Penny Dreadfuls, the Perseverance Rover, and things that make you go Hmmm...

  • Adventurer,

    I hope the season has brought you warmth
    within encounter and inspiration

    you certainly deserve any kindness you find in adventure
    as do those awaiting encouragement

    I'm thankful that you are here
    Merry adventures

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  • Adventurer,

    As things change around the environment I often struggle to find motivation for the gameplay within piracy. Encouragement and support for the organic environment have long been my priority, wherever I am participating. The environment has changed and is changing, at some point my compatibility will end and it will be time to move on.

    That's not a negative thing, it's just a part of a pirate's life.

    I was sailing without a destination
    a sloop was sailing nearby, they appeared to have somewhere to go
    I glassed the ship and a familiar name is revealed
    the captain is someone that is a part of one of my organic encounters nearly 3 years ago and has a story in this very adventure log.

    They didn't fire at me and of course I did not fire at them.
    I waved as they sailed by and I kept sailing, as did they
    it was enough as it was, a reminder of what still exists through the changing tide.

    I'm thankful and hopeful for this environment, and for you and your adventures.

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  • That's just fin-tastic mate

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  • This one goes out to those of you trying to stay afloat
    I hope you believe in yourself
    in your effort
    in your recovery throughout life
    in healing and service
    in your purpose
    in forgiveness
    in the principles of appreciation
    I believe in you

    I'm thankful for you, for this environment.
    don't sink the boat that you built to keep afloat
    as always, I'm rooting for you

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  • After harvesting the second shrouded ghost of this adventure I headed east to hunt for another box of wondrous secrets

    it may take me quite some time to find another one but I am committed to the search, the hunt
    as always

    I am thankful for the encounters along the way, friend or foe
    for the hunting ground
    for the opportunity

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  • Adventurer:

    My adventures, the hunts I embark upon, what I seek on the sea and from the environment
    these are possible because of you
    your participation, your adventurous passion, your dedication to the environment
    Thank you, I am grateful that you are here
    wishing you well and fulfilling adventure

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  • 6 total boxes, 2 with Captaincy.


    If you sink, if you lose, if you stumble and fall
    if you feel embarrassed, disconnected from the rest
    it doesn't separate you
    it's what connects you with experience and history that we all navigate through
    I hope you hold on to adventure, your adventure, it's yours to define, yours to cherish and to share.
    I wish you well and togetherness with those close to you

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  • Adventurer:

    This imperfect journey of mine has been filled with the fortune of adventure
    strengthened by encounters, by shared experiences, by you

    Every day a gift, one more precious with the presence of others that seek
    I am thankful for your existence, for the adventures that you create, the stories that you gather and share.

    You deserve the kindness you find, the friendships and connections with mutual thoughtfulness, encouragement, and appreciation.

    I hope this finds you well
    if not, you're on your way, you'll get there

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  • I've always adventured in this game on an ole laptop, nothing fancy, just something to get me from island to island.

    After many many many adventures the graphics card had nothing left to give.

    I didn't enjoy the lag, the lower performance
    I enjoyed the challenge

    I thought about the options,

    -use it as a reason to upgrade, faster performance, more options and opportunity in combat

    -use it as a reason to call it good on piracy

    -use it as an opportunity to approach adventure in a new way
    a way that keeps the focus of what this has long been about

    Didn't take long to decide,
    As of today I entirely adventure through cloud gaming on a browser with a controller. Same ole laptop. I haven't been involved in shooting on a controller beyond casually playing a single player game here or there for about 20 years.

    It's like I just started again, frustration, inexperience, mistakes within the basics
    I gotta lotta L's behind me and on the horizon.
    all of it opportunity
    all worth it

    I hope you are well
    that you still yearn for adventure
    I'm thankful that you are here

  • Adventurer,

    I have been fortunate on these seas
    rich in encounters
    experiences with others
    sharing a cherished environment with incredible pirates and adventurers

    The treasure has become observations of the environment thriving
    in no small part because of you
    your adventuring is extraordinary

    I have seen so many of you reach the stars from the sea
    it's always been a privilege to witness
    I hope this finds you well

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  • As I was sailing I see a sloop at a shrine, not far from thieves haven
    I see a brig in the area, intentions unknown

    The origin of my story, my roots in this environment are connected to the experiences that others are now participating in for the first time, or close to it. The voyages, the adventures, the exploration outside of combat.

    Pirates that I've never met that I consider a part of my crew. I sail alone but my purpose includes those that share and explore this remarkable environment.

