
  • i've played this game maybe more than 3 years .. im gonna be honest, i dont really mind if u got banned after saying whats inside my heart into this lovely game for me .. why i cant see the developers dont do the right job it hard to make new ideas like world events new tall tales.. is it hard to show the cloths, emote, hairstyles.. in plunder pass in my character not just only a picture? or i have to buy it to see it on my character? is it hard to make new cloths instead of what u made, maybe 3 % of the people are wearing different cloths the rest are wearing the same cloths for years cuz there isn't a unique ones, why dont u open volunteer artists from fans so they can show u their talents .. is it hard to make curses which is the most thing people love ? or make it at least for every plunder pass .. is it hard ? the reason why i said that cuz i love the game, wish u the best ..

  • 30
  • You could download Unity or Unreal and find out if it's hard.

  • The thing about this being general and content related and not performance related makes me wonder if you would benefit from taking a break.

    In my opinion and my experience when it gets to the point of generally being unhappy and getting nit picky it's best to just take some time and think about things in a more positive way.

    Maybe it's time to completely move on or maybe just a short break will get things sorted out but imo this spot you are in only leads to more negative stuff and doesn't get worked out without getting some fresh air away from the situation.

    Many of us have been doing this a long time, things build up sometimes. Sometimes shifting energy to something that isn't as frustrating can help.

  • @d3adst1ck

    is it hard after they r already done it ? they have made Curses what people love but not anymore, u can see ur cloths, emotes down deck in the ship and shops as well but not in the plunder pass ? is hard to make a nice ones ? they made already world events which means is not hard for them !!!

  • @sir-l0rd sticking with one outfit adds character usually. don't worry about this issue if you can call it that, just give them time and space and maybe with some luck, we'll get something nice to wear. you're not the only person who likes finding stylish cloths to show off you're character. use some creativity to make new outfits by mixing them. it can be really cool and fun to solve the problem without making new ones. don't worry about it, just get creative and fun with it. 😉

  • @sir-l0rd Consider that having too much of something makes it less special. Curses in this game usually come with specific activities, locked under commendations (all except one). The curses are there to remind you of your past voyages and give you bragging rights when you wear them. This is why the curses in SOT are so few and precious.

  • @metal-ravage said in Developers:

    The curses are there to remind you of your past voyages and give you bragging rights when you wear them. This is why the curses in SOT are so few and precious.

    Nah.. I don't buy that.

    Most curses are literally just an indication of a grind... I hardly feel like my story or adventures were any more amazing by having to do shores of gold 5 times for the curse instead of 100% once with maybe more objectives to have gotten done on one run

    They could literally add more curses as rewards during particular adventures or whatever else.. other curses to signify other adventures and stories players could or will have.. and they don't/haven't. It really is as simple as that.

    No reason to make up justifications for the lack of them. They just haven't added more. PL 30 outfits curse would have been a perfect add, and again.. just didn't do it. I highly doubt it was to preserve the bragging rights of other significantly less grindy curses..

  • @tre-oni That's on you, to make your time fun while trying to reach the games objectives. In the end of that grind I felt that I achieved something, and I'm sorry it wasn't the same for you. The adventures I went through and the people I met made this a unique experience

    The Sunken Curse was the last as I remember and it wasn't that far back, let's wait and see what the future will bring.

  • @metal-ravage said in Developers:

    @tre-oni That's on you, to make your time fun while trying to reach the games objectives. In the end of that grind I felt that I achieved something, and I'm sorry it wasn't the same for you. The adventures I went through and the people I met made this a unique experience

    Yeah.. I don't view completing an arbitrary grind as fun or an accomplishment, I view it as padding and unnecessary. Its forced. They made it that way on purpose, and it didn't add anything fresh to the adventure or story.

    After one time.. except in the case of Heart of Fire, or the sunken curse you've had the full experience.. everything else is just repeating the exact same thing again, and dealing with whatever anyone else interjects with, just like the first time.

    Either way.. again.. it's highly doubtful that they're just not adding curses to try and preserve bragging rights on curses from those forced repetition grinds.

  • @tre-oni said in Developers:

    @metal-ravage said in Developers:

    @tre-oni That's on you, to make your time fun while trying to reach the games objectives. In the end of that grind I felt that I achieved something, and I'm sorry it wasn't the same for you. The adventures I went through and the people I met made this a unique experience

    Yeah.. I don't view completing an arbitrary grind as fun or an accomplishment, I view it as padding and unnecessary. Its forced. They made it that way on purpose, and it didn't add anything fresh to the adventure or story.

    You can say the same thing about every emissary voyage, or commendation that requires grinding. Grinding it's part of the game and it depends on you to complete it or not.

