Any tips for a non-fighter just looking to fish past 40 Rep with Hunters?

  • So I'm not a pvp person. I'm in the game for anything but fighting other people I mean, like what 90% of the game can be played without ever attacking anyone. That being said, I have come to learn and accept that people are going to shoot first no matter where you are and what your doing. Some folks are out there to fight other pirates and steal their loot, I have learned to avoid them if I can and sell after each and ever pickup and to just accept that I will be sunk a lot. I am currently trying to level my Hunter rep but you can not raise faction rep past 40 in Safer seas is my understanding so I have been trying to fish and get the last 10 in open waters. Does anyone have any tips for a place that is better than most for fishing without someone coming by to sink you for no reason? I know if I have treasure or a emissary up I am a target, or if I sail near a fight or an event someones doing that I am asking for trouble so I try not to do any of that but the last couple weeks it seems especially hostile on open waters. I was curious if anyone knew somewhere you could fish for the most part without being sunk? If not Ill manage anyway, I have managed to get a few levels, its just not fun for me and I don't see how someone not fighting back and having nothing could be fun for them so I would like to do it and get out of their way. Thank you for any responses. Have a great day.

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  • Shipwrecks

    check all the barrels and grab all the gems (sell them at the seapost for rep)

    over and over again.

    It'll keep you on the move, get you great fish, including rare fish

    get you some gems

    I did most of my hunter stuff without even casting, shipwrecks are awesome for leveling hunters.

    alt text

    the pink line is where you can sail around finding all the shipwrecks in open sea

    Easy to spot, gives you some space from others, just sail that and you'll do alright.

    Once in a while you might get attacked but it's likely going to be rare.

    You can sell at roaring traders, finest trading post, spoils of plenty, and maybe wild treasures store if you need it.

    They are out of the way enough to be left alone a lot.

    You're welcome to contact me if you run into a bunch of trouble and we can figure something else out but you should be fine.

  • I agree on selling all gems to them, checking barrels on ship weeks. One thing I have done to make fishing a bit less dangerous is to buy a bait box on a sea post then skuttle the ship. You stand out a lot less and have plenty of bait from the box. Just farm regions fish for that sea post.

  • @zaknafien2003

    They covered most of it, but don't forget every 30 calendar days (might be back to every month, I forgot to check) Larinna will sell you a letter of recommendation for doubloons

    That last level is especially loooooong lol.

  • Like @WolfManbush I got most of my fish from shipwrecks but also from the barrels'o'plenty (the random floating barrels).

    You can also find some cheap fish and meat on the sea fortresses in the barrels that have a pully system. They won't give you much rep, but getting them is pretty quick.

    If you want to fish, on a rowboat you're harder to spot by other crews; perhaps stay close to islands, so if you got spotted you can bury your resource crate with fish and return some time later ?

    As with other activities, the Roar is hardly visited by other crews, though make sure you're not getting hit by the volcanoes 😁.

    Not sure how little you get nowadays from meat, but killing the wildlife on an island and cooking it might get you some Hunter rep as well.

    People have mentioned gems, but if you find a bottle quest for a Treasury (or if you like them, Shrines - they do take longer though) gives you a Breath of the Sea, they also can be handed in at reps of the Hunter's Call.

  • Thank you all for the great tips. I'm going to start looking for shipwrecks more often! Thank you for the excellent map as well wolfman.

  • If you actually want to fish for HC rep, you can often hideaway around the back of Tribute Peak (North East corner of the map) if you have the Tall Tale checkpoint to get there.

    Bait and Storage Crates and you are set for a while with likely little interference.

    As mentioned, selling Gems to Sea Posts is also a good shout.

    Just hide your boat out of general sight from most 'high traffic' areas (the edges as @WolfManbush has pointed out) and loot shipwrecks.

    No guarantee NO ONE will bother you but certainly helps minimise potential encounters!

  • @zaknafien2003 said in Any tips for a non-fighter just looking to fish past 40 Rep with Hunters?:

    Thank you all for the great tips. I'm going to start looking for shipwrecks more often! Thank you for the excellent map as well wolfman.

    The key to productive outcome for someone in your spot is to consistently minimize loss.

    You aren't out to fight and you aren't trying to prove anything, you have a pve focused goal so it's best to strategize with consistent selling.

    The temptation may be to carry stuff around for a while but consistency is victory in pve. Make a habit out of keeping stuff sold and then pvp and sinking is no big deal at all.

    The thing to remember is that people don't really end up regretting the selling, they end up regretting the waiting to sell.

    Once that rep registers that's yours, until then it's at risk, no matter how safe someone thinks a server is.

    Find a rare fish? get it to the sea post asap
    Find 10 fish in a shipwreck? get them to the sea post

    Get yourself a meg? get that meat cooked on the way to the seapost and sell the gems you picked up

    Sink a couple skelly sloops? those are good for gems, get that sold at a sea post.

    Don't wanna pvp? that's alright, you are caught up on selling so you can just bounce. Move on to the next.

    There are different ways to approach this game and to succeed in this game, including high seas, you don't have to be a fighter if you don't wanna be, play it like chess and you'll win in the long run.

  • @zaknafien2003

    If you're on xbox...turn on console/controller preferred. Not sure how noticeable it is anymore, but I have it turned on and don't see the horror stories 😅

  • @pithyrumble said in Any tips for a non-fighter just looking to fish past 40 Rep with Hunters?:


    If you're on xbox...turn on console/controller preferred. Not sure how noticeable it is anymore, but I have it turned on and don't see the horror stories 😅

    Controller servers are gonna be better for most players that play with a controller.

    Far less player content creation being farmed on controller servers which is a lot less shenanigans for a player to look out for.

    The only real major noticeable difference between the two is the streamer/content creator presence. They play a lot, they do a lot of piratey stuff so it's extremely common to run into on the shared servers and rarely on controller servers.

    The relevance of that for someone like the op is that it will mean less people that will sail off into the middle of nowhere to mess with a random boat. Less rowboat plays, less stealth plays, etc etc. Still happens, just less.

    Controller servers tend to be more consistently pvp skilled but that is predictable, a lot of the new players get put on shared servers by default. Since op just wants to avoid pvp entirely I'd say controller servers are probably the better choice.

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