    The brig gets curious and we exchange communication through combat and they move along.

    I was on watch for about an hour when I decided to send a message to the Captain of the vessel.

    I let them know that their ship was safe and that I would look after it while they finished what they were doing, I requested that they take their time and enjoy the experience.

    They eventually returned to a safe vessel, everything as it was left. They sail on and we continue exchanging messages here and there.

    They are working on earning their first curse, they are finding all the journals, and they are also nearing Pirate Legend.

    They inform me that pirate life has been intense because of multiples encounters with hostile pirates. This is always unfortunate to hear but I know that this pirate is going to do well, now and in the future. I do what I can to assure them of that.

    We keep in contact and they run into some trouble again, the next day they are ready to try again.

    They get after it again, sending me updates throughout, I don't get involved in the details and strategy I just want them focused on sharing their story as the distraction will bring down the focus on possible attacks. Worry takes away from the experience, unnecessary as it doesn't change outcome for the better anyway.

    1 key down, 2 keys down
    time passes
    and they send a photo of their curse

    an unsurprising outcome for an extraordinary adventurer

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  • Spent 3 hours reading this what a legend

  • A year of captaincy
    I almost considered it a year of piratical highs and lows
    but that sentiment would be an injustice to the reality of life
    a lifetime of experiences

    I've been fortunate to be a small part of this environment
    the moments, hours, days, months, years
    the privilege of time I have had around others

    My adventures and encounters have reminded me-
    that under dust is where I kept focus, contribution, service
    Sailing, a calm, an opportunity to encourage
    I appreciate that

    If you've stumbled upon this
    trying to find something
    figure out something
    deal with something
    live with something
    I hope you find this environment supportive, encouraging
    I hope your experiences and encounters offer inspiration
    I'm glad you're here as a part of the community

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  • the bittersweet reality of longevity
    -an environment grows and thrives
    but as time goes on
    the faces of the sea become less familiar

    the beauty of the experience is that they were here
    memories cemented in adventure
    the history that they will always be a part of
    an enviornment that carries on
    -to serve others what we have been fortunate enough to experience for ourselves

    sail on
    adventure on
    wherever that may be

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  • Jackdaws and Clay Pigeons

    I'm a few weeks into my journey of being new to playing on controller and new to cloud gaming.

    Of course there have been frustrations and extra losses but that's alright, it's a part of approaching something in a new way, an adventure of inexperience. With time it'll work out, for me, for you

    I was soloing a fleet, as I do
    a sloop in the area takes off like a startled rabbit
    a brig swoops in, the Jackdaw with sails of the owl

    My code is to abstain from combat until either attacked or until a pirate/ship becomes an unavoidable threat.

    The Jackdaw circles around, keeps distance
    intentions unknown, one never really knows what another is up to on the sea.

    Fleet is finished, I give them space to pick up the loot as I don't have any use for it
    I hear one swimming.

    I can tell by the pauses in activity around the ladder that my code is likely about to get me sent to the ferry once again. They board, I wave, they wave...movement hesitation, a step forward and back, a tell, they are gonna do it. They draw down and to the ferry I go.

    I come back a few times from the ferry but on these sticks it's only gonna end one way. Eventually I sink. I thought about going back for a naval fight but I try to avoid revenge and ego plays so I leave the server and grab a new one.

    An hour or so later I am sailing around and a brig cuts out in front of me sailing by

    I glass it...the Jackdaw, it's them again.
    the randomness of the sea decided it was meant to be

    If you're new, inexperienced, struggling, losing
    that's alright, it's temporary
    everything that is happening is just how it started, it's not how it ends
    time goes on, the effort improves the day
    you'll get there

  • Adventurer,

    Somewhere along the way even losing started to feel like a gift
    frustrations less significant
    darkness less cold
    memories I want to keep began to outnumber those I don't

    the time has been an investment
    one that has been worth it to me
    those that share the sea have made the sea worth sailin'

    I hope this finds you well
    the kindness offered to you is deserved
    the kindness you offer to others will blossom

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  • Was getting camped by a few
    must have went through that door about 15 times
    not much I could do but try
    it's how it goes sometimes
    I'm just fortunate to be here
    to have the opportunity to work it out over time

    On the eve of another tale
    looking forward to it bringing joy to pirates
    that joy brings me peace of mind

    I'm thankful that you are here
    for the dogs, even the scurvy ones
    for the peace when it's around
    for the hunt
    for the sunsets, moonlight, and sunrises

