Look: A very friendly, powerfull pillar of this community who isn't a deckhand

  • Look what I found :O

    You thought instantly about @Musicmee? Great: You won a garanteed upvote of me if you comment below.

    You thought about <username>? Tell me, and I will create a post with her/him.

    P.S.: I would appreciate a tiny praise for my amazing circles.

  • 62
  • I've never seen such circles!

  • Im just here for an upvote ...

  • Hip Hip, Huzzah!

  • @jcmdeadpool who else would I think of other than @Musicmee :)

  • I like to party.

  • Will there be bologna and beans?

  • Those circles so amazing so captivating and circular!
    But your right @Musicmee is an amazing person here on the forums. He always has a kind or encouraging word, and follows the pirate code. Definelty a good example of How our fellow pirates should treat each other here.

    Thank you for this post @JCMDeadpool 👍

  • @jcmdeadpool @dark-shadow9056 @Zombie-P1ague

    You guys make me blush...

    I will be printing this out and putting on the wall as promised!

  • @musicmee Ahaha :D Would make me pretty proud. Share a picture of the printed one on your wall ;P

  • @jcmdeadpool @Musicmee but you have to have a red circle with it lol. You know for Sentimental reasons

  • Who??? :)

  • @ser-swag-pants

    Swaaaaaagggg, you know who :P Your number one fan (well in the top 10 anyway)

  • @zombie-p1ague I will red circle the picture frame once I have it hanging.

  • @musicmee Looking forward to see it :D

  • @jcmdeadpool Possibly the most amazing circle you've drawn yet! :D

    As always, a massive thank you to @Musicmee and all other members of the Community who go out of their way to help out, redirect, advise and generally do good all around the forums - it's hugely appreciated!!

  • There's only one place drawing circles like that can be learned.
    alt text

  • @katttruewalker

    You know I love what I do, and I love the community, love the game. There is nothing but love in this place... and I wouldn't change anything about this place for the world.

  • @jcmdeadpool this circles are awesome!

  • @musicmee look at you all being a poet over there. Music flowing threw you like a shantee on the sea.

  • @jcmdeadpool @Musicmee exactly who i thought of!

  • @zombie-p1ague @Baxys11

    You guys are awesome, thank you very much for your kind words.

  • @musicmee Yesterday I couldn't think of what to say, so I've come to the conclusion that there are no words that equate to all the support you have offered to this community.

    Thank you for your omniscience (you are everywhere hahaha).

  • @el-espectro-0

  • @musicmee

    alt text

    Every one needs a Jolly Roger

  • I need a puzzle piece for my ship, Jiggsaw Josh be my handle in the world of gaming.

  • @jcmdeadpool As promised here it is on my wall. I have circled it... ya know, just incase.

  • @musicmee 'Tis more of an elipse than a circle......


    jk, but really, that SoT poster needs ironed out... stat!!!

  • @musicmee it's like God having a crucifix on the wall.

  • @musicmee said in Look: A very friendly, powerfull pillar of this community who isn't a deckhand:

    @zombie-p1ague I will red circle the picture frame once I have it hanging.

    Hold up, It needs to be a pro @JCMDeadpool red circle around it...

  • @zoream Hehehe :P It's scary I will tell you that....

    @WAW-Gunn I tried my hardest but it's from an Xbox magazine and it just won't budge... going to just buy one that been rolled up not scrunched up.

  • @its-stoobs Wooooahhh woaaahhh woahhhh... I don't have those kind of skills!

  • @musicmee Guess we need to get @JCMDeadpool to circle the circled picture of you circled...

  • @its-s****. Yes we do....

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