• @teddy-25

  • @teddy-25 said in ACHIEVEMENTS UNLOCKED! [1000G]:

    I reckon I'm just about good enough at the game to unlock; Legends - "Cronch".

    Funny you should say that, that's my favourite picture from the album (new Twitter header, hello)!
    The pig is so cute, omg.

  • Some of these will require a lot of grinding, but I got time fo dat!

  • Good mix of quick to long ones as well as simple and abit more skillful ones. I like them!

    Day 1 is going to have the notification bar ringing thats for sure, half a dozen could be done with a quick sail around an island haha (this is by no means a bad thing, I like the variation).

    The riddles are funny and im loving the art!

    I cannae wait!

  • I really liked this list (beautiful artwork) until I saw commendation achievements. 1000 captain's chests, 1000 shipwrecekd chest, 1000 kegs, 1000 crates etc. What an awful grind :/

  • These are awesome, I can't wait to add the artwork to my Xbox dashboard! :)

    Although it's a shame @MACATWORK 's "Smile you son of a..." achievement didn't make it into the initial list. I guess that'll be added later?

  • @wrog said in ACHIEVEMENTS UNLOCKED! [1000G]:

    I really liked this list (beautiful artwork) until I saw commendation achievements. 1000 captain's chests, 1000 shipwrecekd chest, 1000 kegs, 1000 crates etc. What an awful grind :/

    You are not really supposed to grind these. They are coming along after you are playing for a while. They are most likely indicating the amount of time you played. :) They don't take special skills either.

    I hope the achivements will state when were they earned, with a date next to them.

  • @TEDDY-25 Could we have those artworks actually as downloadable pack from the official site rather than only facebook, please? :) Somewhere along the fan-site packs and such.

  • #BeMorePirate

  • @teddy-25 Looks great, and though I hate to be "that guy", shouldn't the "Handbrake Turn" achievement end with "...turn hard and drop anchor to plot a correction."?

  • Even though those achievements look very time-consuming and more of a long-term thing, I am glad they got it. Achievements, commendations and other achievable side goals are what I enjoy. Having titles to come along with it is great.

  • @wrog a dit dans ACHIEVEMENTS UNLOCKED! [1000G] :

    I really liked this list (beautiful artwork) until I saw commendation achievements. 1000 captain's chests, 1000 shipwrecekd chest, 1000 kegs, 1000 crates etc. What an awful grind :/

    Yeah, so much for a "revolutionnary game without vertical progression or grind that will change the industry for ever".

    I'd rather like very difficult and cool achievement that we have to do once instead of basic things we have to do 1000 times.

  • Oh by the way, what's the [XG] after each achievement title stands for ? The reward in gold i guess ? So, that means we can earn 1000 gold if we complete all achievements and commandations ?
    Isn't it super low ? Special cosmetic rewards on some of the hardest ones would have been cooler than a bit of gold imo.

  • @oldmansutii actually that style of turn was referred to as a club haul turn.

  • @danprometheus good to know, but it would still be dropping the anchor as weighing is raising it unless I'm completely off-target right?

  • @oldmansutii Yeah that's a bit confusing with the wording what does the achievement ask us to do.

    1.Drop the anchor while you are turning the wheel to do a 180 and raise the anchor to go in that direction?
    2. Have the anchor dropped and turn the wheel while dropped after doing a 180 raise it?
    3. Has nothing to do with the anchor being raised and what you are saying is right that weigh was missed used. Time will tell

    I feel as if it's 1. {"Drop the anchor while you are turning the wheel to do a 180 and raise the anchor to go in that direction?"}

  • My favorite two as of right now!

    You Fight Like a Merchant [10G]
    "Block an attack as you scream 'parlay!', then strike them down to ruin their day."

    How Appropriate! You Fight Like a Chicken [10G]
    "When an attack is blocked then fret you may, as being counter-struck will ruin your day."