    I hope your tomorrow is extraordinary

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  • Adventurer,

    As often as I sail north
    I find myself circling back to appreciation
    what I once experienced
    the journey that lead me here
    the adventure that continues on
    those that brighten the stars of the quiet night
    the life that fills the sea
    the opportunity known as today

    years out here
    somehow becoming less worn within solitude
    the treasure of time

    I find it incredible that you are here
    I wish you adventures that line your horizon with hope
    encounters that keep you closely connected to the beauty of the sea
    and of the stars
    I wish you time

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  • talk like a pirate

    love, loss, betrayal, revenge, legacy
    the war between a pot and the kettle
    a battle for the high ground
    it's a long way up from the shallows of thievery and killing

    lessons from the red sea
    follow the decency within your heart, not the temptations of retribution
    let it guide you through your adventures
    your conscience will not stain, as you deserve
    misdeeds stick like burning sap
    regret is heavier than gold

    you may seek a pirate's life but you are much more than piracy
    nothing you can steal will ever be as powerful as your mercy

    wishing you adventure and freedom on these beautiful seas
    for there is no glory in these shackles of greed,


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  • Adventurer,

    I got wind that you are approaching safer seas
    we all adventure in our own way
    yours no less than another
    the high seas will be there
    should it call to you

    adventure lead to battle
    battle lead back to adventure
    pirate life lead to loss
    loss lead to hunting
    hunting lead to healing
    healing lead to today
    today leads to the unknown

    your journey will not be the same but we share a love for the sea
    even if there is distance between
    you are the future
    your story will be extraordinary

    as you seek and explore, as you hunt, as you adventure and vanquish
    the greatest treasure of the sea
    those that add vibrancy to the horizon
    those that sail with you through the storm

    today is the day
    every day
    I hope you cherish the opportunity

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  • a wonderful season passes by
    change is in the air
    nothing to fear

    opponents, you made improvement possible
    rewarding experiences from the challenge
    fortunate, even in conflict

    friendlies, the lifeblood of adventure
    longevity made possible by your existence
    your future shines bright

    this is a beautiful environment
    as true tomorrow as it has been today

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  • Sunshine and Rainbows

    as I was thinking about what I would name a guild
    I found my 7th box of secrets

    it lead me to thinking about music
    one of my favorite experiences of life

    2 songs started playing in my mind
    Dio - Rainbow In The Dark
    Johnny Cash - Man in Black

    real, raw, reflective
    both a part of the soundtrack to my experience.

    there is a hopelessness in the lyrics
    one that I can no longer enable with my own outlook

    The environment is covered in frustration and criticism, conflict and loss
    sometimes it makes it difficult to see the beauty that surrounds today

    I'm thankful for sunshine and rainbows
    I enjoy this experience
    I hope that your next adventure is unforgettably rewarding

    Happy Halloween
    please be safe and keep off the moors
    stick to the roads

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  • unique existence, not a flaw, but a gift to encounter
    kindness, a bridge to understanding
    we are fortunate to have the opportunity

    individuality is as beautiful as the painted sky
    we aren't that different
    it's wonderful that we aren't the same

    life is not a mistake
    it's a story with purpose
    compassion is beauty within freedom
    it strengthens community

    I'm thankful that you are all here
    I wish for your peace
    I hope you and yours stay safe

    merry adventures

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  • Givin' thanks

    for those that,

    taught me that livin' is more than surviving
    gave me time
    showed me that kindness and forgiveness have permanent impact
    I let down but have never forgotten
    left behind inspiration and appreciation with the heartache
    shine brighter than the stars around me

    the ones that are meant to be here
    sometimes it just takes more time
    where you are at, it doesn't make you any less
    it's a chapter in a story that is worth adding pages to

    this sandbox,
    a beautiful place to build castles and express imagination
    I hope you embrace your unique style, it'll make for a wonderful story
    thank you for the privilege of sharing this experience with you all

    merry adventures

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  • Adventure,
    always been there
    through the loss and the beautiful
    for that I will forever be thankful

    an opportunity that I hope finds more tomorrow
    you are worth your dreams
    worth another tomorrow
    worth your effort
    that never changes

    joy isn't just for stories
    it's for you too
    even when the seas are too rough to see it on the horizon

    merry adventures

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  • seasonal wishes

    good health and healing for you and yours
    enough of what you need to keep going
    old friends and new adventures
    preserved memories of livin' love
    day dreams and nights full of hope
    hunger only for peace
    warmth for the cold and brokenhearted
    togetherness for the lonely
    respect and kindness for those that require care and treatment
    resources for those that provide, for the critters as well
    calm seas for those shaken by the storm
    ponds from a painting, full of big bitin' fish for those trying to figure out how to live with it
    a safe place to explore and fight monsters for those growing up in a nightmare

