crew size

  • @salazar-armando he's not offended it's just way easier to see someone responded to you when your tagged.

  • @salazar-armando said in crew size:

    @boaton whats wrong with not tagging someones reply? does it like offend you or something? do you feel lesser? what is this some competition on who has the most post replies? like w*f. typical...
    dont take offense on people disagreeing with you mate

    hadn’t even realized one could post a reply without tagging someone.. just as @StarQuest said, merely wanted to be aware and participate in the conversation😕 laughing at the fact you thought your post was going to be scathing, witty, or worth your time though🤣

    edit: “typical” was specifically in relationship to those that narcissistically hijack threads for their own ends, while nothing but stroking their own ego is accomplished🤔

  • @a-trusty-mango I don't think a competent solo player could sink a 5 crew galleon, if all 5 were competent too. I don't think the solo would stand a chance if all the players knew what they were doing.

  • @boaton Just thought you were being rude to those guys for no reason even thought they were just putting out their thoughts alright no problem. dont want people in the forums to be rude to others for no reason you know, this is one of the nicest forums out there and I like it like that.

  • @salazar-armando might wanna recalibrate your approach moving forward🙃

  • @boaton same goes to your buddy. good luck in the seas

  • @a13xa4d3r

    And that is perfectly ok, 5 should be hard to defeat by 1 guy if both have equal skills. What is wrong with that? In most games 5 v 1 is usually in favor of the larger group.

  • @starquest Yea so that's why I feel like the crews should be capped at 4. At least give solo players a chance against a galleon with a competent crew.

  • @a13xa4d3r In all honesty if a solo sloop player who is pro vs's another pro group of 4, the solo is still going to lose. Even 1 v 3 is hard if they have the same skills. 1 more person wont make the difference in most cases. There were plenty boats i sank that even 1 more person would not have really helped. I have seen others solo a 4 person ship with ease on youtube as well. Solo ship gameplay isnt really the way this game is meant to be played. Rare just put it in as an option. It is supposed to be the hardest way to play.

  • @a13xa4d3r Another point I just thought of, if they add 4 player sloops then single player sloops will get hurt more from that than a 5 man gal. This was what rare has talked about so not my idea.

  • @a13xa4d3r A solo sloop should never be taking on a Galleon.

  • @starquest I don't like the idea of 4 person sloop. I still have not heard a good argument to increase crew sizes. I think the main argument against changing crew size is it would throw of balance.

  • @a13xa4d3r said in crew size:

    @a-trusty-mango I don't think a competent solo player could sink a 5 crew galleon, if all 5 were competent too. I don't think the solo would stand a chance if all the players knew what they were doing.

    so maybe there needs to be some thought put into a new solo ship class?

  • @a-trusty-mango I'm not going to be playing solo, I just think the game is balanced as is.

  • @boaton Or maybe the crew sizes are okay as is.

  • @salazar-armando meh, my negligence of forum mechanics doesn’t supersede the fact that folks hijack threads🤔

  • @boaton said in crew size:

    @a13xa4d3r said in crew size:

    @a-trusty-mango I don't think a competent solo player could sink a 5 crew galleon, if all 5 were competent too. I don't think the solo would stand a chance if all the players knew what they were doing.

    so maybe there needs to be some thought put into a new solo ship class?

    I mentioned about this earlier in the thread but you ignored me :( lol

  • @uvg-reign sorry😞

  • @boaton Haha you fool, my Intellectual capacity far outmaches your petty mind. I can kill humans with just my brain power. my neglicence doesn't even supersede yours! I bet you haven't studied all the mechanic laws your fool...

    sorry do I look smarter now. should I add emojis too

  • @a-trusty-mango I get what your saying, when someone chooses to play solo they see that its harder then with a crew, it lets you know that. But some solo players don't want to play solo because its harder, they just want to play solo because they don't want to play with a crew, they might just want to pve. This game is trying to appeal to a wide audience, and be fun for everyone no matter how you like to play. Bigger crew sizes make this less appealing to those people that want to play alone.

  • @a-trusty-mango I don't know how many times I've said this on this thread but: I think the game is balanced as is. I feel bad for people with a ton of friends, I guess you'll just have to split into groups? I don't think that's to much to ask to preserve the balance.

  • I eventually hope they will add even larger boats and larger crews so you can have a guild/clan that supports more than a total of four crew members. Of course this has to be scaled to avoid having large ships of 20 meeting a ship of four people.

  • @a-trusty-mango

    @thejolirouge said in crew size:


    Add a 3rd spot to the sloop and a 5th spot to the gal. This would keep the initial balance they had tested.

