Adventuring feels...lacking

  • For those of us who enjoy adventuring, being told where to go all the time isn't all that exciting.
    An update called "uncharted oceans", with additional features to all the islands and a map expansion with new islands that make exploring worth while. This includes adding island puzzles, missions, and destructibles to islands, with the potential to find or not find significant amounts of stashed treasure. Any new islands added to the seas will be permanently added to a captains ship map as soon as you go near the island.
    An update called "The Frontier" with the introduction of the Navy, and NPCs. They capture golden sands and the merchant faction, and introduce a reputation bar that can be improved on by doing merchant missions. If you sink players with a good reputation or harm NPCs on golden sands, then your reputation gets permanently lower and you have to either pay them a sum or do merchant missions for them so they don't attack you on sight. This will give non-violent merchant players who're often worse at the game a better chance at selling some things if they sail to golden sands. Given how easy it will be to board in future updates, running away will be difficult anyway.
    An update called "Rising Bones" with the introduction of new skeleton enemies created by the reapers faction. This includes new caverns and treasures across the seas protected by the Reapers Bones. Crawling skeletons so you have to watch your feet, skeletons that grab you making you move slower, monkey skeletons that are difficult to shoot but easy to sword down, Jumping skeletons, Skeletons that breath out fog, giant skeletons that run faster than you but can be blocked with sword, knife skeletons, just to name a few.

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  • being told where to go all the time isn't all that exciting.

    Who telling you where to go? Jump on ship and just set sail.

    You be more surprised by exploring islands and finding random stuff more profitable than a voyage now days.

    Follow the wind and stop at every island or location. Explore every inch of it. Don’t leave that island until.

  • Nothing in the game is telling you where to go. You an go wherever you want. If you are going on quests... like literally every game they tell you to go somewhere and do something.

    This game is about freedom of choice, you can go on quests, you can hunt down other pirates, you can do world events, you can just go fish... that is what this game is.

    Welcome to Sea of Thieves, a game where you create your adventure.

  • The game is all about telling you where to go. There is no reason go to go an island otherwise. You either follow a giant cloud in the sky or you become a delivery boy. This realization kicked in when the devils roar was introduced and I had no reason to go to any of the islands since it was just land with nothing to explore. The same reason that adding a big island like the shores of gold island doesn't increase the adventure because most of the island is empty and has nothing to it. Basically do what was done in the maiden voyage. Where there's stuff to do on that island without being told to go to that island.

  • @wungchang

    I do whatever I feel like in adventure :)

  • @wungchang said in Adventuring feels...lacking:

    The game is all about telling you where to go. There is no reason go to go an island otherwise.

    I've spent the last half a decade on my own adventure all over the map lol.

    The entire reason that I play this game is because I can do whatever I want and am around 4-5 other ships that get to do whatever they want to do.

    The only times I ever get frustrated are over extreme bug stuff but mostly environmental changes that I disagree with. I've literally never been bored in this game because I'm always doing what I want to do.

  • @wolfmanbush Do you go to islands without a voyage telling you to go there? If so, why? To find a random gem or chest along the beach? That isn't adventure. True adventure is when you get to explore without being told where to go by a voyage or cloud in the sky. Just like any other open world games out there that give reason to wander around and find content that isn't a voyage. Shrines do a somewhat decent example of this however, it would be nice if there were smaller shrines not on the map that you could only discover by exploring.

  • @wungchang said in Adventuring feels...lacking:

    @wolfmanbush Do you go to islands without a voyage telling you to go there? If so, why? To find a random gem or chest along the beach? That isn't adventure. True adventure is when you get to explore without being told where to go by a voyage or cloud in the sky. Just like any other open world games out there that give reason to wander around and find content that isn't a voyage. Shrines do a somewhat decent example of this however, it would be nice if there were smaller shrines not on the map that you could only discover by exploring.

    I look at adventure as everything leading me to something.

    Every island I like to visit, every time I stop at a shipwreck, every time I chill out and just watch the happenings on a server, every sink, every encounter. Everything I do leads me to new experiences or more of what I enjoy.

    I look forward to every meg and kraken encounter, I enjoy pirate watching, discovering patterns, all the random stuff that happens on every server, every session.

    That's why I look forward to it every day. Today is not the same as yesterday and tomorrow won't be the same as today. As long as there are megs and krakens to hunt and skelly ships to sink and islands to visit and organic encounters to experience, I'm all good.

  • @wolfmanbush That's fine. Though, we're not talking about the same thing. Megaladon and krakken and shipwrecks are examples of what I'm referring to but they don't apply to the islands. I do remember the first time playing this and when the krakken showed up it made me think there must be tons of other stuff to explore that's not apart of some sort of quest since the kraken isn't apart of a mission, it's the perfect example of what a rare open world enemy should be like. However, that's pretty much all there is. Islands need adventure content too. And more sea beasts would be nice, but maybe with requirements on how they show up, like which part of the map they inhabit, so we dont get bombarded by sea monsters everywhere.

  • @wungchang said in Adventuring feels...lacking:

    @wolfmanbush That's fine. Though, we're not talking about the same thing. Megaladon and krakken and shipwrecks are examples of what I'm referring to but they don't apply to the islands. I do remember the first time playing this and when the krakken showed up it made me think there must be tons of other stuff to explore that's not apart of some sort of quest since the kraken isn't apart of a mission, it's the perfect example of what a rare open world enemy should be like. However, that's pretty much all there is. Islands need adventure content too. And more sea beasts would be nice, but maybe with requirements on how they show up, like which part of the map they inhabit, so we dont get bombarded by sea monsters everywhere.

    ancient skellies and box of secrets in the roar would be examples of reasons to visit islands if people wanted to look at it like that.

    None of this has been to dismiss your suggestions, I just think that repeatedly suggesting that the game tells us where to go is inaccurate. We get to choose how we adventure based on our preferences. Some people like islands for pond fishing or screen shot taking or role playing/cooking.

    There is a lot of opportunity in the game now as they have add more and more of it to the environment. Preferences and goals are what drive exploration around the map. We all have our own styles.

8 out of 10