Season 12 Update - State of Play

  • You guys aware of the crashes / longbeard errors a few minutes after walking on the harpoon line?

  • I humbly suggest that the Storm Sale commendation is tuned too high for the rarity of the Horn of Fair Winds. Best estimate right now is 250 (grade 1 is 5, grade 2 is 25, if it follows other commendations with that progression grade 5 is 250).

  • @kurocat471 said in Season 12 Update - State of Play:

    it's not functionality, it's a bug. they're supposed to not target players using hide emotes that hide your username, but sometimes, they do, so currently, it's inconsistent and unbalanced. if you want it added as a feature that's fine, suggest it in the proper places, but don't treat it like they're removing a feature by fixing something unintended

    Do skeletons attack hidden players on active Forts or out in the wild?

  • @chenzo01 said in Season 12 Update - State of Play:

    @kurocat471 said in Season 12 Update - State of Play:

    it's not functionality, it's a bug. they're supposed to not target players using hide emotes that hide your username, but sometimes, they do, so currently, it's inconsistent and unbalanced. if you want it added as a feature that's fine, suggest it in the proper places, but don't treat it like they're removing a feature by fixing something unintended

    Do skeletons attack hidden players on active Forts or out in the wild?


  • @kurocat471

    I haven't been able to test it but people outside the radius of the detonation of the skeletons, they are roaming the boat you're saying? But if you throw it down there's a certain radius where it should trigger because like a blunder bomb it got a hit marker. Yet if it's roaming the boat that's definitely a bug unless they untucked and then retook I could see that being an exception.

  • @chenzo01 said in Season 12 Update - State of Play:

    @kurocat471 said in Season 12 Update - State of Play:

    it's not functionality, it's a bug. they're supposed to not target players using hide emotes that hide your username, but sometimes, they do, so currently, it's inconsistent and unbalanced. if you want it added as a feature that's fine, suggest it in the proper places, but don't treat it like they're removing a feature by fixing something unintended

    Do skeletons attack hidden players on active Forts or out in the wild?

    yes but imo they really shouldn't

    @ukillmelongtime said in Season 12 Update - State of Play:


    I haven't been able to test it but people outside the radius of the detonation of the skeletons, they are roaming the boat you're saying? But if you throw it down there's a certain radius where it should trigger because like a blunder bomb it got a hit marker. Yet if it's roaming the boat that's definitely a bug unless they untucked and then retook I could see that being an exception.

    right now they're meant to not target tucked players at all, regardless of when or where they're spawned. bone callers don't ever give hit markers on players

  • @sardonicsage792

    Eh, i've done half a dozen treasuries, both regular and raids, plus a few shipwrecks, and I didn't find any. I get making them rare, but then adding a 250 grind on top of it to get part of a very incomplete set is a bit much.

    (then again, for a while now, I've felt Rare has kinda lost the balance between "fun commendation with a cool reward worth the time and effort invested" and "dreadful, tedious grind that just kills your will to live and to play and is only there to artificially extend the game lifespan" - heck, the "get 1000 scattershot hits on another player's ship to get the Midnight Prowler" hull is just another example)

  • now i have not complained about this game at all since i started playing, but these loading time issues are making the game unplayable. and i dont mean in the sense of the game being a little laggy or stuff not rendering to where the game isnt as unproblematic to play as it should be, i mean literally UNPLAYABLE. i cannot load into the game most of the time, and when i do i get kicked off the server after a while. but most of the time i cannot even load into the MAIN MENU. when i do load into the main menu, 4 times out of 5 when loading into a server, i get stuck on the loading screen. i hear the sounds of the tavern or when i join a friend's ship, i hear fighting or world event music, but im still stuck in the loading screen and cannot load into it. this renders the game literally unplayable, and have seen a couple others share this same experience as well. this needs to get fixed ASAP. whatever fixes you need to do, put them off. this bug literally stops people from playing the game. the other things could wait. FOCUS ON THIS ONE PLEASE!!!!

