vote ship

  • you are sailing with someone and a friend comes on
    or you are sailing with someone and they have to leave and when they leave you lose captaincy on that ship

    instead of leaving game to create a new lobby we can do this instead sail to an outpost and vote down on a ship to reset sail on at that outpost and then we can just invite the new person to join us

  • 10
  • instead sail to an outpost and vote down on a ship to reset sail on at that outpost and then we can just invite the new person to join us

    So you’re wanting to. Go to any outpost, vote to switch ships and have new player join.

    Well first off, you’re already at the outpost selling stuff. Why not just back out and make new lobby?

    Second, this only work if after the voting you dive or go through a portal and join new lobby anyways. Again…why not just back out?

  • Or just be sailing on a guild ship, don't lose captaincy if the captain leaves as long as a member of their guild is on the ship.

  • @reverend-toast some players may not be in the guild it might be an open crew and they leave and then ship reverts to standard because the captain left its like its not hard to understand

    @burnbacon because its more of an ingame thing to just switch ships like you just brought a shiphome and you can reset sail yeah maybe they have to wait for ship to like scuttle or something but it would be more of a player experience to be able to choose

    it is however just the same as creating a new lobby just being a better experience, might be on a server with an active FoF or something

    i did post these topics under suggestions right?

  • @gaffaovgy You won't have this issue when you start sailing with guild ships.

    Or you just start the session with your own captained ship so you won't have to worry about losing captaincy.

  • @reverend-toast io dont have this issue anyway i usually am on my guilds ship just a suggestion as another way of setting sail with a ship i dont know why you guys are so negative in every topic though like "games good as it is nothing needs suggesting"

    its just another way of setting sail you know a suggestion which is more of a roleplay type thing you can swap your ship at an outpost i mean you can see the emporium in 10 places so why not

  • Server wise.
    It has a max player and ship. It can not go over the limit.
    So if your on a server that is “full” and your in a sloop. But wanna go into a galleon.

    You must switch servers to find space for the new ship size/crew size.

    Plus, it would just look weird to see a sloop sitting at a dock/outpost and suddenly switch/phase into a new ship size

    Another, if you go forward it has to go backwards yes? Galleon ship with full barrels. Issue be, sloops don’t have the same amount of storage space. Your gonna lose those resources

    The best choice is switch servers if you’re gonna swap ship sizes.

  • @gaffaovgy

    Maybe not a huge deal, but the ability to increase your crew and ship size on the fly without changing servers would enable “call-ins”. Not everyone would have the capability to put a crew together quickly and dominate a server, but many do. Imagine you’re fighting a duo sloop, sink it, and they return with a galley.

  • @gaffaovgy said in vote ship:

    @reverend-toast io dont have this issue anyway i usually am on my guilds ship just a suggestion as another way of setting sail with a ship i dont know why you guys are so negative in every topic though like "games good as it is nothing needs suggesting"

    its just another way of setting sail you know a suggestion which is more of a roleplay type thing you can swap your ship at an outpost i mean you can see the emporium in 10 places so why not

    People can disagree with suggested ideas, its not negative to simply disagree.

    In this case being able to swap ships mid session is more of a technical issue than anything, and would require a much longer dive and total supply reset to even function, so as long as you are fine with that the idea is sound, but this game does have limits, and its kind of bordering those limits right now.

  • @capt-greldik ok thats a fair point i wasnt thinking of it that way but yes it could be abused on the fly really

9 out of 10