My Very Own Captains Log! :D

  • As the original contest thread is locked, I thought I would make a new one just to say thank you to @lovelylizalaroo and the great folk at Rare for my very own Captains Log (notebook) I shall treasure it! ;)

    My photo 'skills' don't do it justice, it's beautiful!
    alt text
    thank you again @lizalaroo and Rare :D

  • 18
  • @triheadedmonkey - I'm also the lucky owner of one of these and they're amazing! Use mine to keep notes on my time in the alpha (doesn't contain anything that would breach the NDA), mainly just short stories of memorable moments.

  • @triheadedmonkey ._.

  • @triheadedmonkey Awesome! Thanks for sharing a picture of it :) It really is a great piece of memorabilia!

  • Hope they include that as an item in the new SoT store. Looks great, I want one to.

  • @triheadedmonkey :D You can thank the lovely @Muse986 who very generously supplied the runner-up prizes! Thank you for your entry into the competition. Gotta think of something else for you swabbies to win now.
    Love that you posted the biggest picture ever! Lol

  • @triheadedmonkey said in My Very Own Captains Log! :D:

    As the original contest thread is locked, I thought I would make a new one just to say thank you to @lovelylizalaroo and the great folk at Rare for my very own Captains Log (notebook) I shall treasure it! ;)

    My photo 'skills' don't do it justice, it's beautiful!
    alt text
    thank you again @lizalaroo and Rare :D

    This looks awesome i wished i had one

  • @tartansnake-8 Gasp! You wrote in it? Lol

  • @triheadedmonkey Niiiiiiice!!!!

    Yours looks much bigger than mine... Not sure if its the massive photo that just took over my screen :P Took 5 scrolls to see it in all its glory!

    Treasure it matey! She's a thing of beauty!

  • @lizalaroo @Tartansnake-8

    Wooooooah!!!! That must have taken some courage.

  • @musicmee Agreed! I don't think I have the courage to soil a page. Lol

  • @lizalaroo said:
    tartansnake-8 Gasp! You wrote in it? Lol

    I'm still learning but think I've getting there :P

  • @tartansnake-8 said in My Very Own Captains Log! :D:

    @lizalaroo said:
    tartansnake-8 Gasp! You wrote in it? Lol

    I'm still learning but think I've getting there :P

  • @dhg-ixxrmacxxi - 1+1 is 4

  • @lizalaroo I know right. @Tartansnake-8 must be a b****s. I could never even write in/on a calendar or Diary if I was given one as a gift. (Even though that's its sole purpose.

    Not sure about their mathematical skills though. Something just doesn't add up ;p

  • @triheadedmonkey That's awesome and congratulations - it's a beauty!!!

  • @wargrym he's should be good at it because a pirates favourite school subject is

    ARRRRRRRithmatic. Lol

  • @lizalaroo :D was late/early and I suddenly realised I hadn't posted anything so took a quick pic with my phone... it apparently came out 4096x2304 hehe
    @Muse986 thank you very much

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