• Vanguard is actively recruiting new members for the high seas.

    This is a new guild, consisting of all types of players. We have some who have played since day 1 and those who have just started sailing in open waters. Vanguard is dedicated to helping new players learn the ropes and give experienced players a new thrill. While we welcome all types of players and don't take ourselves too seriously, Vanguard members should strive to abide by other player's current flag status and destroy Reaper's wherever they can be found. Our duty is to make safe the Sea of Thieves (impossible task, we know). We have every variety of ship to sail and would love to have your vessel pledged as well.


    PvP is welcomed as it makes sailors better at the mechanics of this game but note that griefing other players is not acceptable. Everyone should have a chance to thoroughly enjoy this game.
    Reapers are our target, and we see them as the bane of the Sea's (If you want to fly the Reaper flag, we understand there are rewards tied to that and this is just friendly PvP).
    North American players make up the Guild so far - All regions welcome and we'll try to find crews to sail when convenient for you.
    Have fun and be courteous to other players, but especially those in the Guild. Everyone's joined under the premise of having a good time with the limited hours adults have.
    Must have a microphone to communicate.

    Please contact Guild Owner or Leader if you'd wish to join.
    Discord: mbq_delta (Owner)
    Xbox Gamertag: MBQ Delta (Owner)
    Xbox Gamertag: D3MONIZ3 (Leader)

    Bravery Lights the Dark

  • 33
    competitionstory & loreeventscommunityjust for fun
  • Can we add so I can join

  • I am active daily and would love to join your guild of you'd allow.

  • I sent a friend request to delta on discord. I would like to join this guild. Trying to find a solid group to play with as I just got back into the game about 2 months ago and am excited to play with all the upcoming additions. I have just over 600 hours of playtime and play nearly everyday.

  • @mcnicoraev

    Hello! Thank you for your interest! Please send me your Gamertag or add me on Discord and we can discuss further on getting you into the guild. Thank you, looking forward to sailing with you.

  • @ronanredbeard

    Hey there! I appreciate your interest in joining our guild. We would love to have you. Please add me on discord or send me your Gamertag and we'll talk further. Thank you, we look forward to sailing with you in defense of the Sea of Thieves!

  • @knucklhedred

    Received and chatting with you. Thank you again for your interest! See you on the High Seas!

  • @mbq-delta My xbox gamertag is the same as my username here. Thank you for your response.

  • @ronanredbeard

    Great, thank you for your response. I'll be on this evening and will add you. See you on the High Seas!

  • @mbq-delta Likewise. I will see you then my friend!

  • @mbq-delta My gamertag is mcnicoraev. I send you a message.

  • @mcnicoraev

    Hello sailor! Excellent, received and added you. I will be on later this evening to add you to the guild and hopefully sail together soon. Thank you again!

  • @mbq-delta thank you very much. I warn you I will not be on until Tuesday because I'm on vacation. Sorry .

  • @mcnicoraev

    No sorry necessary! Enjoy your vacation, the High Seas will always be here. See you soon!

  • Visibility

  • Hi I would like to join your Guild if you allow it .I have played the game for a while and would like to join a Cool Guild(like this one)

  • Hi
    Im looking for active guild
    Add me if u mind to

  • @wolverine101887

    Hello there sailor! We would love to have you aboard. Is your Gamertag your name on here? If not, please provide that and I will add you this evening when I log on. Looking forward to sailing with you!

  • @artolll

    Hello there sailor! We would love to have you aboard. Is your Gamertag your name on here? If not, please provide that and I will add you this evening when I log on. Looking forward to seeing you on the High Seas!

  • Hi "@mbq-delta" My username for Xbox is Wolverine101887 and discord is Logan661
    Thank you and have a Great day

  • @wolverine101887

    Added you as a friend, thank you. I will add you to the guild when I get on later today. See you on the High Seas!

  • Guild Update - 5 slots remain in this active guild. Please see the top of this post for contact details, should you wish to join. See you on the High Seas!

  • Guild Update - 2 slots remain in this active guild. Please see the top of this post for contact details, should you wish to join. See you on the High Seas!

  • Hello there, I'm interested in joining. my Xbox name is veixin

  • @veixin

    Hello there Veixin. It was a pleasure having you in the guild. Please stop by again, if you'd like to rejoin. See you on the High Seas!

  • Hello Everyone,

    There are two slots left in the guild. I hope everyone is enjoying the new season. See you out on the High Seas!

  • I'm interested in joining guild. Mars Voodoo Xbox name. Discord marssvoodoo

  • I’m interested in joining the guild. Dub T87 on Xbox.

  • I would like to Join I’m a PS player who has been playing since S2

    GT LostRoca
    PSN OhKeelah
    Discord highharper

  • @mars-voodoo

    Hello there, apologies for the delayed response, I was out the last week. Thank you for your interest, we still have a slot available if you'd like to join. Invite to the guild will be sent when I log back on. See you on the High Seas!

  • @dub-t87

    Hello there, apologies for the delayed response, I was out the last week. Thank you for your interest, we still have a slot available if you'd like to join. Invite to the guild will be sent when I log back on. See you on the High Seas!

  • @lostroca

    Hello there, apologies for the delayed response, I was out the last week. Thank you for your interest, we still have a slot available if you'd like to join. Invite to the guild will be sent when I log back on. See you on the High Seas!

  • @mbq-delta returning PL if you still have a spot shoot an invite!

competitionstory & loreeventscommunityjust for fun
2 out of 33