25.000 fish? Halving of all milestones?

  • Do a halving of all the milestones needed and it will still be a huge grind all across, but actually obtainable for more than 0.001% of the players.

    2500 pr species? If I catch 5 Stormfish a day I'll be done with 1/10 species in a year and 6 months.

    Make that all 10 species and I might be done sometime during the year 2035.

    The lowest obtainable fishing trinket at 10 classes is 40 more fish needed to be caught to be equivalent to completing the whole Hunter rep for that species, but you're only 10% done with the classes for that species.


  • 14
  • im sure they will reduce it to 3 or 5 per class,at least i hope so, like it is now i wont touch the fishing milestones

  • @rafikiwolf said in 25.000 fish?:

    2500 pr species? If I catch 5 Stormfish a day I'll be done with 1/10 species in a year and 6 months.

    We can do some fun math here. One should not assume to only catch five fish, if you really wanted to grind it out you'd do more than that. Ten fish seems a bit more reasonable... now it takes nine months. What about twenty? Four and a half months. Still a while... but consider this: you're not only going to be catching that one fish, now are you? Sometimes a splashtail bites the line, or the rare/night variant of the stormfish, or an ancientscale. Now you're making some slow progress toward two more species and a total of thirteen different color variations.

  • 25k or 12k most aren't going to do it

    imo it's whatever they are gonna obviously be super grindy one way or another but the way (imo) to address this is to simply keep coming out with captaincy related cosmetics that are appealing to people "cool" and not ultra grindy through events

    then people can still unlock cosmetics that are the same theme but just different and not an ultra grind

    I think the - never gonna finish it- design is workable as long as they regularly come out with ship cosmetics to snag.

    Then people get consistent cosmetics and still have the -everything I do counts- feeling from playing every day which not only helps with longevity but also those super frustrating sessions that make people more and more tired of the game.

    Workable even how designed imo.

  • @mr-whaletoes

    You're actually just making my point.

    5 fish a day in average over a year is already a lot in my example.

    It easily becomes 10 or more fish a day when you take holidays, work, events and general life into account. Unless you actually expect to play 365 days a year.

    A goal of 10 or 20 fish a day in reality easily becomes 30 or more a day taking the above into consideration for one to reach the end goal/quota of that year of an average of x a day.

  • @rafikiwolf
    Have you ever grinded hunter's call?

  • @mr-whaletoes

    I'm a Legendary Hunter of The Sea of Thieves, yes :-)

  • @mr-whaletoes said in 25.000 fish?:

    Have you ever grinded hunter's call?

    Legendary Hunter allowed shipwreck/barrel/stolen fish/plunder to count

    which would be a massive QoL addition to this as having another reason to loot shipwrecks for fish would be awesome for longevity

  • @wolfmanbush

    Yeah exactly. There you could actually progress without actively "hunting" for it.

    If a new player decides to grind efficiently for Hunter's Call the person will be done with all Hunter's Call fishing and at the same time only have completed around 11.9% of the fishing milestones/classes.

    I felt the Hunter's Call was a tough yet fair grind, but boy oh boy then came the fishing milestones.

  • Something else to take into consideration of this madness is that Hunter's Call could be done with crewmates making it double, three or even four times as fast and efficient.

    Me and my fishing buddy 'have to' catch 25.000 fish.


  • but actually obtainable for more than 0.001% of the players.

    Think about that for a second. How long have we had this new update? Not even a month and people begging to half stuff because “to hard”

    Seriously. What is wrong with this?

  • @burnbacon

    1 week. And yes, of course people are complaining realising how Rare put this together.

    We can close this discussion and open it again in 6 months and I'm fairly sure people still will be complaining, one way or the other.

    When you see people crying and complaining all over their socials on every post, I doubt the generel feeling someday turns to "Yeah. They did this the right way".

    I think I already described what I think is wrong with it.

  • @burnbacon said in 25.000 fish? Halving of all milestones?:

    but actually obtainable for more than 0.001% of the players.

    Think about that for a second. How long have we had this new update? Not even a month and people begging to half stuff because “to hard”

    Seriously. What is wrong with this?

    They could have set it up for a 3 month grind and then every 3 months/season add on to it so it grows with new unlockables

    Causing people to lose their motivation by making them feel as if the past didn't matter and the future is ridiculously grindy is a terrible combo to try to create activity with.

    People can be told to deal with it or it doesn't matter but neither of these lead to activity or motivation to contribute.

    People require being treated like people and not production tools or they will simply produce less or not at all.

  • @rafikiwolf
    Really? Most impressive! I can respect that.
    Actually, all things considered, you might be right. Even with a full galleon crew (assuming you can even find three other people who want to fish for several hours) it still takes quite a while.
    I'll try get my own galley crew and see how much progress we can make on ruby splashtails in a few hours and provide maths based on that, but it might be a few days before I can organize such a thing.

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