Season 8 bad for mental health?

  • Without being dramatic this is EXACTLY why I haven't even attempted to play the new PvP aspect of the latest season. I play solo and I'm horrendous at PvP therefore I don't even see the point in trying. Seems like a lot of other people are enjoying it though I guess?

  • @hijack-hayes said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    Without being dramatic this is EXACTLY why I haven't even attempted to play the new PvP aspect of the latest season. I play solo and I'm horrendous at PvP therefore I don't even see the point in trying. Seems like a lot of other people are enjoying it though I guess?

    Until season 7 I did nearly everything in the game, 7 made that less realistic and I adapted. I'm into chasing goals and unlocking things and I do fine in combat and handling the frustrations of combat and even I avoided 8's content beyond a few days worth of participation.

    Imo you probably made the right call, not because 8's content is bad but because there are just a lot of stronger ways to enjoy this game for MANY of its participants. It works for who it caters to but it's lacking in what so many are here for.

    Things are often worth a try and this content is no exception but imo a lot of people are just going to enjoy themselves more by avoiding a grind like that if they don't find the process rewarding even if not enjoyable.

    At the end of the day it's not content to expand on adventure it's content to try to patch holes they have with interest in combat. It's understandable that people aren't into it.

    It's not an easy process to get out of the cosmetic chasing or the completionist mentality even if only for a season or two but it does allow people to not get so frustrated that it creates resentment towards the game or environment.

    I have barely participated in the on demand part and I've been having a pretty solid season of piracy. I don't sell treasure anymore outside of new ledger rewards and I just play how I want to play with my own goals not goals set out for me.

    You might try it and like it at some point but until then I hope you and others in your boots use it as freedom to find other things that are enjoyable within the game and experience.

  • @hijack-hayes a dit dans Season 8 bad for mental health? :

    Without being dramatic this is EXACTLY why I haven't even attempted to play the new PvP aspect of the latest season. I play solo and I'm horrendous at PvP therefore I don't even see the point in trying. Seems like a lot of other people are enjoying it though I guess?

    I'd say give it a try. I was thinking exactly like you on S8 launch day. Decided to play 10 games, to be able to form myself an honest opinion on this new HG thing (at least more than 2/3 games is my point, cause it wouldn't be representative).

    Well I'm glad I did. I was stomped so hard during those 10 games... But won a couple. This was enough to light up the hopes of trying to become even more skilled. I now have hundreds of battles behind me. Still a 50% winrate and still very frustrating battles, but really I discovered a part of the game I didn't know + I'm now confident enough to think about other strats than running away when encountering other ships, all of thisi making my SoT better and better over time

  • @wolfmanbush said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    Until season 7 I did nearly everything in the game, 7 made that less realistic and I adapted. I'm into chasing goals and unlocking things and I do fine in combat and handling the frustrations of combat and even I avoided 8's content beyond a few days worth of participation.

    We have lived the same experience matey. I was the same way, missed a twitch drop, missed the adventure and just kind of learning to let go of it a little bit. Honestly it is exhausting to try and strive to get mostly everything on the game to me at this point. Soloing makes things a lot more inefficient also, compounded by the price you pay for having full time work and a young family.

    I am working to try and reconcile in my mind that it's ok to not be chasing everything in the game. It is unrealistic to do so. I was really pushing hard for LSD and missed that by a couple dozen wins before arena closed. It's truly weird how a game can really have you doing some mental gymnastics and play on your mind quite heavily, especially when in the grand scheme of things this game is literally a game. Lol.

  • My biggest tip, dont do the content for the reward, hope for the reward, but do it because you enjoy it. Doing anything you dont enjoy just for the item will make the grind seem even worse or harder, so if your goal is the reward and nothing else, it will be demoralizing.

    As for it being a hard grind, that isnt exactly a bad thing, look at the gold curse, as it stands, anyone who doesnt use the save exploit will spend months grinding and dreading the whole thing, and did before the exploit was discovered. I know of no one who saw that excruciating grind for the gold curse as being bad for mental health, just annoying.

  • @goldsmen a dit dans Season 8 bad for mental health? :

    As for it being a hard grind, that isnt exactly a bad thing, look at the gold curse, as it stands, anyone who doesnt use the save exploit will spend months grinding and dreading the whole thing, and did before the exploit was discovered. I know of no one who saw that excruciating grind for the gold curse as being bad for mental health, just annoying.

    You can't compare carefully designed, time-constrained, balanced, predictable and easy PvE content with PvP which is by nature the opposite of all this.

