Female characters should look prettier

  • @faceyourdemon said in Female characters should look prettier:

    Yeah of course but pretending like there isnt any beauty standards is false, and here its more difficult to get a good looking one.

    Not saying that i hate this system in the slightest just not a big fan of self righteous people, you can absolutely say that, well, thats the intention like many other games do but potato people arent pretty.

    Beauty standards based on what specifically? Finding collective swarming towards one look or another incredibly boring isn't saying anyone is wrong it's just not as interesting as random and random was always the intent to avoid beauty standards and preference comfort zones.

    Op didn't say "there should be more of this type" they generically threw out more beautiful and prettier. In the context of the suggestion it's very much subjective because there are plenty of characters out there that fit into what people consider current beauty standards. I've seen many both on the male and female side especially now with the pirate potion which has brought more of it into the game.

    It's not about saying everyone is beautiful it's about saying people's individual attraction preferences have no universal relevance here and they couldn't be served anyway because preferences are gonna be very different. Just reading though this thread I'd bet there would be a lot of differences in preference even in this small group

    If op had come in here and said "me and m'lady are looking to spice up these cartoon pirates by making them instagram hot or tik tok hot and here is an example" it would be a simple "no that isn't relevant here"
    The request for "beauty" and "pretty" without any sort of preference parameters makes some of what has been said here relevant because of how generic the request was.

  • @wolfmanbush said in Female characters should look prettier:

    @faceyourdemon said in Female characters should look prettier:

    Yeah of course but pretending like there isnt any beauty standards is false, and here its more difficult to get a good looking one.

    Not saying that i hate this system in the slightest just not a big fan of self righteous people, you can absolutely say that, well, thats the intention like many other games do but potato people arent pretty.

    Beauty standards based on what specifically?

    I mean, smooth skin, fit, not fat or skinny, symmetrical face parts are basic beauty standards.
    Someone is very welcome to like other things but for the vast majotity that is what they are looking for, and pretending that there arent any is not realistic.

    As for OP i think it was just a rant about it, not an attempt to bring a suggestion.

    Of course that people get attracted to different things but beauty and attraction arent the same, beauty is just one of the traits to make someone attracted and people have different priorities but beauty is not the same.
    (Its an interesting subject)

    My position on this is that im a huge fan of the randomizer!
    No one looks the same, many times ive recognized players that ive encountered before purely because of their look and not the name.
    The IPG needs a polish as ive said many times and it wont hurt the goal here, just make it more relevant.
    But i can fully underatand how difficult is to find a good looking character.

  • @faceyourdemon said in Female characters should look prettier:

    @wolfmanbush said in Female characters should look prettier:

    @faceyourdemon said in Female characters should look prettier:

    Yeah of course but pretending like there isnt any beauty standards is false, and here its more difficult to get a good looking one.

    Not saying that i hate this system in the slightest just not a big fan of self righteous people, you can absolutely say that, well, thats the intention like many other games do but potato people arent pretty.

    Beauty standards based on what specifically?

    I mean, smooth skin, fit, not fat or skinny, symmetrical face parts are basic beauty standards.
    Someone is very welcome to like other things but for the vast majotity that is what they are looking for, and pretending that are arent any is not realistic.

    As for OP i think it was just a rant about it, not an attempt to bring a suggestion.

    Of course that people get attracted to different things but beauty and attraction arent the same, beauty is just one of the traits to make someone attracted and people have different priorities but beauty is not the same.
    (Its an interesting subject)

    My position on this is that im a huge fan of the randomizer!
    No one looks the same, many times ive recognized players that ive encountered before purely because of their look and not the name.
    The IPG needs a polish as ive said many times and it wont hurt the goal here, just make it more relevant.
    But i can fully underatand how difficult is to find a good looking character.

    I think people think that their preferences are some sort of entitlement and because a preference has some popularity that it is more than a preference and becomes truth. A preference in appearance is only relevant to the individual. What you find attractive has nothing to do with me and what I find attractive has nothing to do with you.

    A complete random creation with no interference prevents issues for the whole. Not a sorta random creation an entirely random creation.

    You say beauty standards and I say preferences. Standards implies that people must meet the standards of strangers. It's absolutely fine for everyone to have their individual preferences when it comes to attraction to another or to a character provided it's not harming anyone else but by treating it like a standard rather than an individual preference it's telling people that they are wrong in how they look. This is a game that is largely marketed to and caters to kids. They have enough to deal with without needing a game they play that also pushes the same messaging they are already dealing with in an amplified way that many of us didn't even have to deal with growing up.
    They have no standards to live up to when it comes to appearance and I think it's valuable to create environments where they (as well as adults) can go where that stuff doesn't matter and isn't relevant. It's escapism, not only from politics but also social stuff like "beauty standards"

  • @joe-krakatoa said in Female characters should look prettier:

    @spanden7692 said in Female characters should look prettier:

    It feels like you've never played games where the characters are really beautiful. It is impossible to have a dialogue with you.

