloop.

    My advice is to hit a fort right away and grab a bunch of gunpowder barrels. Keep a close eye out for ships, you should always be able to get back before they hit you. You should always have your anchor and sails up for a quick get away. Protect your boat at all costs. If they give chase then set a straight course for clear waters and hammer them with barrels over and over.

    It’s easy and rewarding you just need to be careful.

  • @unusual-scout
    Everyone has great advice for you. I do a ton of solo as well and I think it’s fine. Just gotta learn some tricks of the trade and you’ll be fine. A period here. A comma there. :)

  • @musicmee Someone on this forum said that a sloop is faster upwind than a Galleon. I tested this theory last week, and got killed for it.

    Normally I just outmaneuver them. That is one of two times a galleon has caught me. The other was a galleon that rounded the corner at Plunder as I was taking off...I had just cashed in my stuff, so they got nothing.

  • @fantome-of-blue said in Solo squabble:

    @musicmee Someone on this forum said that a sloop is faster upwind than a Galleon. I tested this theory last week, and got killed for it.

    Normally I just outmaneuver them. That is one of two times a galleon has caught me. The other was a galleon that rounded the corner at Plunder as I was taking off...I had just cashed in my stuff, so they got nothing.

    Idk. I’ve been chased by a Galleon a few times and they couldn’t catch up to me. I’ve also chased sloops in a galleon and they headed upwind, couldn’t catch em. Maybe they were too close for it to matter in your case? I did have one galleon try an actual sailing technique of catching the wind sailing at an angle, then changing course to get momentum. There’s a name for this but I’m too lazy to look it up. It helped them a little but I still got away.

  • @solo11volante

  • @holezinya
    Haha that’s it!

  • On the sloop if a galleon is chasing I use tacking to swoop around them barely outside of cannon range.

    Many crews will waste tons of cannonballs when I do this.

    Sometimes crews will launch 3 people at me and that’s when I get the easy sink on them.

    My best tip is if your alone turn the wheel a little and adjust the sails a little take a few shots at them re-adjust sails or wheel depending on the situation.

    Make little adjustments at a time so you aren’t spending too much time on one task.

    Never panic and run down to repair. Make sure your on a good course, bail, steer, adjust sails then bail again and repair when you are safer.

  • I love it how when a solo slooper complains about it being unfair 4 or 5 other solo sloopers swoop in and give them tips. :-)

    I almost exclusively do galleons, I'm on a discord with a lot of friends and there's always a galleon spot when I log in so I dont bother with sloop.

    The few times I do log in for a solo (or sometimes even duo) sloop I have a blast because it's so nimble, so fast to start up park turn etc.

    I honestly hope I'll meet some of you guys on the waves at some point. I rarely attack sloops anymore it's either too much of a hassle and not worth it. Especially since my levels are so high I can get better chests in a shorter ammout of time. We do however help sloops that are chased by a galleon or other sloop. Just for giggles.

    The only dispicable thing me and my crew do to sloops is sneak on board of a parked sloop and see if there's easy loot. (you dont just park your sloop at an island leave it there and not get anything stolen)

  • @fantome-of-blue

    Going directly into the wind with no tacking the sloop is faster... only just... enough to stay out of harm's way/get a little in front. But if the galleon starts tacking into the wind (weaving left and right to gain more wind in the sails) then there's a chance they could catch up. The best bet here is to sail close to islands to prevent them from doing so.

  • I’m not sure “outrun” is the right word regarding galleons. It’s really outmaneuvering them, or just plain out-sailing them. A solo pirate on a sloop can tack back and forth very quickly into the wind, and unless the galleon crew is superhuman they won’t be able to keep up with your changes. Most crews will tire quickly of that kind of chase and give up. It’s frantic but doable, especially if you plan ahead and use the islands to your advantage.

    But really, the best defense is never letting them get that close to begin with. Be obsessive about scanning the horizon, and always have an “out” in mind.

    I’m not going to give away all my tricks, but use your head and you can solo sloop all day without a problem. It’s not meant to be easy, and it’s not. But it’s a load of fun, especially if you relish the feeling of solitude on the high seas.

  • Since you're stating a galleon can outrun a sloop, without even mentioning a sloop is the faster when heading against the wind, I'm going to go ahead and say you need to play more before you try playing on insanity. Plenty of us solo sloopers are doing fine, just as the game is.

  • @musicmee said in Solo squabble:


    Going directly into the wind with no tacking the sloop is faster... only just... enough to stay out of harm's way/get a little in front. But if the galleon starts tacking into the wind (weaving left and right to gain more wind in the sails) then there's a chance they could catch up. The best bet here is to sail close to islands to prevent them from doing so.

    Which is what I normally do, and no galleon save those two times has ever caught me. I thought when the guy mentioned it that the developers were going for some semi-realism, because most pirates sailed smaller faster vessels like sloops. Ergo I trimmed my sail and got puzzled and angry that this galleon was gaining on me. My perfect record blemished by that one incident.

    Oh well. …. I could've lost those guys too. That burns me up some.

  • I totally disagree. I think the sloop is fine right now.

    Sailing, maintaining, managing, navigating, repairing, stocking...the Galleon is really just a major pain in the arss....but it’s the only way to play with friends.

    You sloopers act like Galleon is easy. 4 times harder than a sloop. Hell even the anchor is a major undertaking with 2-3 people putting it up!

    Sloop so easy

  • @unusual-scout said in Solo squabble:

    solo gameplay isn't good and something has to be done with it solo players are screwed the sloop can be out ran by the bigger ship but can be mowed down with a semi good crew i feel like the sloop and solo play needs to be looked at please alot of people like sailing out on the seas by your self but it just gets ruined by a gali that wants to hunt you down any chance they get

    The solution is to play with people, Solo is only for the truly skilled and is a perilous journey.

  • @unusual-scout isn't the solo sailing that isn't good.. the skills and the idea you have for the solo sailing aren't the more accurate, maybe.

    The solo is for experienced sailors and prayers who want to test and train their own skills and decisions.
    Not for relax and be balanced to a crew of 4.

    And I need to say there's more dangerous sloopers than Galleon crews.
    By now I fear more when I see a sloop at the distance than when I see I Galleon.

  • @musicmee Tried that, did not work. Please re-advise.

  • @unusual-scout i do sort of agree with most people on this. I prefer the sloop to the galleon. More manueverability, you can lead people on easier, etc. Dont get me wrong, if youre trying to go sife by side with a galleon, youre done for. However, gun powder is your friend. I constantly lead galleons agains the wind, straighten out my boat and hop off my boat/climb onto theirs and blow it up. It works wonders. I also like solo slooping cause it adds more challenge. Cause lets face it, things can get a little boring with the content as it sits currently.

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