Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4

  • Please fix the screen size issue soon. It's super frustrating that the edges of of my screen extend beyond my TV's dimensions. I know multiple people who have this problem.

    At the very least, we need some sort of option to resize and define the edge. The game was properly scaling for me during the betas and alphas.

  • @dyornos 2. Is not true. Its completely RANDOM. Higher chance of a long distance spawn. But still completely random. You can still spawn 2-4km away depending on the forts location.

  • @personalc0ffee said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @mad-mordechai They aren't missing and people need to stop with this assumption they are. That was an older build, with a shop layout and interface from that build. Those items couldn't be purchased and couldn't be used.

    They were placeholders and a tease of future content, nothing more.

    You just defined missing.

  • @personalc0ffee Take a look at the launch trailer and tell me again that some of the things advertised there are not missing. I'm sure it's perfectly OK to hold off content featured in previous older builds to then release as "new future content". That's always appreciated.

  • @captain-beeeefy Oh alright ill correct that, thanks!

  • @ever-reddy
    I feel your pain. I’ve posted and replied a few times about this.

    I even tried reaching out to rate a couple times via twitter and tickets- no responses.

    I hadn’t gotten the bug once prior to their “fix” and then once they dropped said “fix” I now have been getting the bug every single log in without fail.

    I hope they are even aware it’s still happening to players. The “equip another weapon in the slot and kill yourself” fix is well and good, but it is incredibly annoying to have to do that every single session, especially when you log into random crews that are halfway through a battle of some kind.

  • The respawn distance change doesn't seem to be applied in these patches, noticed lots of players coming back very fast very close to where they sunk. May have something to do with prematurely skuttling their ship to counteract the changes, or may just be bugged to not be changed.

    Regardless, thanks for the update.

  • @mad-mordechai
    There are tons of reasons why content shown in a trailer might not be in the game.
    One of them, indeed, could be because they want to use that content later for a special event/release.

  • @nefrit-od
    well, on the push to talk issue, i've been patient since early beta... 'We've fixed it, but we'll just don't do it with this patch' is ridiculous. Just say the Problem still exists. BC obviously, if they really had it fixed, they would the put it in the patch...

    And the private party issue is sometimes game-breaking, we had 2 guys yesterday who joined our session (and wouldn't leave after they saw some skulls on board), and to get our 4th crew member back into the game, we had to sail to an outpost to sell, and then scuttle the ship with 250+ cannonballs, full planks and bananas... this REALLY sucks, and i hate to think there's people at Rare working on some floating candles, while the game has issues like this.

    ...maybe i should add that i still love the game, but im here to complain... :D

  • Sounds good for now. I'm sure there is always something that needs fixing so keep up the good work.
    Thanks for the info @khaleesibot

    Looking forward to future improvements.

    Joining friends in a session
    Crews forming an Alliance of sorts

    Mainly because last night there were 5 of us ready to play together but it obviously wasn't possible... not even on the same map...

  • @khaleesibot said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    Patch Notes - 1.0.4

    Fixed Issues

    • The server migration-free zone around the Skeleton Forts has been doubled.

    Last night was the first time my buddy and I truly experienced the inconvenience of this issue. Up until then I hadn't realized it was something that needed to be fixed. Him and I had just arrived at Plunder Outpost, just sloping around doing Merchant stuff when he saw the Skull appear... just looming over us right there at Crows Nest. We literally had just been at Crows Nest as well looting supplies/GP not 10 minutes prior. We had not seen another soul on our server. As soon as my buddy called it out we got the server merge text, the Skull jumped from Crows Nest to Shark Fin, and was completed 15 minutes later by whoever. Was very disappointed in this experience, didnt realize it was an issue until then, surprised to see it being addressed already. Thanks Rare!

  • @khaleesibot Excellent work! Thanks for keeping us informed.

  • @nebenkuh
    "respawn distance..." tbh, respawn distance still sucks. i have watched ships i just sunk at a skull fort (keel haul) spawn right in to sanctuary only to be fighting them again 1 minute after destroying them. Scuttling your ship and/or getting sunk should force you to the opposite edge of the map.

  • Good to see all these fixes, the powder keg change is huge and I'm glad for it. Been several times when I'd shoot one in someone's hands and they'd just keep going like nothing happened.