    SoT is insidious for making players pay for expectations from other games and it starts with the IPG. It's purpose is to get players out if their comfort zone and consider a different kind if toon.
    Personally, I love how each pirate generated, mundane or exceptional, looks like they make their living at sea.
    Beauty is for the vain, find an interesting toon.

    I'm just glad we're not shoehorned into using a small subset of faces like some games do, or having a class-based system with specific characters - I hate those!

    With the IPG, and all of the customization that comes after, my pirate truly feels like my own.

  • rather than virtue-signal and pretend that there isnt an obvious 'beauty standard' that the majority of the developed world recognises, i will instead suggest you just sit and roll the dice for a couple of hours. imo the advantage is that if youre willing to do this your toon has the ability to really stand out as 'beautiful', whereas you would just be another of dozens if it were made too easy.
    i was pretty lucky, i guess. i didnt even realise i could roll, and thought i was locked into the choices i was presented. so i chose the least ugly one and did what i could with hair-dye abd the like. i reckon i turned out cute enough :D

  • @tehstepford said in Female characters should look prettier:

    rather than virtue-signal and pretend that there isnt an obvious 'beauty standard' that the majority of the developed world recognises, i will instead suggest you just sit and roll the dice for a couple of hours.
    i was pretty lucky, i guess. i didnt even realise i could roll, and thought i was locked into the choices i was presented. so i chose the least ugly one and did what i could with hair-dye abd the like. i reckon i turned out cute enough :D

    It's not virtue signaling to disagree with people that think their personal preferences are more important than the intention of the feature.

    Nobody is suggesting for people to change their personal preferences or that their personal preferences aren't valid to the individual

    This isn't pro vs anti virtue signaling this is a group thinking their character preferences in regards to attraction are more relevant than they are.

    If this were a game with custom creation or had a creator that played into "beauty standards" then whatever, people can play pretty all they want but this is a game that specifically is trying to avoid it.

  • @meroviel

    Holy poopdeck batman... really? I had pretty pirates in about 20 minutes.

  • @pithyrumble Ha! Yeah, I am very fussy (I kept gettings one where makeup didn't look right on them once I loaded them onto the
    main game etc) plus...RNG.

    Some find the perfect pirate in minutes, others it takes hours.

  • @meroviel to prove my point I re-rolled last night for you Jo as you know from Discord!

    @Musicmee was similarly shocked that I had spent a whole 5 minutes on it! I don't think he likes him!

    Anyways I had some pre-set ideas of what I wanted:

    • Muscular build (like before)
    • Softer facial features (less scarring and a smaller nose)
    • No missing or white, damaged eye
    • More youthful (no lines in his face or mouth)
    • Tanned or lighter skin tone
    • 5 O'clock shadow

    Locked out all but one slot and found him and picked him! He has a wonderful pout for that drama and chef kiss emote!

  • I'm surprised how overly negative this thread seems. Yes, our pirates shouldn't look like models, but I don't think it's absurd to not want a pirate that looks like they've taken 5 cannonballs to the face and haven't slept for a week.

  • @sshteeve Pics please! (with drama emote). 📸

  • @galactic-geek I promise I will tonight when I can get online buddy!

    Unless @Musicmee can share my image of me doing the knife trick from last night? We went full stealth mode.

  • @sshteeve This one?

  • @musicmee aye! That's the chap on the right!

  • @mferr11 said in Female characters should look prettier:

    I'm surprised how overly negative this thread seems. Yes, our pirates shouldn't look like models, but I don't think it's absurd to not want a pirate that looks like they've taken 5 cannonballs to the face and haven't slept for a week.

    The difficulty of finding a pirate that is not one as you describe has been greatly exaggerated.

    Pirate potion has shown over time that most people that want a pirate they deem appealing (not perfect but appealing) is reachable within reason

    Super picky people will have to spend some time but that's how life goes for super picky people. Most people can find a workable character model based on their preferences in a reasonable amount of time.

  • @musicmee @Sshteeve Those be some hefty scars! Like to play rough, do ya? 😅

  • @galactic-geek aye... I chose no scars, but then added the Roar ones by choice!

  • @galactic-geek Mere moments earlier @sshteeve had just taken a cannonball to the face... so aye, very rough!

  • @j0toro I’ve been looking for a pretty pirate no joke for over 2 years now.. ever since I messed up with the first pretty one I found but knit picked because she seemed too “skinny” but everything else was perfect.. shoulders didn’t look like a guys, she had no scars or those dark shadows on her skin that looked like mustard stains, she had gorgeous tan skin and pretty pink lips and beautiful blonde hair and a glass eye which I loved, and no makeup. But no… I thought she was too skinny so I made the mistake of picking another one that wasn’t smiling… she had maybe 2 or 3 teeth in her mouth after I selected her and it’s just been a constant downhill battle, characters getting worse and worse, like I said, 2 years later, STILL can’t find a decent one.. I really wish they’d give you the option to restore previous deleted pirates like they have on WoW… I’d give anything to get her back again…

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