Xbox vs Pc

  • @aiduin-thuri

    Be thankful there are Xbox only servers. There was once a mighty imbalance during PVP between platforms, but now you can opt out of that and play on Xbox servers..
    Yes! Those servers are definitely more fiesty than crossplay ones. But skill and tactics will determine most encounters. Up your game.

  • @jack-lester said in Xbox vs Pc:

    You don't need an elite controller to make moving and jumping easier, just re-map the buttons.

    Right stick in - Primary interact
    X - Throwables
    RB - Jump
    A - Map radial
    Right DPad - Food

    Never need to take your thumb off in combat, makes life 10x easier.

    I play controller on cross-play servers, aiming guns can be a challenge but I hold my own in the vast majority of fights. I have sensitivity near max to eliminate the controller turn speed, takes some getting used to but it's great when you get comfortable with it.

    I honestly think max sensitivity on Xbox controllers is a pretty rare skill that not everyone can hone, even with practice. It’s an odd kind of skill that takes a level of actual physical dexterity.

    Compare that with a mouse sweat. It just isn’t as rare to be good with. Controlling a whole hand versus a thumb with that level of precision…

    Congrats to you, that’s awesome that you can do that. But it’s a pretty uneven playing ground for most.
    Max speed on my controller just feels totally wrong :(

  • @mostexpendable I didn't whack it up to max, it was a gradual process. Increasing it by 0.5 - 1.0 each time. As soon as I got comfortable with the new sensitivity I'd increase it further. Took a good few months to get it to around 9.0 currently.

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