Looking to join a guild

  • Would love to join a guild, I mainly go for achievements/commendations. Pretty active and would be open to joining anyone

  • 20
  • @darkboyzl1398 you can join our guild if you want. Fun is the most important part and we are in Europe.

  • Or DM me on Discord - robSHEPart - and we can get you joined up.

  • AotM is still open if you want. DM me on discord, miragescarlettleonard

  • @darkboyzl1398 I've started a new guild (Salty Dogs); I want it to be relaxed, playing for fun and friendship. I'm looking for a Mature and Respectful group...(I'm not going to use an age limit, unless it becomes a problem)I want people who would like to learn and grow with our guild. I haven't been playing for very long so hopefully we can all learn together. I want folks to join and play however they are most comfortable...If you want to group, that's fine... solo is fine....just have fun.

  • I currently run a Guild called "The Galactic Empire," currently at 3 looking for more. I have pledged 4 ships to the guild 3 of which are shareable. Looking to add more just need the titles.

  • Hit me up if your looking for a guild still. We to a lot of accommodation,trial and milestone hunting so you will fit right in

  • I have a newly started guild! Ur welcome to join, we will focus mainly on PvE than PvP - anything that gives loot. Since the guild is so new you have a chance to impact what this guild will become! At "Salty Unicorns Curse" we just wanna have a good time:)
    Let me know if interested

  • You are welcome to join the ~ Burnt Banana Brigade ~
    We're a chill semi-casual guild looking for more members to help level up the guild and have fun with! Our seasoned members do a mix of everything the seas have to offer (with an emphasis on commendations and making friends) and are always down for anything that makes some gold!
    Prerequisite: LGBT+ friendly, 21+
    If interested you can add my gamertag: XelliiBellii

  • Hello our guild "The Feathered Fiends" would love to have you! we are level 15 so we have the emissary unlocked, we also need active players such as you! i myself have the SOTshot sails and im looking to make a discord for the guild members to connect and play together! you will never be removed unless its to make space for others, and if you do get removed you will be messaged, we always re invite

  • (7) FEMA - PvPvE - Federal Emergency Management Agency

    • Members: 9 - Ships: 9
      We often find that sinking the ship and killing the crew resolves the issue and restores peace
    • We are pro Reaper/PvP
    • We are a PvP/PvE guild, we do a little bit of everything.
    • We are new player friendly and don't mind helping out!
    • This guild is a casual guild, so don't worry if you are a more casual player!
    • We have a discord for staying in touch.
    • 18+
  • @pyirts Are you still looking for guild members? I am a year 1 pirate legend looking to get back into Sea of Thieves now that guilds have been added. My gamertag is Minoan.

  • @minoan if u meant to reply to me then yes, i am looking for members! i will message u on ur xbox now

  • @pyirts I too am looking for a guild - still taking people? :)

  • looking for a guild

  • @pyirts i would like to join a guild, im a newer Pirate but i played some time in the past, could i join you?

  • @flaurish are you still looking for new players? Im looking for a guild because I came back to the game recently. Im +500h and pretty experienced in PvP.

  • @minoan


    Are you accepting new players to the game?

14 out of 20