Can I be banned for sharing the game in steam?

  • I had 2 accounts, 1 main, 2 with this game. I decided to share the game on my first account, and then a few days later I got banned forever. I have now written to support, they answered me this: There is no ban in place on this account. However, if you are account sharing, it's highly likely an account is being used to circumvent enforcement action. As such, we are unable to assist any further with this request.
    So I won't be able to play SoT anymore?

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  • @man2280 did you share it with someone you knew ?

    I mean sharing an account is always risky as you dont know what the orher player does with the account.

    Cheating, being toxic etc etc.

    If it is then found that more accounts have played from the same IP or Hardware iit can result in all attached accounts being banned as well

  • @callmebackdraft These 2 accounts were used only by me and only for myself, I repeat, since I had 2 accounts and in order not to change them often, I just shared the library to play with one

  • @man2280 most games terms agreement says account sharing isnt allowed. though with xbox its kinda weird with the whole family share system

    so with family share you could add your friend to your alt accounts "family" you just need to login to your account on the microsoft site. though not sure if you can setup family share based off a steam version vs the windows store version.

    but yea if you can trust the friend not to be a bad actor and are willing to risk the account possibly getting banned if they arent or just buy them a copy when it goes on sale? or buy yourself a windows copy when that goes on sale

    you can look into if family share is possible with a steam version but i feel its highly unlikely as the person would need to login to your windows store account to start the download for the game then swap back to their account that would have been added to the microsoft family.

  • @man2280 Ahoy matey!

    While I can't speak for the support team and cannot discuss moderation actions... This kind of action will only be taken when an account you are using has been banned for actions in game. To prevent bypassing of moderation actions they prevent you from sharing your library.

    I am going to drop anchor here as discussions that are around bans and moderation actions are not allowed under our Forum Rules and Community Code of Conduct.

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