    Only because your statement is that everybody plays with a full crew. But allowing a crew of five just make the gap bigger when you are solo or two.

    Remember this ?

    246,820 Solo
    311,722 Duos
    399,997 Crews of 3/4

    Which means there were actually more players playing solo+duo during the beta than playing in a bigger crew.

    Larger crews were a minority.

  • Where has it ever been said that the sloop was originally balanced for exactly 2 men, just because that's what the max crew has been in the betas that doesn't necessarily mean it was always supposed to be that way, for example why does the sloop need a brig when a 2 man crew could never make a majority vote to put one of them in it, this suggests to me that the sloop was actually designed for 3 to begin with, and like OP i definitely think that 3 is the optimal number for a well crewed sloop.

    The idea that in SoT you always have to be juggling many different tasks on your ship is rather dumb if you ask me, on a real pirate crew each man would have their assigned roles based on what they were good at and no pirate crew would ever engage another ship while operating significantly under-crewed, if you as a player choose to play at less than the optimised max crew size because you enjoy the extra challenge then all the best to you, but just because you enjoy it doesn't mean everyone else should be forced to play that way too.

    A good way of looking at it which supports the numbers OP suggested is that when approaching an island each crew should be able to have one person on the wheel, one person ready to drop anchor, and then enough people remaining to work either all the cannons on one side (if coming up on a fort) or all the ships sails at any given time (to slow down when approaching the dock), so on the sloop you only have 1 cannon on each side and 1 sail to adjust so you only need one additional crew member for a total of 3, whereas on the galleon you have 3 sails and 3 cannons on each side so you need 3 additional crew for a total of 5... or another way to look at it is that a full crew should have enough people to fully man each post on the anchor wheel without the captain having to help raise it himself!

    Rare even mentioned before that one of the main reasons they chose 4 as the max crew size to begin with was actually about voice chat and not having too many people on a crew all trying to talk at once, but I'd argue that there are plenty of games which prove that groups of 5-6 can use voice chat just as effectively.

    As far as balancing goes yes having 5 crew on a galleon would make it harder to sink if they're all constantly repairing but an easy way to solve that would be to make it so that each persons respawn time is based on their crew size so people on larger crews each take longer to respawn than on smaller crews giving you a chance to teamkill them and then riddle their boat with holes and let it sink while they're all waiting to respawn, or better yet, make it so that if an entire team is dead all at once then they "lose" the ship itself and when they all respawn they do so on a random island far away with a freshly spawned ship, leaving the other crew that killed them to loot and sink their previous ship as they see fit!

    Anyone who is complaining at the notion of a solo sloop not being able to take on a full 5-man crewed galleon are delusional, 9 times out of 10 the solo player SHOULD be facing near impossible odds to beat the galleon crew, that's not unbalanced, that's just obvious!

  • @boaton I do believe the galleon could indeed house 5 and the sloop 3 I mean why put a brig on the sloop if you need two votes otherwise plus the galleon will be less threatening if the sloops have more crew to crew ratio i.e. 3 vs 5 is slightly better matchup than 2 vs 4.

  • @ch4o5bl4d3 The devs said they designed the sloop for one person to be able to sail efficiently. That's why the anchor and sail controls are right next to the wheel... If every person on a galleon had a specific role I think I would get bored. I like doing a little bit of everything.

  • Crew size has been extensively tested to be balanced. Crew size is limited to prevent all crew positions from being filled at once. Messing with that is basically game breaking.

  • @salazar-armando said in crew size:

    @boaton Haha you fool, my Intellectual capacity far outmaches your petty mind. I can kill humans with just my brain power. my neglicence doesn't even supersede yours! I bet you haven't studied all the mechanic laws your fool...

    sorry do I look smarter now. should I add emojis too

    nah, and your grammar is💩

  • @lord-sphinktus adding one more crew member to the sloop and galleon is gamebreaking?! that doesn’t even fit your criteria for filling all roles..

  • @boaton you forgot a capital letter in "nah" are you ashamed? do you feel unintelligent now? what are people going to think about you! they might not even quote your post and "think you are not worth the time"

  • @salazar-armando don’t like to capitalize anything, i is annoying so I generally leave it. you should really read up on admiralty law..

  • @boaton 0_1521342363899_59444810-5843-48e8-950f-6540efdcefb0-image.png

  • 2 people is fine on a sloop, but perhaps a way to have other friends still join you would be fine. Not a fan of galleon, its too big. I still want to play with more than one person, but so far the only way is the galleon.

  • I game with the same 3 people all the time we need a 3 man ship that's not a galleon.

  • Hopefully the ship coming with Cursed Sails is a dedicated 3-man ship. Preferably the Brig, which already has a fan-made model.

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