Signal Flares - Exact Meaning?

  • Was playing the other day and a ship sent up both signal flares and after reading the flavor text I'm wondering if the community has its own interpretation of what each color means and when to use them.

    Thanks in advance!

  • 13
  • It's like most things there is no universal meaning or obligation. Gonna be a lot of random uses in random scenarios

  • @adonbon Usually the way I see people use them are
    • Red: Hostile, we want to/will PvP
    • White: Friendly, we don’t want to PvP and would much rather alliance

    Like said above though, there is no defined meaning for them. It’s also possible that crew was fighting shadow skeletons. Lighting a flare is like a lantern for shadow skeletons and allows them to be attacked.

  • While signal flares are relatively new, many attempts have been made to make forms of non-verbal communication. The end result is the same, nothing gains traction, but if something does, its just used to bait people into getting attacked.

  • On double gold events etc, it seems to me that shooting fireworks works well enough, people also tend to honour their alliances more then, we managed to form big alliances like that in the past.

    People also might take you more seriously, if you are in a premade galleon with da sails, then some solo slooper who can be seen as a weak target i suppose.

    Other that that, cannoning over and spamming we're frendly, lets form an alliance + yelling in voice chat, to later betray them works too...

  • community has its own interpretation of what each color means and when to use them.

    Some do and depends on what is going on.

    Passing an alliance ship, white flare. “You good?”
    Return white flare, “all good”
    Return red flare. “Help”

    Passing a random ship. White, “friendly?
    Return white. “Yes”
    Return red “No”

    So on and so forth.

  • Meanwhile I just use the flares to light up the night so that the dark skellies become tangible without me having to constantly pull out my lantern. (And don't particularly care which I've grabbed.) :P

  • I generally use Red as a warning shot if another ship approaches to let them know I will be hostile if provoked. If I see someone shoot a white flare I assume they are surrendering to me. Also yes very useful to use for shadow skeletons. And fun to set people's ships on fire with. Or blind their cannon line with a white flare.

  • White = Leave me alone
    Red = Leave me alone or I will kill you.

    I mean I rarely use them tbh

  • IRL Red flares are a distress signal, white flares are for attracting attention, eg showing your position or preventing collisions. In game though they could mean anything, but generally white is considered friendly.

  • Red means Dead lol.
    If I'm approaching someone for alliance joins I will absolutely 180 if they red flare.

  • For me, white flare is for lighting up the night, and red is for attracting attention, like: "Hey! We're here, wait / help us!"
    So rather a positive or harmless message, but for something urgent or important.

  • @adonbon It's whatever you choose it to mean. The beauty of SoT, tools not rules when it comes to these type of mechanics.

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