Achievement Descriptions; would you like them as riddles or as a detailed list?

  • Riddle me this, riddle me that.
    Chasing those goals
    Like a true pi-rat 🧜‍♀️⛵️⚔️

  • I fell that riddles would be better and fit much better within SoT

  • voted for riddles, because it's a fun idea, and let's be honest, the impatient players will find a proper guide on how to do them probably a week after release everywhere on the internet...

  • Maybe riddle for easier achievments and straight out for harder ones?

  • Have the "secret" achievements read as riddles. That would be fun!

  • I think it's a fun idea, especially if employees have great ideas and you'd enjoy yourself from a development standpoint. However, within a short amount of time, all of the answers will be available online anyways...but it would be pretty fun!

  • Count me as another one for secret achievements being riddles and other basic achievements listed as they normally would. ☺

  • I agree, riddles that are not too hard. I’ve already spend 1/6 of the beta deciphering riddle clues 🤠🤔

  • @TEDDY-25
    Ahoy! Great to hear such an idea!

    Like a lot mentioned above I find the idea of riddles quite tempting! Ofcourse the easier achievements could contain a bit more straight-forward information and some easy riddles, but how harder the achievements get, the less straight-forward information you get and more & harder riddles appear.

    The riddles could go from very easy such as: Ahw! You've scratched my belly! -Your first hit of the sandbacks whilst on the wheel

    To some harder riddles like:
    Shoot through the eye and break through brutely,
    behind the statue where mermaids cry lays your booty!

    -Find the hidden treasure of the crying mermaids

    In the latter you would have to shoot yourself out of a cannon through a certain tri-rock (eye-like) formation on a not mentioned island. When done right you land inside a small cave which only has a gunpowder barrel inside. When the barrel explodes it creates a hole which leads to another small cave. Exiting the cave into a hidden chamber within a rock(or mountain) where a beautifull well is with mermaids statues depicting them as crying.
    On the backside of the biggest statue is a riddle carved of interactions needed to be done in the room to obtain the booty. When done, the biggest statue starts to glow and bursts into a thousand pieces, uncovering your booty and completing the achievement.

    Furthermore I really like the way of obtaining such achievement in the first way as described by @lizalaroo and @KattTruewalker :
    Receiving it as a scrolls, sent by a creature preferably a pet monkey or pet parrot (or any other kind of pet!). In addition I think it would be nice if it would be an action created by your pet just following you with a scroll in it's beak/paw/hand/claw until you interact with it.
    The option to read the scroll just like a map would be awesome. You could show the riddle in-game to your companions and they could help you decipher it. You could even implement a place in the world of SoT where you can lay down such a scroll on a table or an altar (as a interaction) and it would disappear/resolve and grant you your reward (the completion of the achievement, with or without a reward).

  • @kid-the-rat ahoy there!
    I'm not sure but I think the achievements will be for everybody! I dearly hope so! I'll explain why I'm so positive:
    Xbox has it's own achievement-system set up but a game could also implement it's own achievement-system and let xbox sync with that, thus giving both xbox and pc users the ability to gain achievements.

    An other reason might be that the game is released on the Xbox platform on PC, thus also containing the ability to gain/do achievements.

  • @teddy-25 Most games have a couple of secret achievements to hide spoilers, and simply read: SECRET - the more you play the more likely you are to unlock it.

    In this regard I would much prefer riddles, but overall I still like the idea more than just the normal ones. Plus, you know someone's going to make a description list on a wiki somewhere anyway.

  • I'd be for ye doing this, get me out of the tavern, take me grog from me n I'll be searchin' for the achievements ye filthy land lubber!

36 out of 47