  • @metal-ravage said in Developers:

    @tre-oni said in Developers:

    @metal-ravage said in Developers:

    @tre-oni That's on you, to make your time fun while trying to reach the games objectives. In the end of that grind I felt that I achieved something, and I'm sorry it wasn't the same for you. The adventures I went through and the people I met made this a unique experience

    Yeah.. I don't view completing an arbitrary grind as fun or an accomplishment, I view it as padding and unnecessary. Its forced. They made it that way on purpose, and it didn't add anything fresh to the adventure or story.

    You can say the same thing about every emissary voyage, or commendation that requires grinding. Grinding it's part of the game and it depends on you to complete it or not.

    I mean.. they lowered the grind for every curse after the initial 2 anyway, so that alone tells me enough about where they stood with that. Less arbitrary "yeah.. do it 4 more times" and more "get full completions"

    Again.. my point is.. those arbitrary grinds have nothing to do with why we aren't getting curses now so that a sense of adventure can be preserved on those curses.. especially when they had a perfect opportunity to add a curse instead of a costume to what is objectively significantly more of a grind, and series of adventures you would have in getting to Athena 30, as opposed to repeating a Tall Tale that never changes or has anything new to experience by the time you've finished it once or twice.

  • @tre-oni I agree with you on the Legendary Curse, that should have been included with the new Athena ranks. As for Tall Tales, all of them have checkpoints now so doesn't seem much of a grind to me.

    As day one player I'm used to hard grinding and if you got to PL just by doing normal skelly forts, running animals all day, completing every OOS voyage and digging every island for chests, the Tall Tales grind seems like nothing.

  • @d3adst1ck said in Developers:

    You could download Unity or Unreal and find out if it's hard.

    Lol. Perfect.

  • @sir-l0rd

    respectfully, Yes it is very hard. even getting a single reskin in the game is very VERY hard. so hard in fact it takes a large team of programmers and artists 100's of hours of work to make the smallest change in the game. then on top of that the new version of the game has to be tested for 100's of hours in case there is a problem with how the game reacts to the change.

    Keep in mind this isn't a grad students "hello world" program we are talking about, its a very complex bit of software. much more complex than the software used to get humans on the moon. Please keep that in mind when requesting things as i don't think you intention was to be rude but it did kind of come off as rude.

    Rare gets a lot of heat for bugs in the game, but considering what they have created I'm honestly surprised there isn't more bugs.

    new world events aren't just "put bad guy here with this much HP". they have to work it into the event scheduler that handles what event goes up on what server. they have to consider what loot goes into it, and if its a static pay out or procedural. they would have to define where exactly this new event would go. THEN they would be able to build what exactly that world event would be, then how it would work, then any enemy mechanics. after that they would have to determine how often it will spawn, and if it should be in a specific order (before skelly fort, but never after the fleet sort of thing). then balance it all so it won't be to easy or hard for players, always keeping in mind the risk reward balance they already have in place. finally it would have to go to the insiders program so those guys can beat it up for a while and give feedback. this will result in it going back to the dev team for tweaks and further balancing or it may even get scrapped at this point.

    I was going to list out everything you said here, but I'm hoping that this will be enough to show you that anything and everything is a big deal when it comes to software design even more so when its a program as large and complex as SoT with so many people using it (and complaining about it).

    if your still curious about how hard it would be, i encourage you to try Python programming. its one of the easier languages to learn and use, but will still humble even the smartest people learning it. give learning Python a year, and you will have a hole new respect for all the programs you come into contact with. not to mention give you a better idea how the wizards at Rare make the magic happen ;)

  • @shifty189

    i respect all what u said and agree wit it .. can u drive a Formula cars when u have a normal driving license ? of course not u have to learn more and more, i know its not easy for me cuz im NOT a programmer but if i have a big game i would have the best programmers to make everything easy to avoid bugs and make progress with time, i have all the RESPECT to the programmers right now, but what i mean game like SOT how long it has been out ? months ? years, these things should be solved long time ago, they could make me new tale tales stories, curses or anything instead of new designing ships in Emporium that i dont really see inside game with other players , i would look for what people like MOST

  • @shifty189 said in Developers:


    respectfully, Yes it is very hard. even getting a single reskin in the game is very VERY hard. so hard in fact it takes a large team of programmers and artists 100's of hours of work to make the smallest change in the game. then on top of that the new version of the game has to be tested for 100's of hours in case there is a problem with how the game reacts to the change.

    Keep in mind this isn't a grad students "hello world" program we are talking about, its a very complex bit of software. much more complex than the software used to get humans on the moon. Please keep that in mind when requesting things as i don't think you intention was to be rude but it did kind of come off as rude.

