Ladders move in Option, to stop permanent boarding

  • 39
  • Spam boarding isn't really the issue it's the low to no consequences for spam boarding.

    At least against a galleon someone can do fire and/or bottom holes

    but against a brig there are no consequences. Easy ship to use even with spamming boarders, easy ship to keep afloat, easy ship to speed around the sea, easy ship wreck to sloops even with very poor performance.

    Probably would have to rework mast requirements to change anything. It's too easy to recover and just speed out a reset over and over. Too easy to one person a brig.

    The issue is the no consequences part more than anything. Boarder spam should be a luxury of skill, not just something anyone can get away with due to imbalanced combat design.

    No boat should be so powerful (super speed and very easy to do everything with) that doing everything wrong is rewarding in combat. Brig is that against sloops/solos. Galleon is not that.

    As a long time solo that has fought countless brigs and galleons, if you were to ask me which I'd rather defend against, a random open crew brig with a non-new player crew or a solid galleon crew I'm picking the galleon every time. Many others would as well. Brig needs some work or everything needs some work, imo. Hopefully the game is headed in that direction, more than just the gadget stuff that has been announced.

  • @usefpower say your idea is implemented, but an enemy lands a deck shot or rams your ship and manage to get on board, then drop your anchor and blunder you off, leaving you in the water. How do you get back on board then? You’re stuck while your ship slowly sinks and the only option you have is to swim far away and get a mermaid back, instead of being able to climb the ladder. Please tell me the solution for that problem without further complicating your idea. Thanks.

  • As sad it is when oposied party is able to spam board you that means they allready have uperhand.

    Crewmebers is finite resource and crew bording recklessly will often end loosing the engagment in that way.

  • Sadly the Game Lost the Connection for real ship Battles. each time You Fight With other Players They start boarding your ship with climbing on the ladder.

    When did this game become Real? and not each time you fight, some players like myself will just RAM YOUR SHIP AT FULL FORCE AND CRASH INTO EACH OTHER LIKE BUMPER CARS!! HAHAHAHA! ^_^ but that just me being silly and changing up the game.

    What players often do more is swim in the water and blast your ship with blunder or fire bombs. We need a Bubble shield. :p

    It would be nice if they change the ladders on the ship with an ladder move in option

    Im confused, what do you want the ladders not do or do?

    This would end the toxic battle style a lot of players are using like (Spawn Camping)

    Like I said, I ram your ship like a bumper car, jump on board and if defeated, you be spawn camped still. It wont stop it. Nor is Boarding Toxic.

  • @tesiccl shouldn't rasing ladders have repercussions. Everyone uses this as an argument not thinking there should be negatives to raising ladders. Consider yourself at an island searching for loot you will have ladders down unless you have a crew mate to watch the boat. Say another crew just comes along and raises them just to troll. The main point being is bringing naval front and center and if you want to ram or board you have to put your ship in the danger zone.

  • @burnbacon just might want a bubble shield when folks chuck those Skelly nades instead of fires bombs and blunder bombs. Rip solo hg as it is now.

  • @cannytwocrows forget about the punishments, the idea of raising the ladder shouldn’t exist in the first place.

  • @tesiccl unfortunately it is a popular unpopular suggestion that keeps popping up.

  • @cannytwocrows too many inexperienced players who aren’t utilising the tools around them and refuse to even try once they engage (unwillingly) in combat.

  • Just watch for boarders and you're problem isn't a problem anymore

  • @tesiccl I understand the confusión, but when You could raise the ladder. It would be a little Bit Harder. I get the Point about enemy Players could Just raise it while You arent there. It was Just one way for making Boarding Harder, Not Impossible

  • @usefpower You can't deal with a mechanic so the game needs to remove it entirely?

  • @burnbacon Hi, I Just Had the Point about a Feature which allows raising the ladder.

  • @lackbarwastaken it's not just me, I play the game since beta. I don't really care, but for new players this game and fighting style is really hard. I don't want to remove boarding, they could make a swinging technique to board other ships. It's about making boarding not so damn easy. My crew can do it also, it's just boring.

  • @usefpower said in Ladders move in Option, to stop permanent boarding:

    it's not just me, I play the game since beta. I don't really care, but for new players this game and fighting style is really hard. I don't want to remove boarding, they could make a swinging technique to board other ships. It's about making boarding not so damn easy. My crew can do it also, it's just boring.

    Boarding is just necessary to sink a lot of crews. Highly doubt that will ever change.

    What should shift is which crews are rewarded for it.

    Right now people just play the lottery without investment. Spam over and over and over again until it works against smaller crews. Not a skill strat it's a lottery strat that is enabled by imbalanced ship design.