  • Any news on people not being able to pop the trophies on PS5 that were said to unlock from other platforms because you can only do them once?

  • Are there any reports about major game slowdowns/fps drop when quickly entering the container of a storage crate? I've seen dips as low as 18fps while attempting to quickly access an inventory while I run the game on 100+fps normally. This and general unexplained stutters in gameplay (no it's not vsync or tearing)

  • glad to hear the games getting some faster turn around fixes. previous seasons it seemed like rares attitude has become "meh, this major bugs not that big of a deal it can wait till we add more emporium cosmetics for people to buy" so we would suffer with bugs for 1-2 months waiting for a new cosmetic drop update like we had to pay an admission price for the fixes.

    im torn on s12 so far. the tools are definitly a cool addition. the commendations being the same old "do everything all over again just with the new things we gave you" weve done this like 5 times now. thankfully however there doesnt seem to be any time limit factors on any of this update so the fact that i am currently struggling with finding the desire to play means there will just be more for me to accomplish with a future more exciting update. but this one certain isnt peaking my interests the slightest at the moment. though walking on harpoon ropes and having zip lines will definitly be a welcome addition when i do feel the urge to dive back in

  • @mibswagg said in Season 12 Update - State of Play:

    Any fix for the constant LongBeard errors? Also there's a game breaking bug where one person leaves, it kicks some people off the crew. This happens primarily on Xbox consoles and could be also happening on PS5. Please fix :)

    This affects PC players as well. more than once I have been disconnected when my crewmate went to restart. one of those times it gave me a longbeard as well,(meaning it wasmpossible to rejoin the game unless my crewmate rejoins first)

  • You’re “incredibly happy with how this recent Season has landed with players”?

    Drew, are any of those players on Xbox Series X?

    The frame rate stability is still so far below what it was pre-GDK in mid-February, the game feels awful to play.

    Upon loading in fresh for Season 12 I thought all the juddering was fixed - until I came across another ship at sea. The game never dropped frames as poorly as this in January and in other earlier builds. Fighting rival ship, frame drops. Fighting NPC ships, frame drops. Storm effects, frame drops. Even connecting a (first-party official) headset mid-play - the entire game freezes for a second.

    But hey, as long as the vocal PC players and new PS5 players are kept content, right.

    Again, I’m staggered that a product we paid for has been so diminished in quality by its own retailer/creator, on its most-expensive console, with not one word of acknowledgement, let alone explanation.

    And I no longer have faith your team has the competence to fix it. Perhaps you should scrap the Xbox version and let the outsourcing team who did the PlayStation port do one on your own console for you.

  • @burnbacon I meant if you’re tucking on a rival ship, throw the bone caller and hide.

    But as others have said it’s a bug as those skeletons shouldn’t see any player who is tucking.
    I don’t know if it’s only on ships or if that works on islands or forts. I guess I’ll experiment after the patch later today

  • @wcpsycho I am also having this problem on PC, very long load times to get into the game, and even when diving meaning that whole aspect of the game is risking being kicked. Last night i dove to an Ashen winds event, when i finally arrived i had missed the surfacing intro and was sailing away from the island with 2 holes and close to sinking, so i guess i had popped up and smashed into the island all while on a loading screen. Really hyped for this Season but this is not great, was hoping today patch would address this issue.

  • @sonicbob After 5 years, the new weapons are... disappointing, to say the least. After several hours of actively searching other players, I found ONE person using the DB Pistol and 0 people using the throwing knives. While this is a small sample size, I do think it speaks to the degree to which these weapons, well, suck.

