Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1

  • Aaaaand i still don't have my black dog pack, perfect ...

  • @zshowstopper If you can play the game it has updated.

    @khaleesibot and crew. Awesome game, thanks for the update video explaining what you were doing and the reasons why. Looking forward to seeing this game evolve!

  • @khaleesibot
    Are the developers going to address/have they addressed the issue that the mythical Kraken has no body? I haven't seen a response to this in any of their discussions, but it's being talked about all over online. The only things I've heard them speak of are an over abundance of players and bug issues, not content. After years of development, how is it okay to have no roadmap for content?
    Perhaps you guys can break it down for us on the dry erase board? Apologies, I love this game but I feel like it just needs a little bit of an extra touch up to make it feel like a truly complete game.
    For example, there have been plenty of community discussions regarding the absence of monkeys being added alongside the pigs, chickens and snakes. Not the future micro-transaction "pet" monkeys, but wild monkeys. You know, like the comical ones from the good ol Donkey Kong days.

    Thanks for listening,

    -Fellow Swashbuckler

  • While performance is now stable on Xbox One X, the massive cut backs to LOD draw distances has made me feel like I'm playing a severely worse version of the game. Islands and details are a mess to look at until I'm right next to them. It really strips away the visual appeal of the game and I hope there's a way to restore these settings in the future, even if it's something like giving players the option to go back to the screen tearing.

  • @khaleesibot

    The new patch notes included something along the lines of "PVP spawn annoyances" being worked on. Now I am curious if this encompasses issues we are seeing with certain skull forts. Particularly I seem to come across many Key Haul fort skulls that are in a stalemate due to the spawns being too close to the fort. You can be better than a certain team and kill them 5, 10, or even 150 times, but they are still able to spawn and make their wake back to you to cause trouble before you can fight any of the waves. This tends to keep a stalemate at key haul fort for many servers it seems. Just wondering if anyone knows if anything is being implemented to fix this??? Thanks!

  • I was able to play earlier today... now I get this:

    Sea of Thieves is currently not available in your account. Here’s the error code, in case you need it: 0x803F8001

  • @lewd-hd said in Release Notes Discussion - 1.0.1:

    While performance is now stable on Xbox One X, the massive cut backs to LOD draw distances has made me feel like I'm playing a severely worse version of the game. Islands and details are a mess to look at until I'm right next to them. It really strips away the visual appeal of the game and I hope there's a way to restore these settings in the future, even if it's something like giving players the option to go back to the screen tearing.

    Maybe just cut back the res or introduce dynamic scaling?

  • Yeaah!
    Nice work people! Keep it up and SoT must be one of the best games of all time :D

  • @tuukkatl i shoot a pc player point blank with blunderbus 3 times and they hit me once i blow up a gunpowder barrel a pc players is carrying im 20 feet away i die he dont. I get 1 shot by pc players all the time, and galleon vs galleon i have sails perfectly enemy ship thats pulling away had 1 sail to left 1 to right 1 flat should work like a parachute but dont

  • @khaleesibot

    Glad to see that you guys turned down the lighting a bit, it was so blatantly over the top...

    My gtx 1080 would cough up and drop below 60fps in certain outposts and large islands (mythical 1080p/144hz monitor)...

    I reckon that if you turn it down a bit more : ) you could even add some palatable content without worrying about how the engine runs... Why put so many lights in the first place?... Video games, since the dawn of time, have had the same issue over and over again. Sigh.

    Haven't noticed any fps difference for now, but if it helps low end rigs, it's great news anyway...

  • @capt-baguette mmm say's i dont own the game now when i try load up sot 😢😢

  • @shrek-t-t

    You could try to re-install the xbox hub insider. It usually does the trick for me.

  • @lewd-had same thing here on X1. The tweaks to lighting to improve performance made everything look horrible. Gone are the beautiful blue mists. Even the skulls look dull. Everything is dimmed down. This makes me sad.

  • @dark6revolver

    I haven't noticed any difference like the ones you talk about. Note that the patch notes don't mention anything about textures, the sky or mists.. but lighting in outposts and large islands.

  • @Deckhands

    Just Installed Update on XB1
    Hitting 'Y' doesnt switch weapons!
    Please Fix!

  • what a shame :-/ after downloading the "update" i can't it play anymore.
    Windows Store tells me that the item is not available in my account.
    I have free gamepass for 14 days - still 10days left.
    Error code 0x803F8001
    I have tried restart, wsreset.exe and relogin, and this error still persist :-(

  • @thygrrr same here, do you have free gamepass for 14days?

  • @wociscz Hello , the same situation there .
    Aplikacja Sea of Thieves nie jest obecnie dostępna na Twoim koncie. Dołączamy kod błędu, gdyby był Ci potrzebny: 0x803F8001.

  • @wociscz Same here, I went to update and I can't even update the game. As a last resort I uninstalled the game, and went to install it again, and I only have an option to buy. It's a shame, I was actually thinking about keeping game pass for a few months just for this game.

    FOUND IT: aparently there is a gamepass outage, Im assuming it affects PC also, because I'm on PC.

    Twitter link from SoT support:

  • I can not run the game write to me that I asked for a refund but that's not true what should I do ?

  • I appreciate how ontop of everything you guys are. I don't think people understand the work that goes into it. This game is one of the best games of all time! Keep up the great work ladies and gents!