    Rare gets a lot of heat for bugs in the game, but considering what they have created I'm honestly surprised there isn't more bugs.

    new world events aren't just "put bad guy here with this much HP". they have to work it into the event scheduler that handles what event goes up on what server. they have to consider what loot goes into it, and if its a static pay out or procedural. they would have to define where exactly this new event would go. THEN they would be able to build what exactly that world event would be, then how it would work, then any enemy mechanics. after that they would have to determine how often it will spawn, and if it should be in a specific order (before skelly fort, but never after the fleet sort of thing). then balance it all so it won't be to easy or hard for players, always keeping in mind the risk reward balance they already have in place. finally it would have to go to the insiders program so those guys can beat it up for a while and give feedback. this will result in it going back to the dev team for tweaks and further balancing or it may even get scrapped at this point.

    I was going to list out everything you said here, but I'm hoping that this will be enough to show you that anything and everything is a big deal when it comes to software design even more so when its a program as large and complex as SoT with so many people using it (and complaining about it).

    if your still curious about how hard it would be, i encourage you to try Python programming. its one of the easier languages to learn and use, but will still humble even the smartest people learning it. give learning Python a year, and you will have a hole new respect for all the programs you come into contact with. not to mention give you a better idea how the wizards at Rare make the magic happen ;)

    No just no, they add and remove stuff all the time instantly i am not even going to waste time giving examples as i have wasted enough time reading this comment.

    And this game isnt big at all like at frigging all.

    I am praying everything you said was sarcasm.

  • @hadtodoit

    to player yes they add things "instantly" but it takes much more than most people are aware of. there is a hole program for people to test builds long before they get "instantly" put in the game. your statements are ignorant. as far as how big the game is, you must be joking. SoT is about 50GB (for windows 10 from the Microsoft store). that's about 10 DVD's or 2 blue ray disks. If you think that "isnt big at all like at frigging all" you are taking things for granted.

  • @shifty189 said in Developers:


    to player yes they add things "instantly" but it takes much more than most people are aware of. there is a hole program for people to test builds long before they get "instantly" put in the game. your statements are ignorant. as far as how big the game is, you must be joking. SoT is about 50GB (for windows 10 from the Microsoft store). that's about 10 DVD's or 2 blue ray disks. If you think that "isnt big at all like at frigging all" you are taking things for granted.

    Dvd or blue ray? Yea we are done here you are just trolling lol.

  • @hadtodoit
    you really have a respect problem don't you? just argue with people and accuse them of trolling because they don't agree with you? nice!

    to further prove my point. Yes DVD's and BlueRay's are what i used to illustrate the size but if your more comfortable i will use games.

    SoT is 50GB as apposed to Rust (20GB), Civ 6 (15GB), and Fortnite (18GB).

    are you going to tell me that none of these games are anything complex? are you going to say that a program of these sizes is simple? so unless you have something more intelligent to say than "your tolling" i think we are done here.

  • Forza Horizon 5 has 99.8 GB.
    Tiny Tina's Wonderlands sits at 40.5

    SoT is at 26.2 GB
    Ori and the Blind Forest 10.5

    Conan Exiles is 150 gb lol.

    SoT is not that big...

  • @pithyrumble

    with all due respect, where are you getting these numbers from? they are VERY incorrect. (except for Forza, that one you are slightly off but your low!)

    I think we may be getting different sizes from different sources. I'm going directly to the developers information for my numbers, and always for PC. Xbox can use some tricks to keep the download size down. as such any xbox numbers should be disregarded as far as i'm concerned. I don't think i stated this before, but i'm speaking specifically about PC here. Also, platform matters a lot. steam games tend to be smaller than the same game that can be found off steam. This is typically due to DRM which Steam handles itself so games can leave that part of there code off.

    Forza Horizon 5 - 103 GB
    Tiny Tina's Wonderlands - 30GB
    Ori and the Blind Forest - 11GB (close enough)
    Conan Exiles - 52GB

    are you mixing up space required with actual game size? there are a number of reasons why any game will need more space available than its actual size, Temp files being the big one. again, please double check your numbers again as your numbers are incorrect. or please fill me in on how exactly you are getting these numbers, i'm not above the thought that i may be in error.

    Honestly all of this is besides the point. even the smallest of the games either of us have listed (Ori and the Blind Forest at 11GB) is still a HUGE program. I mean windows 10 (home) is only 15GB and it contains everything (more or less) that your computer needs to run. so regardless of these numbers my point is the same. modern programs are very large and very complex.

  • @shifty189

    Looking at installed games on my Xbox...
    Actual numbers...

  • @pithyrumble said in Developers:


    Looking at installed games on my Xbox...
    Actual numbers...

    As i said to him he is fishing for comments

    Pithy wouldn't back me just to back me lol we like facts and actual discussion.

    I got flagged for calling someone a fan boy because they had the exact same mentality.

    Outta respect for the mods i say good day sir.