    I was quite excited for the throwing knives. They have so much potential, but the execution was just too conservative. Firstly, they're insanely clunky. The hand that's supposed to help you aim bounces your aim point off target. The thrown knives are zeroed (calibrated for aiming) for medium range, which means you need to aim significantly under your aim point to hit where you want at point blank. When trying to aim down sight, the entire animation plays before you can do anything else, unlike any of the other weapons (imagine spamming ADS with the EoR and then with the throwing knives). The thrown damage is high, which is truly its only redeeming quality. Even so, the velocity is so slow that it's plagued by hit registration. I'd much rather see the damage nerfed and the velocity buffed. The light stab is so bad that you might as well turn your TV/monitor off if you're trying to use that against a player OR AI. This needs to do 20 damage, so it's a 5-stab kill and can have better synchronization with other weapons/attacks. The heavy strike is really cool, but there's no lunge distance, the wind-up is slow and clunky, and the movement speed is slower than my grandma climbing the stairs.

    The DB Pistol is in a difficult spot. It's hard to make it "balanced" because making each pellet do 50 damage would give it a crazy TTK, but making it a 3 shot kill just makes it obsolete. Currently, I can't think of a situation where the DB is a better choice than the OG ranged weapons. Using the blunder? Sniper is still the best because it does the same damage (it may do 75, but this doesn't change the use case in ANY situation), provides more range, and only requires you to hit a single shot. Using the sword? The pistol is still better because it has a faster reload speed and can kill independently. If you like the higher damage, use the Sniper. It has a comparable reload speed, does way more damage per mag, and only needs a single slash to kill. Perhaps the best way to make this usable is to give it an identity as a solely medium-range powerhouse, but that would require it to have a faster reload so that it's not outclassed by the pistol.

    After 5 years of the same weapons, of the Sniper Blunder combo dominating, we are finally given two new weapons that change nothing. At this point, I'd rather the new weapons be overpowered than in the current underpowered position. Because the new weapons are so bad, this season feels pretty empty. There's no reason to use them if you want to kill anything. I sincerely hope that this feedback is considered quickly.

  • Since the release of season 12 I've had the issue where every time I try to load into a server if there is anyone on my crew loading in with me or if they're already in the game I get an infinite loading screen waiting to load into the server. I have tried to uninstall and reinstall and had no luck and its not my WIFI. So is anyone else having this issue. I play on PC using steam.

  • game has crashed 2x on me now when i have had 100+ chains and hours of supplies on it and it dosent give a rejoin option, this second time got into one fight had got 80+ chains from them had to get a new crew member so mines left the exact second he left i got kicked and couldnt rejoin once AGAIN this REALLY needs to be fixed

  • There is also an issue with some of the ps5 trophys there are some that I should have received and can only be done once

  • E le gilde?

    Rivedremo tutte le navi dei marinai presenti in essa?

  • @tesiccl so idk? we were in 4 diffrent shrines yesterday and we found 4 of them. They aren't that rare, you just have to know where to search

  • Double Barrel Flintlock - Needs to be a louder Load back sound or even a Visual effect that shows it's ready to shoot, as I often don't realize It's cocked back ready for charged shot

    as for the Bone Caller I'm glad you are fixing the Hide issue.
    The People that want tuckers to be found with it clearly have been tucked and stolen from..It's so easy to do a quick search of hiding spots.

    Horn of Winds needs to spawn in floating barrels or found washed up, I want to use it but I'm not doing PvE treasuries just for over a minute of speed boost. The cushion yourself with fall damage sounds good..but why would I take it to an island just for that? I can't find it on islands or carry it if found loot high up..

  • @crazyhaste3166 said in Season 12 Update - State of Play:

    @tesiccl so idk? we were in 4 diffrent shrines yesterday and we found 4 of them. They aren't that rare, you just have to know where to search

    So, you were incredibly lucky and found a horn in a shrine 4 out of 4 times. Now, you're trying to project your experience onto that of other people and explain away the fact that they had to visit up to dozens of shrines to get a similar amount of horns by calling it a skill issue? They just didn't know where to look? I'm certain there is a specific word to describe whatever bias you are experiencing there. And really, no matter the experience of other people; 4 isn't a big enough sample size to accurately determine the spawn rate of an item anyway.

    Personally, I also found 4 horns yesterday. But only 1 of those came from the over 20 shrines I visited. The other 3 came from shipwrecks, even though I visited at best a dozen of those. And I'm not jumping to conclusions to state that the horn isn't that hard to find and is actually 6 times as common in shipwrecks as it is in shrines.

