Time limited stuff not worth it

  • Because they'll just re release it in the future. I've stopped getting anything special because nothing is special anymore

  • 13
  • We all are gonna lose the cosmetics when the lights get shut off around here

    might as well party while we are here

  • It's not like they're releasing Brave Vanguard or the day 1 eyepatch. They're only releasing items where all you had to do was log in (the only exception being that those who want said items must complete objectives). Why worry about what others have/don't have and enjoy your own game?

  • @hornet-hill-19 said in Time limited stuff not worth it:

    Because they'll just re release it in the future. I've stopped getting anything special because nothing is special anymore

    Lol, nothing ever was special from a gameplay perspective.

    It was all cheesed and gotten through ill gotten means at some point or another from alliance discords to friends, to randoms coordinating.

    The curses that everyone goes on about can literally be acquired by just going into a match and setting your boat on fire and sinking hundreds of times.

    What is special is the friends and memories you've made along the way. It is not about the gold, but about the glory.

    Players need to focus more on that.

  • I have heard several arguments on this point over the years and heard both sides. I do feel like re-releasing cosmetics tied to purchases such as the ferryman's set wouldn't be fair to the people who paid for those cosmetics. I also feel that re-releasing cosmetics tied to legacy achievements such as the arena weapons is unfair to the people who earned those achievements. However, previous time-limited items have been released behind achievements such as the glowing soulflame weapon set from Halloween 2020 event behind achievements and there was no mass outrage and ejection of players. I feel that it's silly to have the bulk of the cosmetics, in a game where the primary reward is cosmetics, tied to when a player logged in and not to what the player has done in the game. I would honestly like to see every time released cosmetic brought back and placed behind a difficult achievement. I honestly haven't heard any good counterarguments to the point other than well it discourages people who earned them from playing. If this is the case you have missed the true enjoyment of the game altogether.

  • @c4pt-lucky said in Time limited stuff not worth it:

    I feel that it's silly to have the bulk of the cosmetics, in a game where the primary reward is cosmetics, tied to when a player logged in and not to what the player has done in the game.

    I'm pretty sure the bulk of the cosmetics in the game are in the outpost stores, the emporium or locked behind a commendation. The time limited stuff is the minority.

  • @d3adst1ck
    Yes, you are correct. I withdraw my argument

  • Wouldn’t be bad if say…if you already owned the items and you complete these tasks. You get something else.

    That something else being another future item to wait to return for and repeat again, if you own it you get this. Etc

  • @burnbacon said in Time limited stuff not worth it:

    Wouldn’t be bad if say…if you already owned the items and you complete these tasks. You get something else.

    Agreed, that's the really iffy part. It's the 5th anniversary, and if you've actually played the game consistently for 5 years, you get... nothing. It's just a cosmetic and all that, but it just feels like an odd choice for them to make. I've only been playing for a few months and don't really have a horse in that race, but I quite like having all these signs of 'senior' players around.

  • @wolfmanbush thats a grown man and a grown man opinion right there upvoted good sir

  • Same here. Been playing for 5 years just so to see everyone else getting the same reward I got plus nothing new. People keep saying log in bonuses are the exception…those people do not understand how bad and boring this game was year 1 compared to what it is today. We got those rewards for supporting their content-less game in those early years and now brand-new pirates can look like us. Cosmetics = progression in this game and not some silly number no one ever sees like being level 30 in Athena or level 1000 in Servants.

  • @europa4033 Im glad they arnt bringing year 1 pirate legend golden legendary set back if they did im uninstalling the game

  • Hornet! I was the fat gold curse guy you played with a few weeks ago. We were on Open Crew.

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