  • All day my computer was been on, cause it were waiting for patch. I hoped when i come back to home the game should be updated, but it don't. The Game version mismatch... I can't login to game. Why Microsoft Store downloading second sea of thieves on my account? Every patch it's gonna be like that? It's really annoying...

  • ”The team are currently investigating an issue with Game Pass and are working to resolve it as soon as possible. We’ll update you as soon as we can.”

  • @lizalaroo Superb! It looks to me, the game after update skiped out from "game pass" subscription - on windows store there is only option to buy the game, not to play with game pass... So maybe some appid issues and previous version is not available and new version is not included in gamepass... I hope i will not have wo redownload it again :-)
    Thanks for quick response.

  • I'm not seeing the update for 'Sea of Thieves' in the 'Ready to Install' section within 'My Games and Apps' on the Xbox Console. What should I do? Will it show up later? Thanks!

  • Please fix the party system ASAP. I consider this the number one issue with the game. When in game with one or three people you should be able to add another. Furthermore when disconnected, you should be able to re join your mates and not make everyone quit to pick you back up. Or even solo, losing all your loot because you DCd. Let me back in.

  • You guys work fast, Also I like how you actually listen to your players and what they want. A perfect example is dropping the death cost idea. I hope you keep up the great work.

  • I uninstalled the game to reinstall it due to the game pass loading error and now the games no longer in the store listed as a game pass game, i would say that is likely why the game error is taking place also......

  • @khaleesibot Great to see all these bug fixes! Like a lot of people I do want to suggest something about the content though.
    I really think in order to create a better community experience you should reconsider the No Save Zones idea, I would personally make the outpost into these , The Pirate Rules state that fights should be fought at sea. Creating this environment people can interact and a possible future mini game zone is created. On land combat still exists on other Islands and especially around the Skull Cloud forts ( which was a great experience! I reaped the rewards with a friend yesterday! ). Anyway that's my 2 cents. Thanks for these updates!

  • Quick question. In order to get update 1.0.1, should I delete the game (on Xbox One X), then reinstall? Because I did that (approximately 2pm Eastern) and the download size for Xbox One X was 18.73 GB, not 18.97 GB as listed in the above patch notes. Just want to make sure I'm all set. Thanks and love the game!

  • Please help RARE. Since the patch my game looks low rez, very little detail. I tried downloading/installing latest GEforce drivers etc and its still the same.
    I put the FPS meter on, dropped the gfx to cursed and got 60 fps, put them up to mythical and got 60 fps, no change in quality of the gfx either. whats going on?

  • "Weapon, clothing and ship cosmetic changes made after migrating server will now persist across sessions"

    Not working

    "Seagulls now fly over floating barrels."

    Not working.

  • The whole game needing to be reinstalled for an update is a problem with the Unreal Engine that the game runs on, not anything SoT does. This is true for games like PUBG, Fortnite, aHiT, and of course SoT.

    Things missing in this update that need some sort of attention:

    • Ships respawning too close to where they were sank. If you make this a PvP only scenario, make it so it cannot be abused (scuttling before getting sunk, terrain getting the "kill" despite a PVP encounter happening, etc)
    • Sinking an enemy ship needs to drop their supplies as barrels or something if the above bullet cannot be done. It takes planks, bananas, and cannonballs to defeat someone. It can be done before they use theirs and they'll simply keep coming back until i'm all out of them. If i can use their unused supplies then i don't get punished for winning 4 times in a row.
    • Private crews. Need the ability to create a crew that people cannot be matchmade into. Imagine needing to restart the game every time another one of your friends comes online/goes offline..
  • Did the bug that changes my gold blunderbuster to the default one randomly throughout the game get fixed?

  • I will say this...You're paying $60 for a "AAA" with content on the lines of a demo. There
    are no replayable features to the game. The voyages are getting unrewarding and tedious. The raid is boring because it's the only raid which isn't even challenging. SoT has an identity crisis as of this moment. The game wants to make moves towards both PvE & PvP, but is stuck at along the lines of PvP, here's why. There needs to be five or more raids out right now. All of them different than just the same skeletons, maybe like NPC pirates, ghosts, or legendary monsters, etc. Same goes for sailing the seas. For example, adding in NPC ships with different rarities of loot on board makes the game have more beef to it. In addition, Having one PvE boss, Kraken, is scary at first but loses its touch the more times you see it. There needs to be at least two or more PvE bosses. That being said, there is a lack of major PvE elements that can revolutionize the game. Another problem is that player customization is blander than water. There's no meaningful player progression, everything is strictly cosmetic; Which is understandable for wanting everyone to be on an even playing field. However, adding in customizations with specific attributes and/or player skills THAT IS NOT PURCHASABLE OR LEVELED UP BY REAL LIFE CURRENCY is just as good if not better than having everyone stay the same. Jackets, pants, hooks, hats, weapons, etc. with different abilities adds in a more immersive role to the game. The current markets isn't a problem but adding in more is not a bad idea. Although, with all of these problems stated with the game, SoT is absolutely fun. Sailing the seas with your friends causing chaos is exhilarating. Traversing through the map on voyages is immersive, I find myself and my friends to be in character. Screaming commands and phrases in our pirate voices. I believe if SoT adds in what I brought up, it will cause players to come back to the game and actually fall in love with it rather than being stuck in a void wondering what the game could have/should have been. Until they add more content to the game I will not recommend paying the full cost of $60 or play the game for a demo like experience.

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