    Basically: I don't think your experience is representative of the actual rarity of the item.

  • @x-raven-77-x said in Season 12 Update - State of Play:

    You’re “incredibly happy with how this recent Season has landed with players”?

    Drew, are any of those players on Xbox Series X?

    The frame rate stability is still so far below what it was pre-GDK in mid-February, the game feels awful to play.

    Upon loading in fresh for Season 12 I thought all the juddering was fixed - until I came across another ship at sea. The game never dropped frames as poorly as this in January and in other earlier builds. Fighting rival ship, frame drops. Fighting NPC ships, frame drops. Storm effects, frame drops. Even connecting a (first-party official) headset mid-play - the entire game freezes for a second.

    But hey, as long as the vocal PC players and new PS5 players are kept content, right.

    Again, I’m staggered that a product we paid for has been so diminished in quality by its own retailer/creator, on its most-expensive console, with not one word of acknowledgement, let alone explanation.

    And I no longer have faith your team has the competence to fix it. Perhaps you should scrap the Xbox version and let the outsourcing team who did the PlayStation port do one on your own console for you.

    The PC version also stutters a lot since GDK. It isn't just you.

    Steam or MS Store, it just happens and it's really annoying. Everyone I play with usually experiences a stutter at the same time as me. It could be anything ranging from a boat coming in render, a player respawning nearby, an island rendering/derendering, or just... sitting still.

    It really sucks and it's really annoying. It's like the game is just stopping for a minute to try and find assets. Which it shouldn't be since it's installed on a m.2 drive, so it has basically direct access to my CPU/memory.

    I'm really hoping it's a weird caching issue from the shift in framework.

  • I had an issue with re-loading from an ammo crate on an island (I using double barrel pistol and throwing knives). The ammo crate was partly buried, despite me getting the prompts to reload. If I picked up the ammo crate and then dropped it again, so it was no longer in the sand, then I could reload as expected.

  • @sonicbob Game crashing on steam. Task manager states it was Suspended rather than Not Responding So it's 100% the game not hardware issues.

  • @quelun I can personally confirm this and have submitted a ticket about the issue. Thank you for spreading awareness! All of the mouse button inputs are affected by this, not just the scroll wheel.

  • Here's my state of play. Season 12 marks the third time I've downloaded the game, played for a while, gone "Wow, this is so fun! I don't know why I stopped playing!" and then found out. An hour or more of adventure, followed by pulling up to an outpost to sell, followed by seeing one player ship two miles out, followed by fifteen minutes of being chased before I realize there's no way to disengage safely. A ship to ship combat where pumping twelve shots into the hull at point blank range is rendered irrelevant by one successful boarder, and then losing an hour or more of work to something I had no way of avoiding.

    Put some bloody safe ports in the game, and I'd love the experience. Let me dock my ship at a populated island without having some griefer/camper/nitwit sink me while I'm trying to sell, and It'd be a wonderful adventure. Instead, I am once again faced with the question of why bother playing if I'm going to log out with nothing to show for it but a miserable mood. You can have PVPVE without supporting the playstyle of "Wait at the outpost and just sink people who left their ship to sell their chests" you know?

  • I realize there's no way to disengage safely. A ship to ship combat where pumping twelve shots into the hull at point blank range is rendered irrelevant by one successful boarder, and then losing an hour or more of work to something I had no way of avoiding.

    Safely? Well yeah...combat. Fight back.
    Try selling more often. 5 items? Sell it. 2? Sell it. Dont hoard 1 hour worth and knock yourself down because of a single failed combat

    Put some bloody safe ports in the game

    Loot isn't yours until that gold rolls in. Only safe space is.....Safer Seas.

