Ode to the White Sails

  • Ode to the White Sails

    You think you are so clever,
    sailing after me forever,
    I am trying to get my s**t,
    You don't attack until I sit,
    to long at an isle,
    your tactics rise my bile.

    You take the first shot,
    Thinking you are so hot,
    I come running from land
    across the long beach of sand,
    my ship should be sinking,
    instead I could be drinking.

    Your balls are so sad,
    you thought I had been had,
    Twice I shoot you,
    and I see a green hue.
    I swim over to your boat,
    with mine still afloat.

    Another at the top of the stair,
    sword out like I care,
    Underwater I swim
    up the ladder behind your twin,
    a blunderbuss to the back,
    Indeed your team cant hack.

    Scuttle your ship you do,
    for I have vanquished you,
    back to my ship I go
    to fix the holes solo,
    Good job, you tried,
    but sucked so hard I cried.

    This is my ode to you,
    and all of it true,
    I won't miss your White Sail,
    even though I know you fail,
    If you try it again,
    You still wont get my chicken.

    Written by:

  • 5
  • that's pretty good!

    just a friendly warning, you might want to edit that bad word with ** in it. Mods might not like it, even tho you kinda censored it. (ask me how i know :D )

  • sniff sniff Yaaaarrr. Brings a tear to me eye!
    Another pirate who dearly loves his chicken.

  • @captain-arcanic I prefer rum

  • Technically I didn't censor it, the site did. While I understand that a mod may find it offencive, it is a part of the poem and it makes it work together. I will also put out there that there are many words that some people may find offencive built into the game. Ex. Ferry of the Damned. Or the pirate captian that i killed earlier "Go to hell name" i don't remember the name but found ot interesting. I personally don't find them offencive nor did I intend the use of this one to be offencive, nor is it directed at anyone. If there are issues with it though feel free to let me know.

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