W*f is wrong with balance ??

  • I mean galleon are more powerfull thats ok since they have a twice bigger crew
    but do the math
    galleon : 4 ppl + 8 canons + better speed
    sloop : 2 ppl + 2 canons + lower speed

    I mean you could give like 4 canons to sloops for exemple....
    But most of all WHY SLOOPS ARE SLOWERS !

    Ok maybe they will be able to escape (i say maybe) but i rve been after a galleon with full speed for one hour, and never been able to reach it even if they didnt even care at all about the wind !

    thats crazy !

    galleon are too fast !
    sloops are too slow !

    just make it even and put the same speed at galleon and sloops so sloops have a chance to hunt a galleon that is fleeing from smaller boat .....

  • 4
  • i think sloops are fine but need 2 cannons on both sides because a galleon can just demolish a sloop like nothing while the sloop has no chance but a sloop can take on a stationary galleon if you know how to work the sail and the people on the galleon dont get hits every single shot

  • @edward-x-teach Sloops are faster against the wind than galleons, and easier to maneuver. A sloop isn't meant to take on a galleon, though some skilled players can easily pull it off.

  • @glacefrostclaw ofc you can kill a galeon with sloop but its hard, if ppl on galeon are not noobs.

    But the point was : a galleon that is fleeing from a sloop (lol), can never be reach....
    cauz he is faster and if he takes the wind you will be never be able to reach him no matter what

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