  • @hadtodoit said in Developers:

    @shifty189 said in Developers:


    to player yes they add things "instantly" but it takes much more than most people are aware of. there is a hole program for people to test builds long before they get "instantly" put in the game. your statements are ignorant. as far as how big the game is, you must be joking. SoT is about 50GB (for windows 10 from the Microsoft store). that's about 10 DVD's or 2 blue ray disks. If you think that "isnt big at all like at frigging all" you are taking things for granted.

    Dvd or blue ray? Yea we are done here you are just trolling lol.

    Imagine that, just another of the thousand threads focused on a handful of go to topics. It's either complaints about the development team, demands for PvPvE servers, observation that the game is dying, etc. etc. etc.

  • @pithyrumble said in Developers:


    Looking at installed games on my Xbox...
    Actual numbers...

    This post may not be accurate. please see the below posts for more details
    I see! so how some games on the xbox live service works is by steaming. they install the "start" of the game and as they are played steadily download more of the game for your session. for discussions like this checking the actual space used is misleading, but i understand that this is a little know fact. other platforms such as steam and windows store aren't able to steam in the same way, so they make for a better judge of actual size. but this may be a difference with little distinction.

    @HadToDoIt I'm sorry what mentality is exactly that you are saying i have? this is now the second rude post pointed at me from you. I have been polite and i demand the same from you.

  • @shifty189 said in Developers:

    @pithyrumble said in Developers:


    Looking at installed games on my Xbox...
    Actual numbers...

    I see! so how some games on the xbox live service works is by steaming. they install the "start" of the game and as they are played steadily download more of the game for your session. for discussions like this checking the actual space used is misleading, but i understand that this is a little know fact. other platforms such as steam and windows store aren't able to steam in the same way, so they make for a better judge of actual size. but this may be a difference with little distinction.

    @HadToDoIt I'm sorry what mentality is exactly that you are saying i have? this is now the second rude post pointed at me from you. I have been polite and i demand the same from you.

    That is totally incorrect, if you have a game installed you have it installed - nothing is streamed....we aren't talking about an underpowered, storage lacking Nintendo system here. And you can't stream the game if you have it installed.

    But due to the 4 different models (lumping the Xbox One S with the OG models as they would have the same file sizes) with differing graphic capabilities, they have differing sizes of downloads depending what resolution of textures they support. So you have the Xbox One (S), Xbox One X, Xbox Series S, and Xbox Series X - each having differing file sizes due to the different resolution and textures they support. Series X and One X would have the larger file sizes, Series S would be next, and the OG One and One S would have the smallest file sizes.

    It is not a little known fact, it is something you made up because of your lack of knowledge on the subject. What you are thinking of is the feature that allows you to start a game before it is completely installed, and that does not work with this game anyway (as it has to be fully downloaded before you can start it). It is generally only useful in single player games where it loads the first couple of levels then allows you to start the game while it DOWNLOADS the rest in the background - not the same as what you are suggesting in any way, shape or form. And even then that feature is buggy at best and as I implied earlier does not work properly (or at all) with a good portion of the games available. That is why I make sure the game is fully downloaded before I play a game instead of trying it when it says it is "Ready to start". Good feature on paper that unfortunately doesn't work as well as it should much of the time...and totally unrelated to game streaming.

    So checking the actual space AFTER IT IS FULLY DOWNLOADED is not inaccurate. It is that there are different install options based on which model of Xbox you have and what resolution of textures you allow to be downloaded.

  • @dlchief58

    you may actually be correct about this. I'll edit my last post until i can verify what i was thinking. for the moment i'll assume i'm thinking of the feature your talking about. Thanks for the correction sir.

    turns out this was NOT he feature i was thinking of, but i was still mistaken. I was thinking about disk based games on Xbox One. part of the game gets installed and the rest is on the disk. Honestly i don't even know if SoT can be played via a disk, so i really shouldn't have made my above comment. I apologize to all here for misspeaking. again i appreciate the correction dlchief58.

  • @shifty189 Now there is one sort-of exception to this, or at least it used to be (they may have changed it, not 100% sure and not inclined to research it now). Crackdown 3 used technology that did building damage calculations server-side to make for more dramatic destruction in the game. Not really the same (as it has no effect upon the install size) but sort of similar as it streamed the destruction data to the console instead of making the console do the calculations. I can't remember if that applied to the campaign or MP part of the game, and I think Microsoft may have moved away from it (or at least stopped hyping it). Not sure it worked as well in the wild as they had hoped.

  • @shifty189

    Your mentality is arguing points that are wrong and or invalid your knowledge is not correct.

    The man below went into detail which i didnt care to because you don't want to understand what we are explaining.

    And if i ever insulted you the mods would have already deleted my post and flagged me.

    If you have taken this an a personal insult it is far from it.

    See everyone on the seas.

17 out of 30