    I am once again faced with the question of why bother playing if I'm going to log out with nothing to show for it but a miserable mood

    with Seasons, you earn gold by simply lvling up and playing. You earned something just by being on the sea. It shows

  • @rocjawcypher460 Safer Seas is always an option if you don't want to interact with other players. Alternatively, there are 7 Outposts in the game and generally 5-6 ships on a server. If one is occupied you can travel to another. You could also equip a rowboat and row to a port to sell while leaving your ship to sail off as a decoy somewhere else. There are ways to deal with the issue you're having built right into the game.

    Hope this helps!

  • Season 12 is out and still no fix for mouse and keyboard on Xbox. What gives?

  • I've only been able to actually load into a game once since Tuesday. Was really looking forward to playing this update but aside from some throwing knives against pve I haven't had the ability to play.

  • @leator said in Season 12 Update - State of Play:

    @tesiccl I agree, it could use some fine tuning, however I‘m glad it‘s not too common, giving runners a chance to just blow the horn and be gone.

    From a commendations perspective though I completely disagree...

    There is 100% an issue with the spawn rate (or EXTREME LACK THEREOF...) of the HORN OF FAIR WINDS.

    I spent 8 hrs searching for it in Shrines, Treasuries, and Shipwrecks, all on the same server (no dive-to shrine/treasury voyages or server merges) and DID NOT FIND A SINGLE ONE!!!

    I tried again the following day for the same amount of time, and only found 1 on a RB Chest/Bounty shipwreck after visiting 10-ish shipwrecks, and circling through the 8-9 Shrines/Treasuries for hooouuuurrrrrrrrrrssssss....

    Either the Spawn Rate needs to be DRASTICALLY INCREASED, or the Commendation for selling them needs to be DRASTICALLY REDUCED from 250 to something like... 10-15... because as-is it will take 4 years to find and sell 250 of them to complete the "Storm Sale" commendation required to purchase the Midnight Prawler sails.

    There should be a 100% guaranteed spawn rate for them in the vault after you complete a Treasury, and at least a 75%+ spawn rate in shrines since in both instances you are leaving your boat un-crewed/reduced-crewed for an extended period of time as a starting change - AND an increase to the drop rate in emergent sunken ships.

  • @grantsby said in Season 12 Update - State of Play:

    @leator said in Season 12 Update - State of Play:

    @tesiccl I agree, it could use some fine tuning, however I‘m glad it‘s not too common, giving runners a chance to just blow the horn and be gone.

    From a commendations perspective though I completely disagree...

    There is 100% an issue with the spawn rate (or EXTREME LACK THEREOF...) of the HORN OF FAIR WINDS.

    I spent 8 hrs searching for it in Shrines, Treasuries, and Shipwrecks, all on the same server (no dive-to shrine/treasury voyages or server merges) and DID NOT FIND A SINGLE ONE!!!

    I tried again the following day for the same amount of time, and only found 1 on a RB Chest/Bounty shipwreck after visiting 10-ish shipwrecks, and circling through the 8-9 Shrines/Treasuries for hooouuuurrrrrrrrrrssssss....

    Either the Spawn Rate needs to be DRASTICALLY INCREASED, or the Commendation for selling them needs to be DRASTICALLY REDUCED from 250 to something like... 10-15... because as-is it will take 4 years to find and sell 250 of them to complete the "Storm Sale" commendation required to purchase the Midnight Prawler sails.

    There should be a 100% guaranteed spawn rate for them in the vault after you complete a Treasury, and at least a 75%+ spawn rate in shrines since in both instances you are leaving your boat un-crewed/reduced-crewed for an extended period of time as a starting change - AND an increase to the drop rate in emergent sunken ships.

    @TheProgramer64 @DreadPirateGeek @patchouli4369 @ryannewbz @Robogames05

    Do you agree? (Since you also posted about issues with the ratity/inconsistency with spending HOURS looking for horns)...

    I get that some people have better RNG/Luck than others, but speaking for myself, and our guildmates, no one has had anything but a frustrating experience as we have not been able to find more than a handful of them anywhere if we sum our cumulative playtime looking for them at about 120+ hours across NA, EU, and Asia servers.

38 out of 86