Rockband shanties

  • Can there be a shanty mode where you hit buttons on your controller/keyboard in sequence to play the notes? Like RockBand or Guitar Hero? And then if you play a perfect song (or concert with a crew) you get achievements?

    Shanties right now are a fun distraction / roleplaying element, but it'd be cool on long passages to have something to practice. And you could have "battle of the bands" with other crews.

    Lastly, as you got drunk, there should be a delay so it was harder to hit the notes on time.

    That's all, thanks for listening.

  • 9
  • @prescafatty

    Zelda did it before Rockband BTW. N64...

    I could get behind this tho

  • @prescafatty There is a banjo duel in The Curse of Monkey Island. That was cool!

  • @metal-ravage said in Rockband shanties:

    @prescafatty There is a banjo duel in The Curse of Monkey Island. That was cool!

    There we go, we can get this in the SoT / Monkey Island crossover ;)

  • Dueling banjos has been my number one request since banjos have been in the game.

  • @prescafatty there are some Guybrush Threepwood references in one of the Pirates of the Caribbean Tall Tales already. ;-)

    I would love to see a freestyle mode for instruments. Mordhau has a lute in game that supports this, Rust has a whole instruments DLC that can do something similar. In those games you can even pipe MIDI files in to play different songs in game.

    It would take Rare some additional work to create all the samples for all the instruments to support this kind of thing, and it's also very difficult to then get multiple players to play the same song in time together this way.

  • @ajm123 Like swinging them or playing?
    Not how someone can play on two banjos....

  • @faceyourdemon Dueling banjos from the movie deliverance you will know when you hear.

  • I'll play my own (and very bad) rendition of The Good, The Bad and The Ugly.

    Imagine a stand-off between two sweats with someone just playing that...

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