    Got to address the core of the issue not the effect of the issue. The core of the issue is that it's ridiculously easy to play as a bigger boat and to sacrifice player resources against smaller boats.

    Brig shouldn't be effective with one player and galleon shouldn't be effective with 2. Should take the entire crew to operate it efficiently and effectively in combat.

    Board spam is literally an effect caused by naval/recovery being too easy.

    It makes no sense to have easy to operate big boats in a shared environment with smaller boats and crews.

    Masts are what really make sense. Big boats with masts down should require a lot of effort to recover. Far too easy for big boats to recover while board spammers are distracting.

    It should be a real issue to take a bunch of damage as a larger ship against a smaller crew. Bigger ship strats are very often not built around performance, they are built around speed and having a low player resource/performance requirement to stay afloat. That's not an environment built on pirate performance it's one built on crew preference.

    That's why so many random aggressive open crews are successful in random adventure on a brig, it's a "gimme" design in this environment, it rewards spamming stuff on servers that are often a majority sloops.

    Sloops should lose a lot against skilled larger crews, they shouldn't be losing just because bigger crews can play the lottery all day without paying for tickets.

  • @tesiccl so their ignorance should be punished rather than giving them a defensive option.

  • @cannytwocrows they already have defensive options eg. the Blunderbuss, a Blunderbomb etc.

  • @tesiccl true yet folks can climb up half your ladder get blunder bombed and still make the jump to your deck on the sloop. And then there's the whole catch and jump technique that basically makes you invincible to being shot off. So ladder raised all these techniques float away.

  • Nothing about this game is supposed to be a "real ship battle" seeing as you can literally shoot your self out of a cannon, shoot cursed cannon balls, and very soon, run across harpoon lines to board as well as create an army of skeletons.

  • @cannytwocrows a solution to a problem that doesn’t exist in the first place.

  • @tesiccl the problem does exist even if you don't see it

  • @tesiccl and no offense you forum guys I'm convinced don't actually play the game but enjoy bantering amongst yourselves like roosters in a yard

  • Moving the ladders wont help you.
    You saw the trailers for season 13 and 14 didnt you?

    If not watch again. There is no escape.

  • @wolfmanbush You feeling ok matey? I've read many posts of yours in the past, this one is lacking grammar and a logical train of thought. You get too deep into the rum last night or your account get hacked? I honestly can barely understand what you're asking for or talking about...

  • @cannytwocrows

    no offense you forum guys I'm convinced don't actually play the game but enjoy bantering amongst yourselves like roosters in a yard

    6256 hours played in game and I first logged in on 26/12/18. I can play and banter at the same time.


  • @lordqulex

    wolfmanbush You feeling ok matey? I've read many posts of yours in the past, this one is lacking grammar and a logical train of thought. You get too deep into the rum last night or your account get hacked? I honestly can barely understand what you're asking for or talking about...

    I’ve been long convinced it’s just a chatGPT word salad, considering the speed and length of the replies.

    Some are articulate don’t get me wrong, but others…

  • @tesiccl
    I only have 2000 hours, can I 🐓 too?

  • @lordqulex cluck away!

  • @tesiccl there's playing in discord bubbles and there's playing in open crew. Focus forget what it's like being a new player. And kinda odd you used hours most use days.

  • @cannytwocrows everyone one that's played was once new, the difference between people that actually get competent at the game and people who don't, is learning how to play instead of asking to be catered too

  • @usefpower So what does the Raise Ladder do? Does it automatically drop if someone falls off the boat? How annoying would it be if you raised the ladder, got knocked off your ship, Mast gets knocked down, and now it is sitting dead in the water with your only option to swim away from it to get a mermaid?

    What happens if you get boarded, and anchored, and the boarder raises your ladder and knocks you off the ship with a well placed blunder bomb? Now you have to swim away to get a mermaid to get back on your own ship.

    Basically your idea, while it may seem to "Solve" an issue you are having, is going to give boarders more options to prevent you from recovering your ship.

    Look at the updates coming in Season 14. They said they are adding placable traps, so you will have more tools to repel boarders. (Though the grapple gun is coming, which will add another tool to board the ship without ladders anyways).

  • @cannytwocrows 260 (almost 261) days then, since you asked.

  • @lordqulex yes you clearly seem open minded to things

  • @rotten-rocko I don't disagree kinda feel the same since the game is so much easier. Before your tutorial was basically the pirates you met now there's a tutorial for everything. But since they have made the game more accessible through a lot of other means. Actually granting players an actual way to be defensive in the beginning would help retain players.

14 out of 39