Question about May 15th Update

  • Hey everyone, I apologize if it's posted elsewhere and I wasn't sure what category to put this in so I slapped it here. I know the video talked about the coming items for the patches ahead but I did not clearly understand what to expect from the update coming tomorrow (May 15th). Is this the private crews update? The hand bananas and no name under water update? Hungering Deep? Or scoot boxes and bells version 3.0? Again, apologies if I didn't pickup in the video on a clear answer. Or, do we not know and there for must patiently wait in excitement?

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  • @xxxrookxxx I believe it's private crews, handing items, hiding nameplates under water and bug fixes.

    They mentioned a trailer video was to be released this week on the hungering deep, whether or not that will land tomorrow or the end of the week I can't say.

  • @xxxrookxxx said in Question about May 15th Update:

    Hey everyone, I apologize if it's posted elsewhere and I wasn't sure what category to put this in so I slapped it here. I know the video talked about the coming items for the patches ahead but I did not clearly understand what to expect from the update coming tomorrow (May 15th). Is this the private crews update? The hand bananas and no name under water update? Hungering Deep? Or scoot boxes and bells version 3.0? Again, apologies if I didn't pickup in the video on a clear answer. Or, do we not know and there for must patiently wait in excitement?

    Sounds like its private crews and sharing supplies. With a video trailor coming for hungering deep

  • @MacDoland & @RattlyFob I rewatched the video after your input and it sure does sound like that is the case. Thanks for the input, and I wouldn't be surprised if the video comes out on another day than the patch. Spreading the excitement out rather than all at once. Thank you!

  • @xxxrookxxx
    Private crews.

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