  • @jolly-ol-yep said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    @hijack-hayes a dit dans Season 8 bad for mental health? :

    Without being dramatic this is EXACTLY why I haven't even attempted to play the new PvP aspect of the latest season. I play solo and I'm horrendous at PvP therefore I don't even see the point in trying. Seems like a lot of other people are enjoying it though I guess?

    I'd say give it a try. I was thinking exactly like you on S8 launch day. Decided to play 10 games, to be able to form myself an honest opinion on this new HG thing (at least more than 2/3 games is my point, cause it wouldn't be representative).

    Well I'm glad I did. I was stomped so hard during those 10 games... But won a couple. This was enough to light up the hopes of trying to become even more skilled. I now have hundreds of battles behind me. Still a 50% winrate and still very frustrating battles, but really I discovered a part of the game I didn't know + I'm now confident enough to think about other strats than running away when encountering other ships, all of thisi making my SoT better and better over time

    My crew's very first attempt at hourglass PVP was against someone using the shroud exploit.
    Immediate reminder of why nobody likes PVP mains.

    The devs can patch the game as much as they want, and these "people" will still be there to cause any problem they can.

  • @scheneighnay a dit dans Season 8 bad for mental health? :

    My crew's very first attempt at hourglass PVP was against someone using the shroud exploit.
    Immediate reminder of why nobody likes PVP mains.

    They would hhave to have the Shores of Gold checkpoint.

    They weren't "PvP mains"

  • So season 7 they introduce captaincy that has a lot of long term goals that are not achievable realistically in 3 months. Then season 8 they release the curses that are long term goals that are not realistically achievable in 3 months. As for your mental health i don't think Rare should cater to everyone's mental health claims. Someone could easily say that their mental health has been impacted cause the curses were too easy to get my god we need to make them harder to get.

  • @lackbarwastaken said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    So season 7 they introduce captaincy that has a lot of long term goals that are not achievable realistically in 3 months. Then season 8 they release the curses that are long term goals that are not realistically achievable in 3 months. As for your mental health i don't think Rare should cater to everyone's mental health claims. Someone could easily say that their mental health has been impacted cause the curses were too easy to get my god we need to make them harder to get.

    I'll never understand the mindset where the devs at a feature meant to measure your activity, designed to scale to a lot of hours so it stays useful, and the first thing some people think is that they're obligated to max it out.

    Captaincy isn't meant to be maxed.

  • @scheneighnay Yes I agree with you its a good thing that Rare is introducing things that have longevity. For instance shrines were cool and all but they are a lot of work for 1 to 2 uses each.

  • @jolly-ol-yep said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    @goldsmen a dit dans Season 8 bad for mental health? :

    As for it being a hard grind, that isnt exactly a bad thing, look at the gold curse, as it stands, anyone who doesnt use the save exploit will spend months grinding and dreading the whole thing, and did before the exploit was discovered. I know of no one who saw that excruciating grind for the gold curse as being bad for mental health, just annoying.

    You can't compare carefully designed, time-constrained, balanced, predictable and easy PvE content with PvP which is by nature the opposite of all this.

    I would say i can in the context that the original post was theming it in. It could also be argued that tall tale grind isnt balanced seeing you have to do the same 9 things that takes potentially over an hour 5 different times.

    But seeing the original post brought up a grind that is so tedious that its demoralizing, that is where the comparison to tall tales comes to play, to get the gold curse, you have to grind the same thing over and over, but unlike this event, when you do it over, it plays the exact same way, making it get tiring fast.

  • @scheneighnay said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    @lackbarwastaken said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    So season 7 they introduce captaincy that has a lot of long term goals that are not achievable realistically in 3 months. Then season 8 they release the curses that are long term goals that are not realistically achievable in 3 months. As for your mental health i don't think Rare should cater to everyone's mental health claims. Someone could easily say that their mental health has been impacted cause the curses were too easy to get my god we need to make them harder to get.

    I'll never understand the mindset where the devs at a feature meant to measure your activity, designed to scale to a lot of hours so it stays useful, and the first thing some people think is that they're obligated to max it out.

    Captaincy isn't meant to be maxed.

    I think that is a remnant from players before seasons were added who would grind out the monthly updates entire expanse of content in a weekend, so they got used to having stuff done to completion before a week is up. Thats my theory at least.

  • @d1zzy-mouse I respect people's position with escapism, as well as their frustration with some of the game's community members. On this we can agree. But I do not see how the two new cosmetics affect one's mental health. Cheaters? I see how that may be the case. PVP? That too. But cosmetic items are cosmetic items, and these are not the first ones that will be owned by a limited amount of people. So I stand by my word that cosmetics affecting mental health is unnatural. Yet I understand how the cheaters and atmosphere may affect it

  • @halogamer2005 You can remove the question mark, it is a strain on your mental health. If you feel burned out you should try taking a break. My friends and i were at a breaking point were we thought about quitting entirely.

