Make your **Posts** more **Readable** .. please???

  • I want to help the developers make this game, and up-vote all good decisions. Though sometimes its hard to read all the short Novels(*Metaphorically extra unnecessary descriptions, not an actual story *).Some post can't be shortened due to Language barriers or need of description. My goal with this post is to help others get their post/points across when those don't play a factor and make it easier for people who have focus problems to read.(aka easy on the eyes).Here is how


    • Short but descriptive reply just to get the point across

    • Bold Letters on keywords!

    • Images can say more than words sometimes and makes your post more appealing.alt text

    • Website links that describe more details or avoid having to type so much filler talk :P. like this one, for example, my Sea of Thieves Guild. Welcome xD.
      link text

    • Making a List with short descriptions like what I'm doing now. :P

    Anyways feel Free to reply and let me know if I missed something. Go ahead point out if I didn't use my own methods. I'm not perfect ok xD. Hope this helps you guys.


  • 17
  • I like Rare's creativity, makes it more immersive, I don't see the issue with how they express things, after all, we are Pirates and we need to know every known detail!

  • @metachront
    I'm sorry m8, but i find reading the stories & short novels on here very entertaining (especially yours @Clumsy-George !!)

    Not everything is feedback for the devs, some are just for entertainment, so it really is up to each author as to what / how they write them.

    It is difficult to add pictures, as the game is still under a strict NDA, so all we could use are images that are already out there & available.

  • Hello

    I don't see what adding all this is going to do.

  • @mad-jack-ketch WHa? So do I.. but that won't stop me from giving suggestions ;)

  • @metachront Suggestions are the way to help support a company :) Whether or not they will take on-board suggestions we'd never know, but i'm sure Rare do :)

  • @logansdadtoo Exactly use images already out there. I'm not saying don't write novels I like some of them too. All I'm saying is if you want to get a point across reread your posts and make it better.

  • @siriondb I've had Graphic design classes even though it has been a while. If you use it correctly it helps...

  • Sometimes it also takes a longer explanation to drive a point across. Oftentimes when people are too brief in their answer, it only leads to more questions. Or they ask a question that involves a longer answer.

    Different length posts serve different purposes. You also have to consider language barriers and the effect that has on composition/interpretation. Lastly, while it is a nice suggestion, most people who come to forums are old enough to know how to write. They write posts the way they want, not much to do about that. Especially since thats not a bad thing, in my eyes.

  • @erinom3 I completely agree. I just wanted to make a post that would help others make their post more readable. If the type of post can't be conveyed clearly in the manner that I explained then it just can't. LoL I think I'll Edit my post xD.

  • @metachront the best advice but you forgot one big deal. Punctuation

  • @zombie-p1ague Aye! Punctuation certainly matters...

  • 9/10 times im drunk on these forums so I think I do quite a good job at being coherent. Not that I usually read comments properly and reply looking like a wally but thats another matter ...

  • @uvg-reign That's the spirit :D

  • @zombie-p1ague I knew this was coming haha. xD Thats not my strong suit but I'll do my best. By the way thank you for my Penguin Cannon image. Are you not in BSS anymore?

  • @musicmee Haha I'm not staying up till 5 am anymore xD

  • @metachront But the sea... it calls you....

7 out of 17