I lose every single match in hourglass. No joke.

  • I cannot Ever win in hourglass. I am level 16 in servants and the only thing I have ever wanted is that skeleton curse. I started playing in season 8 and have been grinding the mode a decent amount… But I always lose. I have a total of 5 wins in HG. 5. 99% of my XP has been loss xp, and by this point I am un intentionally loss farming. I don’t even know what i’m doing wrong. I hit a decent amount of cannons, I repair, I fight off boarders sometimes…

    But I always sink in the end. It feels like I put 10 cannonballs in their boat and they repair it in .2 seconds, and then they shoot me with 1 cannonball and within the next ten seconds my boat is filled with wabter.

    Heres how a fight today went

    1. Pop up and fire at the enemy. I get off some decent shots. So do they.

    2. We both fall back and repair for a bit. We come back and fire at each other again.

    3. This goes on for a while. Eventually, I ram them and jump aboard, driving their ship into the out of bounds. I realize they are doing the same to my ship. Too late. Sunk.

    It annoys me because I always lose when making risky plays… But how else am I supposed to sink them?? I can’t keep an eye off my boat, but I also have to keep them from repairing…

    I just want the skeleton curse. I play with my friend sometimes and we also always lose. Its so frustrating.

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  • @gameglarb I feel you iv yet to win a single match in hour glass we've come close a few times but all loses my crew doesn't do good at pvp when it comes to other crews boarding us we almost always lose player to player fights

  • @otherfanboy I just really wish there were like bonuses for HG for trying your best even if you lose. For example if I do nothing during the match I get the loss xp that exists currently. But if I actively participate in the match and do stuff I would get more xp… That is honestly the one feature I want most.

  • @gameglarb yea sadly when the xp split was more even wins vs loses players would just lose farm also it's hard to say who's trying and losing vs those who are just losing for xp it needs a better match making system assuming there is one

  • Since Hg was released I've tried to encourage a lot of people that went through what you are going through.

    Every one of them that stuck with it got through it and you are no exception. That will be you someday, another person that stuck with it and eventually got to where you want to be.

    The randomness of stamps isn't your weight to carry. That's not on you.

    If you stick with it you will succeed in getting the curse. If you decide to walk away that is 100% ok, you aren't less for walking away from something that is costing more than it's worth.

    Just remember, you not only can, you will. It just takes more time.

    You will reach more points where you want to give up, where it feels overwhelming, that point will be further than you are right now. How it feels is just how it feels, you will achieve this if you put in the time. Is it worth it? it's your time and something you should consider carefully.

    You will not fail if you move forward and keep moving forward, you will see that in the months ahead.

    You're not losing, you're gaining experience, you're locking in rep. You got this, no doubt about it.

    Wanna know another person that has lost and loses a lot of fights in this game? Me.

    Stick with it if it matters to you, nobody can stop you from reaching that goal.

  • @wolfmanbush ohhh I'm sure I'll get there one day but until then low level and next to zero xp for me

  • You lose every match. And yet…there been tales of people fighting against “farm lose”

    This very strange turn of event s

  • @burnbacon I wish I found those farming loses my luck is not that good in fact im pretty a crew though we where farming loses on how poorly we did

  • @gameglarb
    An option for you..
    Stack a few sea forts..
    Do not place loot on your ship until u vote up HG (defend)
    Load up all the loot to get ur treasure grade to 5..
    And race to the outpost to vote down HG..
    It WILL have to be up for 15m before u can vote down.
    But alot of time u wont get a battle within those 15m (especially on xbox servers)
    And u can farm rep without actually having to fight.

    Not not much fun imo.. but its an option for you.

    Also.. once PS users hit the servers.. You will be much more experienced then them..
    You will start winning!

  • @burnbacon Oh, don’t get me wrong, I have loss farmed a bit. I just found it annoying and unfun after like 10 minutes. I only ever purposefully lose every once in a while when I just want to get a bit of XP to go to the next level.

  • @li-jratt-li I may try it. Whats the XP gain for this strategy? I know this anniversary rep gain/allegiance gain is doubled

  • @wolfmanbush Thanks for the support. I’m sure I will get better eventually, but for now… I’m better off just trying my best.

  • @burnbacon Oh I read that when I was tired and I thought said that I was loss farming. Yeah, I have gone up against loss farmers… But not enough. Rare, please give me more lossfarmers! (Jk)

  • Update: Did some more hg with my friend today. First match was ok but we sunk obviously. We face the same guys a few more times. Then hourglass starts spitting us back out into the outpost. Leave and rejoin, encounter some joining bugs. We then get matched against a guy with skeleton curse who keeps one-blundering me. We go against a guy who hits most of his cannon shots from 20 miles away. Sink. We finally get a fair match and begin to gain the upper hand… then my friend has to go early. I love this game but sometimes it feels like its actively working against me. I was thinking maybe I could get allegiance 100 this week. Now that doesnt feel realistic at all.

  • @gameglarb you on xbox? Hit me up. GT is BeetinCheex. I help you with HG. Lol 264 in servants and 142 in guardians.

  • @beetincheex I am on pc unfortunately.

  • @gameglarb said in I lose every single match in hourglass. No joke.:

    @beetincheex I am on pc unfortunately.

    You can still play with xbox players

    and if you have a controller you could even play controller preferred servers, which may or may not help given your situation, sometimes m/kb servers are easier to manage, depending on the situation, but controller might be something that might help.

  • @gameglarb So, from the little bit you've shared here, it sounds like you're too afraid of being solo. What I mean is, it sounds like you're scared to leave your boat unless you're completely repaired. I could be misreading you there. But I gather that from you saying you feel punished for making risky plays. If you're confident in your ship's status, these plays won't feel as risky. What I would suggest, is set two fire bombs behind your map table, and time how long it takes for holes to form, and then how long it takes for you to sink after. You can do the same with the bottom deck or by making different level holes in your ship with island/fort canons. It's important to know just how much time you have based on your damage. If you have a tier one and a tier two hole, you need to be able to estimate how long you can be away from your ship, because if your enemy is stalling, knowing you have holes, you'll sink. If you're not mindful of the time you're taking, you'll sink. The other clue I got was it sounds like you're jousting. This is a big no no because neither of you will get anywhere. Just like you say, you both trade a few holes and then sail off to repair. What's that going to accomplish? You need to apply pressure. Lots and lots of pressure. You need to know, "Okay, I have two holes, but so does he." So he's in the same position you are. If you have 6 holes and he has 1, sure. Sail off to fix and reset. If he has 6 and you have 1, DON'T RUN! Keep that pressure on. Keep that angle and don't give him time to fix. Give your opponent something to do at all times other than canon back at you. You don't have to fix one or two measly holes. Bucket periodically but KEEP. THAT. PRESSURE! You keep pressure, he can't come back unless you make a mistake by losing angle or forgetting to eat and then getting shot.

  • By the way, @wolfmanbush I think you encouraged me with this same issue. I was not so bad that I was losing every battle, but I was definitely struggling even though I could hold my own in adventure mode. I just wanted to say thank you. I got lvl 100 Servants after a 14 streak. I feel better and more consistent than ever.

  • @secret-vveapon said in I lose every single match in hourglass. No joke.:

    By the way, @wolfmanbush I think you encouraged me with this same issue. I was not so bad that I was losing every battle, but I was definitely struggling even though I could hold my own in adventure mode. I just wanted to say thank you. I got lvl 100 Servants after a 14 streak. I feel better and more consistent than ever.


    I just told you the truth

    you had it, you did it, you earned it

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