A Suggestion For Captained Ships: Smuggle Spots

  • So, I thought Seasons was the solve to this. So many of the levels are Gold, or Doubloons, or Ancient Coins (real money), or Cosmetics (the main thing we spend these things on). If you are playing 4 hours and not making at least some levels that is a special skill I don't understand since you move up levels just playing the game (heck, even just sailing distance will raise this). If you have your Season maxed out, that is just the way of it. At least, even if you didn't sell a single bit of Loot all Season you still made every single coin on offer from it as well as some new cosmetics, and hopefully made some headway on some Commendations and Milestones and Achievements.

    Over that session, you probably still made a couple grand in coin from Seasons - exactly what you are trying to save. So, what is the difference other than walking a piece of loot to a vendor and clicking a button. You've still earned some coin, made some progress, maybe even ticked off a Milestone or Commendation or Achievement.

    If your only definition of having a good time is to hand in a Chest, Skull, Crate, Animal, etc and see the coins go up then that is going to be rough cause you absolutely will lose Loot in this game. PvP is always a risk, sure you might get rolled easily but the crew coming in doesn't know that. There are solo sloops who can take on Galleons regularly, and the same applies through all the categories. Sometimes they find an easy kill, sometimes they spend lots of time hunting only to get rolled themselves.

    Every approach has risk and reward to it as everything is intentionally connected in various ways. So you don't need to keep your Loot if you lose an Encounter (just like if the Kraken, Skelly Ship, or Meg happens to take you out - cause yes, this can happen even if experience makes it rare, but the same applies to PvP in that experience makes you better and thus makes losses more rare).

  • I like this idea. Any small hidden things would simply rise to the surface after the ship sinks anyway. It would be nice to hide a key in the smugglers nook. Players that climb on couldn't just grab it. This would be great!

  • @pithyrumble said in A Suggestion For Captained Ships: Smuggle Spots:

    19 for the sake of precision. You do have to add a piece to be able to reclaim it.

    Sounds like a bug then?

  • I don't think you can do it anymore, but pirates used to be able to pick up their loot, then have their crewmates vote them into the brig with it still in their possession. They would then drop it onto the brig's floor, and get voted out, leaving the treasure behind. They would rinse and repeat until all of their loot was safely caged.

    This meant that their loot couldn't be stolen, or even turned in, unless their ship was sunk or scuttled.

  • These spots cannot be looted by boarding pirates. Basically; they are safe from theft.
    If your ship is sunk, these spots 'save' half those treasures, rounded down

    Nope. No thanks.
    No safe places.

  • @wsurftvveeds said in A Suggestion For Captained Ships: Smuggle Spots:

    @pithyrumble said in A Suggestion For Captained Ships: Smuggle Spots:

    19 for the sake of precision. You do have to add a piece to be able to reclaim it.

    Sounds like a bug then?

    Might have just been a glitch that time. I did again and I didn't have to add anything to claim it. I usually don't get enough loot down there to get 20 anyway, and I agree multiple trips down to hide non Sunken Kingdom stuff is exhausting. I really just use the trick if the server is crowded where my shrine is.

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