just a storage crate

  • heres something which could help the game every ship has one storage crate when starting and you can have check boxes on it to gather like checkboxes for canonball, wood, throwables, fireworks, food e.t.c .. makes it that much easier to gather what you want fast without filling it up with bait and fireworks and can stop issues with buying supplies, you could go up to say merchant vendor buy canonballs food e.t.c and it automatically goes into that crate. why do we need 70 crates to do one job and newer players dont even know there is a storage crate

  • 8
  • You can already get a storage crate at the start if you buy it from the merchant, and its fairly cheep once you have played just a bit, so i dont see much need to give one from the start. A sorting or blacklist/whitelist system would be nice though cause i really dont care about the barrel leeches, so im all for that!

  • @goldsmen new players dont know you can buy storage crates, tyheres not even anything on the maiden voyage, im not suggesting things on me i dont care im rich :)

  • heres something which could help the game

    How does this help the game. Seems to only help crews but still even that doesn’t seem true.

    You can just by the stuff and it auto goes into your Barrels

    new players dont know you can buy storage crates

    And? Explore. Try everything. New players won’t even know what to do with a crate when they find it.

  • @gaffaovgy Implementing a check mark system to the UI would not improve the game much.

    One of the great things about Sea of Thieves, is how you learn how the systems work by just playing the game. There are prompts explaining what a storage crate can do when you get one for the first time... and there are also prompts that you can buy supplies from the merchant, one of which is the storage crate.

  • oh yes prompts hmm, we all know how useful they are "whys this reaper attacking me" everyone pays attention to them prompts
    yes i said here's something that could help the game it will it will stop people duping crates you think thats not happening right now? its same bug as old shipwright buy at same time everyone knows it and everytime somebody finds another loop to do it because they are collecting the resources themselves
    just saying new players should explore is not an answer its just like maybe one day they will find out. people on this forum dont really play the game otherwise they would see im right everysingle newish player has basic supplies

  • just saying new players should explore is not an answer its just like maybe one day they will find out. people on this forum dont really play the game otherwise they would see im right everysingle newish player has basic supplies

    I’ve been playing with new players and sailing with them. They are far more intelligent you think.
    Exploring every little detail of the game without asking because, maybe they found a YouTube video that been out for 6 years XD

    Your right. Your wrong. Nobody is really correct in anything. Agree to disagree.

    End of it. New players today have far less hassle to learn this game than the older players. Bless them lucky dogs they didn’t have to explore so much to learn anything.

  • @gaffaovgy This will not stop people from using glitches.

    Storage Cates are something everyone has access to when you find them around the seas, and you can spend 5000 gold (It used to be 25000) to buy one from the Merchant. Unless we are planning on immediately going into PVP my crew doesn't even bother gathering more than 1 pocketful of supplies as we are starting since it is so easy to grab storage crates from islands, skeleton ships, and the fleet event.

4 out of 8