    I hope you sail on,
    merry adventures

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  • Adventurer,

    I hope the new year brings you new opportunities
    to adventure, explore, sail
    a rejuvenated confidence to journey through and to the unknown

    thank you for the encounters
    the passing waves, the battles, the random experiences

    happy hunting & merry adventures

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  • It's adventure
    there is no skill requirement
    no obligation to impress or follow
    the adventurer is worth the adventure
    worth being a part of the crew

    piracy is freedom from conformity
    the journey not defined by performance or outcome
    I hope you don't fear, sacrifice, or dismiss your individuality
    or that of another
    it's a gift and an opportunity to share

    once again, floating on the eve of change
    thank you, good fortune
    merry adventures

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  • I've been hunting and adventuring a long time
    it's a beautiful season

    adventure is wonderful
    I look forward to it every day
    for that I am thankful

    I appreciate the encounters
    the effort from all involved
    the risk
    the reward

    I am fortunate for the opportunity to enjoy my time here
    I hope you find time to dive into your own adventures

    happy hunting
    merry adventures

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  • The hunt on these seas is like no other
    a ferry ride is temporary
    the ship returns from the depths of combat
    surrounded by opponents but not enemies

    often marked as unforgiving
    but this experience is full of forgiveness
    opportunity lives
    we thrive

    the beauty is undeniable
    from scenery to community
    what great fortune this adventure has been

    sail on
    merry adventures

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  • revenge is not accountability
    it doesn't inspire change of the heart or mind
    to instill fear and embarrassment is to diminish potential
    it robs us all

    mistakes require healing to become wisdom
    we've all been shown grace in our pirate lives
    paying it forward adds purpose to the past
    and opportunity for the future

    this season has been fun and rewarding
    frustrating and disheartening
    it has taken turns, for better and for worse
    adventure is worth it, adventuring is such an incredible privilege
    gonna ride it out, as so many times before

    may we all find inspiration to pay it forward
    the kindness and understanding we have been shown along the way
    happy adventures

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  • dwindling encounters once again looming on the horizon
    secrets spoiled
    ghost sightings far and near
    shiny overindulgence
    significance fades
    hunter, hunter?, ..?

    I find no joy in sinking pirate ships
    nor reward through theft of farmers
    combat in defense, a means to an end
    rarity is the treasure I seek

    I prepare for tomorrow as I approached today
    thankful in frustration
    hungry to hunt
    appreciative for luck and love and this beautiful sea of thieves

    it is wonderful that you exist
    good night, good work, sleep well
    I'll most likely vanquish megalodons in the morning

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  • The tale of the tall talers

    I am hunting beneath the moon and above the roar
    as quiet as it is dark
    something catches my eye from the north
    my nemesis, a brigantine approaches
    shores of gold?

    I prepare to defend
    they hold fire and I return the courtesy as they sail by
    unusual for a brigantine encounter
    not long after..a kraken
    a noise, a skeleton galleon
    the brigantine is trapped

    I sail to harvest
    the megalodon that I have been hunting emerges
    brigantine, kraken, skeleton galleon, megalodon
    a glorious view

    The crew of the brigantine send word
    they are out of planks
    could this be a trap?
    I vanquish the megalodon
    I sail into the ink
    my sloop takes heavy damage from the kraken and the galleon

    repair, fire, repair, fire
    water rises
    the galleon sinks
    fire, fire, fire
    the mighty kraken falls

    they think I saved them
    we just survived, together
    I leave the loot and my supplies
    sail away

    The gift

    I am hunting upon the open sea
    a sloop approaches
    I prepare for battle but instead they offer a locked ashen chest and say "happy anniversary"
    gift? for me?
    a wonderful act of kindness, thank you

    The mega megalodon

    nobody is around as I am harvesting a megalodon
    or so I thought...
    I hear a familiar sound
    the sound of juggling in the water near the rear of the ship
    close to the ship...too close
    a victim of a classic blunder
    I go flying into the air like an eagle over the sea
    the juggling pirate was sent to the ferry
    juggle, keg, ship, boom
    I live to wander another day
    thankful for encounter

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screenshotjust for fun
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