  • @ever-reddy you can solve the problem with the one-weapon bug...change the weapon to a pistol and then you can put a sword to your other slot

  • @schwammlgott said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    @ever-reddy you can solve the problem with the one-weapon bug...change the weapon to a pistol and then you can put a sword to your other slot

    I usually spawn with a pistol, and regardless of what weapon I switch to, I'm still unable equip a second weapon until after I die.

    And yeah, that is still an in game workaround, but my point was that for those who are experiencing the bug, not having it on the list of known issues is likely to make people think that they're not looking into an actual fix, even though I'm sure they are.

  • No fix for AMD Radeon users after several crashs?

  • Great work RARE.... thanks for the fixes. !!!!

  • Hey @ever-reddy, We hear you! In 1.0.3 we fixed the issue were players could break their loadout slots and end up with only a single weapon. This didn't fix players who had a broken loadout prior to the patch however, we have a fix in flight for players still being troubled by this - looking to get this out to players very soon!

  • that's actualy a pretty impressive list of changes and fixes for a weekly update. thx for this.

  • Would also love the ability to kick crewmates - have had some that are just there for free loot and dont contribute at all. They just stay in the brig for ever. But I love the game, and looking forward to more patches and updates!

  • @ever-reddy said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    I notice there's no mention of the bug that stops some players equipping a second weapon. I know it was initially marked as fixed in patch 1.0.3, but it is still a known issue.

    And while it was later removed from the 1.0.3 patch notes (although it would have been better to move it to the known issues list rather than deleting it entirely) and there is a support article for it that was updated on the 14th April (a couple of days after patch 1.0.3), not including it on the latest known issues list kinda makes it look like it's been forgotten, even if it hasn't.

    Yeah this is still an issue for me. Literally every time I start the game (EVERY time) I need to do their quick fix of equipping a pistol and killing myself in game.

  • Hey @leqwack @Peteloaf777 , check out my response on this here.
    We are definitely aware this is still affecting players, fix will be with you very soon!

  • @sonicbobjr said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    Hey @leqwack @Peteloaf777 , check out my response on this here.
    We are definitely aware this is still affecting players, fix will be with you very soon!

    Thank you very much for the reply! Great work with the game so far, keep it up! :D

  • @ever-reddy said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:

    I see there's no mention of the bug that stops some players equipping a 2nd weapon. I know it was marked as fixed in the last patch, but it hasn't for me.

    We fixed it so this no longer happens to new players, and we're working on a fix so that this no longer happens to those who it happened to before. What a sentence.
    I understand this is frustrating, but we are absolutely working on getting this resolved.

    Seems like @Sonicbobjr beat me to it.. !

  • @sonicbobjr @Rare-Employee Has Text Chat with chatpad support finally been added to the Xbox One version with this update? If not, when can we expect it to be added?

  • @khaleesibot Nice one! Thanks for the fixes, and for the notes!

  • And still no private crews....

  • @khaleesibot @Sonicbobjr Awesome, thanks for the clarification! It's good to know for sure that it's being looked at. :)

    Might be worth adding that to the 1.0.4 known issues though so others in the same boat (badum-tish) are aware.

  • @sonicbobjr
    Ok, now that's good to hear. But you might consider communicating it this way also.
    It's really disappointing when the patchnotes just say 'it's been fixed' - but u still have the same bug.

    Just add that it will take another patch for players with an already broken loadout.
    And not wait until the forums get spammed with bug-reports while you already know it still exist.
    i don't even have this bug, but i couldn't get past it here on the forums...

    Same thing goes with the push to talk bug.
    How can you write in the notes ''it's been fixed, but we're just waiting a little bit to patch it (so u can have some more fun with the bug)'' ?!? Just say 'we're working on it' or maybe 'we're close to having it fixed' or 'the problem still exists'.

  • Great job on some of the fixes as always keep up the good work👍 I am curious to know if a patch is coming to fix the rewards on the skeleton forts. Seems like after every two forts the treasure rewards are reduced and lower valued i.e. castaway chests have replaced what should be a mauraders and captains chest in the chamber.


  • @helmspieltauch said in Patch Notes Discussion - 1.0.4:



  • Good to see some of the fixes! Thanks for the hard work!

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