• Setting sail with the Savage Seadogs means embracing a journey fueled by ambition and grit. Our mission is clear: to rise to the upper echelons of pirate legend, achieving the coveted milestones of level 1000 or Distinction 10. But make no mistake, this isn't a voyage for the faint-hearted—it's a grind, through and through.

    We're a crew bound by the relentless pursuit of greatness, united in our determination to conquer the Sea of Thieves and leave our mark upon its shores. Each plundered chest, every vanquished foe, brings us one step closer to our ultimate goal.

    So, if you're ready to roll up your sleeves, buckle down, and dive headfirst into the grind, then the Savage Seadogs await. Join us, and together, we'll forge a path to glory that few dare to tread.


    • Organised discord server with full progresstion tracking
    • Can help with any voyages ,tall tales , commendation
    • Your contribution would never be forgotten and will be always there in our hearts and hall of fame
    • Active members and events
    • Discord based monthly rewards for highest contributors
    • Players for PvE and also PvP


    • Be active: We're not kicking anyone who's a legacy member/made significant contributions at some point, but anyone who immediately bounces off will be removed to free up a slot. (You should be atleast active 3d a weak)
    • PvP or PvE is welcome: Everyone already in the guild is interested in different things. I enjoy hourglass, my partner enjoys fishing, etc. Common goal is reaching lvl 1000.
    • Some experienced needed: Upskilling swabs is a little bit beyond us - people with 500 hours or more is preferred but not required.
    • The desire to improve Helping each other and leveling up is part of the game and you should always listen to your fellow pirates to improve yourself
    • The guild as the main guild Guild is our priority getting guild to level 1000 is gonna be a task but if we do this together it can be done in couple of weaks or months!
  • 9
    communitystory & lorecompetition
  • invite me please potatopotata128

  • hello can i have your discord username!

  • interested but I have questions

    discord username: darwin2207

  • @Darwin5342 i have added you on discord and please go ahead i may asnwer your question

  • Hi I’m new to sea of thieves on ps5 I would like to join on discord and the guild, my username is Leocrash54 and my psn is the same

  • Im interested in joining. You can contact me on Discord on : DeBers or .debers. Or Xbox HetIsDeBers.

  • flipflopbandit on discord

  • @Leocrash54 @HetIsDeBers @DougieFresh5000 added 1ll three of you on discord :)

communitystory & lorecompetition
7 out of 9