    Monkey Island reference :)

  • @oldmansutii said in ACHIEVEMENTS UNLOCKED! [1000G]:

    @teddy-25 Looks great, and though I hate to be "that guy", shouldn't the "Handbrake Turn" achievement end with "...turn hard and drop anchor to plot a correction."?

    Wow yes you're absolutely right, thanks for flagging! I'll see if we can address.

  • @teddy-25 No problemo ;)

  • @teddy-25 An honorary mention to where friends will surly lark, this gem ye be saying she be Perfect Dark : )

  • I love that there is an achievement for using the friend emote! Also, it seems like the "5-piece band" will require working together with someone from another crew - awesome!

  • Love this! Good job!

  • How appropriate, you fight like a cow!

    Each and every Monkey island reference in this game will be welcomed with warmth!

  • @erikinthebakery yeah this is a great one. So the times I'm soloing and I try to unofficially join a crew, I shall come bearing a gift of a playing Gurdy! (or whatever awesome new instrument we will get!)

  • @ever-reddy I was told a few months down the road.

  • The acheivements don’t pop up

  • You're having a laugh, achievements for getting a 1000 bananas and barrels, those aren't achievements, that's just a grind, what a poor excuse for achievements. The artwork and riddles are nice though

  • I don't know if this is fully correct but I'll give it my best shot as Im waiting for my game to update.

    Laden With Treasure [20G]
    --Have 20 or more chests(any rarity) on your ship at the same time.

    You Can Always Trust The Untrustworthy [30G]
    --Steal & Cash-In another player's Captains chest.

    When You're A Professional Pirate [20G]
    --Earn 10 commendations in Gold-Hoarders/Order of The Souls/Merchant Alliance(Tab/Start will show you how many you have unlocked).

    Tactical C*****r [20G]
    --Slay an enemy player after blinding them with vomit(stored in your bucket).

    I'll Drink To That [5G]
    -- Five or more players drinking Grog in the tavern at the same time, triggering the drunk player animation.

    Aye of Reach [5G]
    --Purchase a skin customization for the sniper rifle at the weaponsmith(always go gold).

    You Fight Like A Merchant [10G]
    --For the life of me I cant unlock this I assume you need to block an attack while talking to the enemy player through game chat(voice or at least I hope bc text would be awful).

    How Appropriate! You Fight Like A Chicken [10]
    --Block an enemy players attack then flee the fight(run away).

    Self Entitled [10G]
    --Purchase 10 different titles from the clothing trader(ex> Merchant Officer/Gold Master).

    Did Everyone See That? [10G]
    --While on an enemy ship engage in a sword fight with another player(or blunderbuss they might die though) successfully know them off their ship.

    Kraken Good Job [15G]
    --Shoot all of the Krakens Tentacles fending it off, saving your ship from destruction.

    Perfect Dark [15G]
    --Turn off all the lights on your ship(all of them even the ones below deck) then sail in & out of a storm.

    Freinds Note Foe [10G]
    --While encountering another player use the "Make Freinds" animation/emote.

    Legends - "Cronch" [5G]
    --Eat a Banana?

    Legends - "The Skullduggers" [5G]
    --With five or more players play music unlocking this achievement.

  • Some of my achievement not appear done !! But i do!

  • @ir0nsh007er Ahoy there!

    Achievements have been delayed/suspended while some server work goes on... don't worry though, as the team are tracking them and we should get them counted soon!

  • So now after the latest update, do we have to redo ALL of the achievements in order to get them to unlock since they were disabled? I've beaten the Kracken a hand full of times already before the update, and just did it tonight after said update but still no achievement and played an extra half hour afterwards waiting for it to be rewarded to no avail. All of the other achievements are being given as if it's the first time doing them though upon their completion.

  • @teddy-25 it’s super fun exploring and doing something random and everyday and getting an achievement for it love when one pops up gotta stop and see what it was for thanks

  • @roach-746 Please tell me this is not the case...

  • @teddy-25 Is there still issues with people receiving achievements? In particular for me I've fought off the Kraken maybe 2-3 times and still no achievement

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