  • @halogamer2005 hey man as others have said go back to adventure mode some and give the grind a break. S8 PVP has good days with me and bad, I’ve Gina back to tucking some and playing the old way with my crew to avoid the burnout. Don’t let a video game stress ya too much homie. We aren’t all out for blood….. all the time. Take it easy

  • Well, if you are not feeling confortable doing the Season 8 content, I think it's better to leave it and do something else in the game that you enjoy.

    I managed to get better, I think I can win some fight now, I am a bit better and I can sink opponents sometimes. I want to thank @WolfManbush because he was the only one who believed in me from the start, and while my win ratio has been a bit higher than before I still have a lot to learn.

    For me Season 8 has been like a good idea with some bad executions. It was a bit disappointing for me that the curses were locked behind my least favorite activity in the game, but I gave it a try. After the first losses I started to see how much of a grind it would be. I understand that PvP needs rewards, I'm not against that, I never was. I understand that PvP has been put aside for quite some time, I was never suggesting to ignore it or erase it. I never ever said that PvP should be erased, I never said that PvP players should not be rewarded, all I asked was why were these curses behind PvP only. Many people would say "We had 7 season of PvE" or "We never complained about stuff being locked behind PvE", and to be honest I don't care if they add a PvP method for everything else in the game, if you want it then go for it, ask for it, I never shutted down any opinions of PvP milestones during season 7, all I did was say that it should be handled carefully (and I'm glad that the PvP milestones in fact were handled carefully instead of instantly shoving raw PvP stats into captaincy by making them count only in on-demand PvP). I see why many people asked about different methods of obtaining allegiance, or another way to level up, because for some of us the game mode has not been enjoyable, if it was then perhaps none of these threads asking for altenative paths would exist. You wanted me to do PvP to get the curses? Fine, I did that, and in fact I leveled up a bit, and I unlocked one of the Pirate Lord's figureheads, and as I established earlier I am improving a little, but that doesn't mean I am enjoying much of it. I am doing what is required, so please don't come to me and say "how about you stop complaining and try to improve?" as if I never touched the hourglass because I've done it a lot of times and I can see that the system is very unfriendly towards people who want to get into PvP. Matchmaking is still pairing people of different skill levels, and the xp gained is determined by results instead of performance. I consider that unfriendly, it feels terrible having fought for several minutes, even close to an hour just to sink and get the same ammount of tiny xp, in that case it would have been better to simply let the other guy sink my ship quickly. I hate how much this system works, I can't measure very much if my previous tactic was effective than the one I used on another match, because losses are losses, and I will always get the same ammount of xp despite my performance. I tried to get into PvP, and yes I managed to improve a little, but the current system is definately not helping me to stay on course or helping me learn, I feel it tries to do the opposite.

    So, if you have similar experiences, I think it is just better to stop and do something else you enjoy. I proposed myself to find the rest of Umbra's journals and get that tattoo. Perhaps you can dedicate your time to some other activity you have incomplete.

  • @halogamer2005 your Problem and the problem of the rest of you Guys is that you want it now!

    Keep on playing and you will get it.
    If it takes a year - it takes a year!

  • @dragotech123 said in Season 8 bad for mental health?:

    I managed to get better, I think I can win some fight now, I am a bit better and I can sink opponents sometimes. I want to thank @WolfManbush because he was the only one who believed in me from the start, and while my win ratio has been a bit higher than before I still have a lot to learn.

    alt text

    Your potential is clear as day, I was just being Captain Obvious

  • @xxxmolzxxx Can you promise me that the hourglass will keep a healthy player count, matchmaking times being fast and stay active through the years? Unlike buried treasures the gamemode needs a lot of players to work properly. It's the fear of missing out that makes me wonder if I will get the curses before something bad happens.

    Also, if it takes a year to get it then I hope it doesn't require to play everyday and then suffer a burnout.

  • As someone who isn't that good at PvP, the answer is this:

    Loss harvesting.

    I lose more hourglass PvP than I win, but I still get a bit of rep, and I stopped giving a poopie if I lose. Sure, winning is fun, but I don't really care about losing as long as I can joke around with the other player(s) and have a little fun. Focus on having fun in the battle and less about the outcome. Make jokes about your ship not being paid off yet or that they'll hear from your insurance. Ram them while screaming like a maniac. Belch into the speaking trumpet. Play with kegs, even if it means you'll probably get blown up before they do. Make gasping and coughing noises if you pop out of the water as if you've just held your breath for too long.

    Don't worry about the destination so much. Just try to enjoy the ride.

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